Talent Young Scientist Program TYSP China HEC Scholarships

Talent Young Scientist Program (TYSP) supports talented young scientists, scholars and researchers from Afro-Asian countries to work in Chinese research institutes, universities or enterprises. TYSP aims to promote communication among Afro-Asian science and technology talents, nurture young science and technology leaders, and foster long-term international cooperation among research institutes, universities and enterprises in Afro-Asian countries.

Talented Young Scientist Program (TYSP) is a program of the Government of People’s Republic of China, run by China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC), a legally independent organization affiliated with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) of China.The applicant from Pakistan can be selected to work as a researcher in any institute, in China preferably under Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), subject to endorsement of his/her application by Ministry of Science and Technology, Pakistan which is the National Focal Agency for recommending Pakistani applicants to participate in the program. Ministry of Science and Technology, China provides each selected scientist and of RMB ¥ 12500 per month for accommodation, insurance and other living expenditure during the program.

Talent Young Scientist Program TYSP China HEC Scholarships

HEC China Scholarship

Eligibility for Applicants:-

  • Foreign citizens holding the nationality of Afro-Asian countries (Japan, Singapore, Israel, and Countries in Central Asia are not included)
  • Under or at the age of 45(for Korean scientists, under or at the age of 40).
  • Five years of research experience or with a doctoral degree (for Korean scientists, a doctoral degree is required)
  • Fluency in English or Chinese mandarin.
  • In good state of health.
  • Undertake to work full-time in China
  • Undertake to comply with laws, regulations and other related rules in China.
  • Full-time job in domestic count.

Financial Coverage:-

  • Ministry of Science and Technology of China will provide each scientist with RMB ¥12500 per month for accommodation, insurance and other living expenditure during the program.
  • The funding will be allocated to the Chinese host institutes.

How to apply?

  • Scientists can obtain information about the vacancies on this website. After registration, scientists who are interested in particular vacancies shall contact the corresponding Chinese host institutes directly to apply for the Letter of Consent.
  • After receiving the letter of Consent and the application form of position from the institutes,scientists shall deliver the hard copy of the finished Application Form  the Letter of Consent and the application form of position issued by the host institutes to their sci-tech authorities (e.g. MOST. Recommendation Forms from universities or research institutes are invalid) in order to apply for the Recommendation form.
  • Scientists shall send their Application form, the Letter of Consent, the Application Form of position and the Recommendation Form to Chinese host institutes.
  • Based on comprehensive evaluation of the application materials, MOST will screen the applicants and decide the finalists.
  • Host institutes will sign the Employment Agreement with the selected candidates.
  • Contact the host institutes for the required documents of visa application and border entry.

To Apply Online:- Click Here

Last Date To Apply

Deadline for the Submission of application is Contemporary to this whole year as well.For getting more updates regarding shortlisted candidates for such scholarship stay in touch with us.

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Maan Ali

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