12th Class English Good Bye Mr. Chips Chapter 16 Short Question Answer

Chapter 16 of Goodbye, Mr. Chips serves as a pivotal moment in the life of Mr. Chipping, highlighting his dedication, wisdom, and lasting influence as an educator. This chapter provides a reflective glimpse into his enduring legacy at Brookfield School, showcasing his impact on generations of students and the profound themes of commitment, nostalgia, and the passage of time.

Through 12th Class English Goodbye Mr. Chips Chapter 16 Short Question Answer, students can analyze key events, character growth, and thematic depth in a succinct yet insightful manner. These concise answers serve as a valuable study resource, promoting a thoughtful exploration of the novel’s literary significance.

James Hilton, the author of Goodbye, Mr. Chips, intricately portrays Mr. Chipping’s journey, revealing his experiences as a teacher and the evolving dynamics of his life at Brookfield. The short question answers for Chapter 16 help students grasp the subtleties of the narrative, encouraging a deeper appreciation of its timeless themes devotion, legacy, and the inevitable passage of time.

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12th Class English Good Bye Mr. Chips Chapter 16 Short Question Answer

12th Class English Good Bye Mr. Chips Chapter 16 Short Question Answer

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1.Could Chips go abroad after his retirement?
No he could not go abroad. Once he tried a trip but could go no further than Riviera.
2.What did Chips tell Gregson?
Chips told Gregson that he remembered him. He was always late in every thing. Chips said perhaps he would be late in growing old like him.
3.What was shocking to Chips about the master who came from Oxford?
The new teacher had allowed the sixth call him by his Christian name. Chips could not bear this. He was a bit shocked.
4.What even took place in 1926 in Brookfield?
During 1925 there was a General strike. Brookfield boys loaded motor-vans with foodsturfs. The strike had cost England much.
5.Was Chips income was more than his expenses after retirement? OR How did Chips spend his money after retirement? OR Where did Chips invest his money after retirement?
Yes, his income was more than he spent. His small capital was invested in safe stocks. He gave money to the poor. He also gave money to various school funds and also to the Brookfield mission.
6.When did Chips make his will? Or What was Chips will?
In 1930 Chips made his will. Except for the legacies to the mission and to Mrs.Wickett he left all he had to found an open entrance scholarship to the School.
7.What joke did Chips say to Henderson?
He said when he was young there had been one who promised nine pence for four pence though nobody ever got it. But the present rulers seemed to give four pence for nine pence.
8.What did Chips say about Wurlitzer?
The boys said that it was a musical instrument. But he said that he thought it was some kind of sausage. There was a loud laughter.
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