12th Class English Good Bye Mr. Chips Chapter 6 Short Question Answer

Prepare for 12th Class English with Chapter 6 of Goodbye, Mr. Chips, which unveils significant turning points in Mr. Chipping’s life. This chapter highlights his experiences, challenges, and personal reflections, shaping his journey as a beloved teacher.

Through short question answers, students can explore key themes, character development, and narrative techniques, gaining a deeper understanding of the chapter’s essence. This focused study resource helps enhance comprehension, strengthen exam preparation, and develop literary analysis skills.

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12th Class English Good Bye Mr. Chips Chapter 6 Short Question Answer

You can start your preparation below:

1.How much popular was Katherine in Brookfield?
Katherine was very popular In Brookfield. The wives of the masters were jealous of her in the beginning. But soon they began to like her.
2.What kind of fellow was Mr. Chips before marriage?
Before marriage he had been a dry person. He was liked general but was not very popular.
3.How much did chips like his profession before marriage? OR What was Chips performance as a teacher before marriage?
He felt bore in teaching the same lessons for years. But he worked well. He gave service but not inspiration.
4.What changes did Katherine bring in Chips?
She made him a new man. His eyes gained sparkle. His humour became mature. His discipline improved.
5.What did Chips want when he joined Brookfield?
When Chips joined Brookfield he wanted to be honoured loved and obeyed.
6.Why did the boys begin to love Chips after marriage?
After marriage Chips became kind without being soft. He began to make little jokes. So the boys began to love him.
7.What sort of humour did Chips make?
He made little jokes like mnemonics and puns.
8.Could Chips refute Katherine’s ideas?
He could not reject her ideas even when he disagreed with her about them.
9. What were political ideas of Chips and how were they different from Katherine’s?
Chips was conservative in politics while Katherine had radical socialist ideas.
10.What happened when Katherine suggested match between the mission and Brookfield?
The whole staff was against this idea. Everyone was certain that East End boys would upset everyone.
11.How did Katherine persuade Chips to consent to the match between the mission and Brookfield?
She said that those Poplar boys were as important as the boys of Brookfield. She asked him to change his old ideas.
12.Did the team come from poplar and play with Brookfield?
The team arrived played Soccer with Brookfield team and was defeated by seven goals to five. They sweet memories behind.
13.How did Katherine help Chips in the matter of discipline?
Many times Katherine advised Chips in the matter of discipline. She asked him not to punish his students all the time. She urged him to give them a chance. Thus his discipline improved.
14.What changes did marriage bring in Chips?
Before marriage Chips was a dry person. After marriage he became kind Katherine broadened his views. His eyes gained sparkle. His humour became mature. His discipline improved.
15.How was Katherine welcomed at Brookfield?
Katherine was welcomed at Brookfield. She was popular with boys and masters alike. At first the wives of the masters were jealous of her beauty but soon they began to love her.
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