NTS General Knowledge MCQs Online Test With Answers
General knowledge is an important component of crystallized intelligence and is strongly associated with general intelligence, and with openness to experience. NTS General Knowledge MCQs Online test are available here for the preparation of this test. Studies have found that people who are highly knowledgeable in a particular domain tend to be knowledgeable in many. These General Knowledge MCQs Online test will help you to pass the test. NTS-National Testing System Pakistan is a non-governmental organization which conducts tests to assess candidates who are eligible for the given post. It has several services which takes test for scholarship, internship, admission, recruitment, promotion and jobs.
NTS General Knowledge MCQs online test With Answers cover a wide range of topics such as current events, historical events, geography, famous personalities, world history, science, and literature .These MCQs are designed to test a person’s awareness and knowledge of various subjects. There are many resources available online, such as YouTube videos, PDF books, and online quizzes, that provide sample questions and answers to help you prepare for NTS General Knowledge MCQs.
NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answers
A comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) created to test your knowledge across numerous subjects is offered by NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answers. A vast range of subjects, including history, geography, science, current events, literature, and more, are covered in this website. You can evaluate your comprehension and correct any errors by comparing each question with its related answer. You can widen your general knowledge, keep up with current affairs, and develop your critical thinking abilities by participating in these MCQs. NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answers is a useful tool to improve your general knowledge and increase your confidence, regardless of whether you are studying for a competitive exam, a job interview, or simply wish to broaden your knowledge.
NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answers
NTS General Knowledge MCQs Online Test
General knowledge is almost present in any type of the entry test or job as well. Candidates who has applied for the NTS test job or for admission need to qualify their exam. We are going to provide you online NTS general knowledge MCQs test and its answers to prepare for the quiz. Here you will get all sorts of G.K MCQs to prepare yourself for any written exam test as well. Specific time will be provided to attempt the given questioning. This examination has necessary parts of each NTS tests taken for the candidates. It consists of Science & Literature, Everyday Science, World Geography, Pakistan Affairs Mcqs, Atmosphere, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs, and International Organizations. We should cover all areas of assessments. In order to score good marks visit over here too take this test.
These General Knowledge Mcqs are also beneficial for Preparation of PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test, BPSC Test, PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS Test Online.
NTS General Knowledge MCQs Online Test : Start Here
NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answers Online Solved
1. Pakistan is not member of?
2. ‘BIN’ is the intelligence agency of which country?
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. Russia
D. Indonesia
3. ‘Tenge’ is the currency of
A. New Zealand
B. Kazakhstan
C. Finland
D. Malaysia
4. Pakistan largest district by area is?
A. Chagi
B. Karachi
C. Lahore
D. Islamabad
5. Which is the oldest search engine of the internet?
A. Archie
B. Ask
C. Yahoo
D. Google
6. What is meant by ‘Hung Parliament’?
A. When parliament passes a no trust motion against the prime minister but he refuses to step down
B. When the president dissolves the parliament
C. When there is no single political party has an outright majority
D. When the opposition party boycotts the sessions
7. Which UN Organization has won twice Nobel Prize for peace?
D. All of the above
8. Through which strait 40 percent world oil is transported?
A. Bengal
B. Bosporus
C. Gibraltar
D. Hormuz
9. Total number of countries in Islamic Military Alliance are?
A. 39
B. 29
C. 34
D. 42
10. Which country is the largest trading partner of Pakistan?
C. Canada
11. What is ‘Khmer Rouge’?
A. Tamil resistance in Sri Lanka
B. A communist movement in Cambodia
C. An American scientist who invented dirty bo-mb
D. Chief of NATO forces in Afghanistan
12. Where is the headquarters of IMF?
A. Washington D.C
B. New York
C. Oslo
D. Hague
13. Pakistan largest river is?
A. Ravi
B. Hub
C. Indus
D. Jhelum
14. Deficiency of vitamin C causes
A. Meningitis
B. Scurvy
C. Cataract
D. Glaucoma
15. CPU is the abbreviation of ——
A. Central Programming Unit
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Central Power Unit
D.Central Procession Unit
16. Headquarters of Shanghai Cooperation Organization is in?
A. Russia
B. China
C. Inida
D. Brussels
17. Largest continent by area is?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. North America
D. Antarctica
18. ‘Nippon’ is the stock exchange of
A. Japan
B. France
C. Russia
19. Who is called the father of computer?
A. Merry John
B. Charles Babbage
C. Konrad Ruse
D. Newton
20. Who is youngest nobel laureate?
A. Lawrence Bragg
B. Werner Heisenberg
C. Malala Yousafzai
D. Tsung-Dao Lee
21. Hamas was founded by
A. Yasser Arafat
B. Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
C. Khalid Mashaal
D. Ismail 1-laniyah
22. Which country has world’s oldest anthem?
A. Japan
B. Netherlands
D. Russia
23. ‘Silicon Valley’ of California is called thus because of —
A. Government Offices
B. Film Industry
C. Stock Exchange
D. Computer Industry
24. Largest Ocean is?
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. Arctic
25. Which of the following organizations is the oldest?
A. D-8
26. Three Gorges Dam Project is in the country of
A. Finland
B. Belgium
C. China
D. Russia
27. Capital of Canada?
A. Washington D.C
B. Hague
C. Oslo
D. Ottawa
28. What is ‘Brain Drain’?
A. Emigration of non skilled workers to other countries
B. Emigration of intellectuals and highly skilled personnels to other countries
C. Emigration of a lot of people to other countries
D. Lack of unity among the nation
29. “Asiana Airlines” is the airline of which country?
A. Japan
B. South Korea
C. North Korea
D. Malaysia
30. ‘Blue House’ is the official residence of
A. Prime Minister of Britain
B. Chancellor of Germany
C. Vatican Pope
D. President of Korea
31. Headquarters of OPEC is in?
A. Austria
B. Iran
D. Saudi Arabia
32. ‘Aramco’ is the oil company of which country?
A. Iraq
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Kuwait
D. Qatar
33. The study of birds is called
A. Ethnology
B. Astrology
C. Ornithology
D. Anthropology
34. Largest country by area is?
A. Canada
B. China
C. Australia
D. Russia
35. The Nobel Peace Prize 2008 has been given to Marthi Ahtisaari. He is the former president of
A. Iceland
B. Poland
C. Finland
D. North Korea
36. Lukand and Kadima are the famous political parties of which country
A. Egypt
B. Lebanon
C. Israel
D. Syria
37. Who is the current Prime Minister of Australia?
A. Malcolm Turnbull
B. Gordon Brown
C. Kevin Rudd
D. Nicolas Sarkozy
38. Who is the special envoy of President Barack Obama to Middle East?
A. Richard Holbrooke
B. Robert Gates
C. George Mitchell
D. Hillary Clinton
39. 3 May is celebrated as the international day of
A. Environment
B. Press Freedom
C. Population
D. White Cane
40. Pakistan is not member of
41. Under ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’ USA Will provide Pakistan?
A. F — 16
B. $5 billion annually
C. $1.5 billion annually
D. Economic help for generation of electricity
42. ‘Seattle’ is the seaport of
A. Iceland
B. France
C. Russia
43. Where are the headquarters of Human Rights Watch?
A. Paris
B. New York
C. Hague
D. Rome
44. Which country assisted Pakistan in building Karachi Nuclear Power Plant?
B. France
C. China
D. Canada
45. Which country among P-5 has used veto power most of the time?
A. Britain
B. Russia
D. France
46. Chennai is the new name of which Indian state?
A. Haryana
B. Chandigarh
C. Calcutta
D. Madras
47. Who is ‘Hemant Kurkure’?
A. US naval chief of staff
B. Indian secret agency chief killed in Mumbai att-acks in November 2008.
C. NATO commander of forces in Afghanistan
D. Winner of Nobel Prize for Literature
48. Schwab Klaus was the founder of
A. Red Cross
B. Amnesty International
C. World Economic Forum
D. Human Rights Watch
49. ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting) was initiated by Mr. Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister of
A. Singapore
B. North Korea
C. Japan
D. China
50. Chronometer is used for measuring
A. Temperature
B. Current
C. Velocity
D. Longitude
51. UNO spends $8 billion annually on which activity?
A. Peace Keeping
B. Refugees
C. Science
D. Children
52. Who is the current Managing Director of IMF?
A. Alistiar Darting
B. Guy Quaden
C. Christine Lagarde
D. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
53. Which of the following categories of Nobel Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientist Alfred Nobel?
A. Peace
B. Literature
C. Economics
D. Medicine
54. Russia supply natural gas to European countries which transit through the state of:
A. Latvia
B. Ukraine
C. Estonia
D. Lithuania
55. Itar-Tass is the news agency of:
A. Iran
B. Italy
C. France
D. Russia
56. The world’s largest subway system is in:
A. Tokyo
B. Moscow
C. Mexico City
D. New York
57. Under the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government. US intend to remove all troops from Iraq by the end of:
A. 2011
B. 2012
C. 2025
D. 2025
58. ‘Philately’ is a
A. Science of drugs
B. Stamp collection
C. The study of written record.
D. The study of animal behaviour
59. The world’s largest number of newspapers are published from.
A. America
B. China
C. Russia
D. Japan
60. The most famous book of 2008 “The Way of the World—A story of truth and hope age of extremism” is written by:
A. Ron Suskind
B. H.V. Hudson
C. William Congreve
D. Ayesha Jalal
61. ‘Paracel islands’ in the South China Sea are disputed between China and:
A. Philippines
B. Japan
C. Vietnam
D. South Korea
62. National Income is essentially composed of
A. All wealth of a nation.
B. Annual income of the central government.
C. All income of the people in a year.
D. Income derived from taxes by the central government.
63. ‘Fleet Street’ London is famous for
A. Banking and financial offices.
B. Offices of the cargo companies.
C. Offices of the newspapers and press agencies.
D. Offices of the Royal Navy establishment.
64. ‘Petra’ an archaeological site is among the new Seven Wonders of the World located in
A. Mexico
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. Jordan
65. ‘Marco Polo’ was a famous:
A. Writer
B. Scientist
C. Traveller
D. Sports man
66. The only vitamin which can not be stored in human body:?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin K
D. None of these.
67. Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of:
A. Hindukush
B. Karakorum
C. Himalayas
D. None of these.
68. 1 metric ton is equal to:
A. 100 Kilogram
B. 500 Kilogram
C. 1000 Kilogram
D. 10,000 Kilogram
69. In which of the following countries, 240 years old monarchy was abolished in 2008?
A. Sweden
B. Brunei
C. Bhutan
D. Nepal
70. Which of the following countries first introduced paper currency in the world?
B. Greece
C. China
D. France
71. ‘Anemometer’ is an instrument used for measuring:
A. Wind speed
B. Electric current
C. Temperature
D. Air pressure
72. Green vegetables are good source of:
A. Starch
B. Fats and Oil
C. Protein
D. Minerals and Vitamins
73. British East India Company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor:
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb
74. The International Criminal Court of Justice has recently issued arrest warrant of one of the following sitting President of a country on committing War Crimes, he is:
A. President of Sudan Omar al Bashir
B. President of Somalia Sharif Ahmad
C. President of Serbia Boris Tadic
D. None of these
75. Pakistan and Afghanistan have ‘Transit Trade Agreement’ signed in:
A. 1955
B. 1959
C. 1962
D. 1965
76. What do you understand by the disease “Insomnia”?
A. Inability to sleep
B. Colour blindness
C. Depression
D. None of these
77. The World’s famous Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in:
A. Paris
B. London
C. Rome
D. New York
78. The World’s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is:
A. British Parliament
B. Diet of Japan
C. Althing of Iceland
D. Cortes of Spain
79. The last King of Afghanistan was:
A. Habib ullah Khan
B. Muhammad Zahir Shah
C. Sardar Daud Khan
D. Aman ullah Khan
80. “Ornithology” is the study of:
A. Birds
B. Insects
C. Sea Animals
D. Sea Plants
81. ‘Order of Cloud and Banner’ is the most prestigious military award of:
A. Japan
B. China
C. India
D. South Korea
82. ‘Naxalite movement’ is a pro communism movement started in:
A. India
B. Nepal
C. Bhutan
D. Sri Lanka
83. What is meant by “Petticoat Government?”
A. A government in exile
B. A government run by a woman
C. A government without actual power
D. A government run by some feudal lord
84. Which of the following South Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form ‘South Asian task force to combat terrorism’ in the region?
A. President Asif Zardari of Pakistan
B. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh
C. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India
D. Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake of Sri Lanka
85. World Cup football tournament 2010 was held in:
A. England
B. Spain
C. Italy
D. South Africa
86. The largest opium producer province of Afghanistan is:
A. Nangarhar
B. Helmand
C. Paktia
D. Herat
87. Light travels from Sun to Earth in:
A. 499.0 seconds
B. 599.0 seconds
C. 399.0 seconds
D. 6990 seconds
88. What do understand by the term ‘Intifada’?
A. Reconciliation
B. Uprising
C. Offence
D. Negotiation
89. Which of the following rivers run through Paris?
A. The Seine
B. The Thames
C. The Rhine
D. The Danube
90. ‘Pearl Harbour’ is located in American state:
A. Alaska
B. Hawaii
C. Virginia
D. New York
91. Deficiency of vitamin ‘C’ in human body leads to.
A. Eye disease
B. Nerve disease
C. Teeth disease
D. Skin disease
92. The largest section of the Kurd population is living in:
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Turkey
D. Syria
93. The correct sequence of planets in the descending order of their equatorial diameter is:
A. Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Earth
B. Earth, Mars, Pluto, Uranus
C. Pluto, Uranus, Mars, Earth
D. Uranus, Earth, Mars, Pluto
94. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is:
A. 24 hrs
B. 24 hrs 35 sec
C. 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec
D. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec
95. Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?
A. East Asia, Central and Southern Europe, Tropical Deserts
B. Amazon and Congo Basins, South East Asia, European Russia
C. Congo Basin and Indonesia, Central and Southern Europe, European Russia
D. East Asia, Southern Asia, North Western Europe
96. Name the capital of Iceland
A. Loma
B. Port Vila
C. Reykjavik
D. Free Town
97. Which country were involved in 100 year war?
A. Turkey and Austria
B. England and France
C. Palestine and Israel
D. Germany and Russia
98. World’s longest ruling head of government is from:
A. Switzerland
B. Cuba
C. Zimbabwe
D. New Zealand
99. Maximum spoken language in the world is:
A. Arabic
B. English
C. Mandarin
D. Spanish
100. The largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world is located at:
A. Detroit
B. Tokyo
C. Birmingham
D. Berlin
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Mcqs number 12 IMF headquarter located in Washington DC is correct option.
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1st or 40 mcqs read karein.. Dono same hen per answers dono ka differnent or doni ka galt.. Kamal h wcee