IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Mcqs Online Preparation

There are three main intelligence agencies in Paksitan as Inter services Intelligence (ISI), Millitary Intelligence(MI) and Intelligence Bureau (IB). IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Mcqs Online Preparation according to the test syllabus. The Intelligence Bureau, is a civilian intelligence agency in Pakistan. Established in 1947, the IB is Pakistan’s oldest intelligence agency. The Intelligence Bureau monitors politicians, political activists, suspected terrorists, and suspected foreign intelligence agents.

IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Mcqs

Intelligence Bureau IB Written Paper Pattern, Past Papers and MCQs Test Syllabus Papers old papers and solutions papers are accessible here. Intelligent Bureau has announced the new positions in various cities in Pakistan by way of IB. We provide you with the most effective materials for your preparation for the position in the Intelligence Bureau Assistant Director Intelligence Steno Typist, DEO, GD, OM, Tech, Vehicle Mechanic Dark Room Assistant Lab Assistant GD, OM, Dispatcher Rider, NC and other jobs. National Testing Service conducts IB test, which contains MCQs , therefore the old papers of  Intelligence Bureau must be used to help and solve the problems for success in the exam.

Students who have taken the IB Jobs Test for many years, yet they aren’t able to pass the test. If you’re among the students Do not fret because in this article I will explain how to make the process of IB extremely easy.

Everyone is working towards achieving your dream of working for Intelligence Bureau. Now is the time to make sure that you do not skip any opportunity to go through all the course material and practice. To assist you in preparing better We are providing Intelligence Bureau mcqs with solution papers and the papers of the previous year to prepare for the forthcoming Jobs exam. Intelligence Bureau go through past exams and practice them to understand the types of questions asked and the level of difficulty of the test.

IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Mcqs Online Preparation

IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Mcqs Online Preparation

IB Pakistan Jobs Written Test Preparation

Non Verbal Tests

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 1

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 2

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 3

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 4

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 5

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 6

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 7

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 8

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 9

Non Verbal Intelligence Test 10

Analogy Test 1

Analogy Test 2

Analogy Test 3

Analogy Test 4


Missing Pattern Test 1

Missing Pattern Test 2

Completion of Series Test 1

Completion of Series Test 2

Completion of Series Test 3

Intelligence Tests

Analogy Test 1

Analogy Test 2

Analogy Test 3

Blood Relation

Age Problems

Classification Test 1

Classification Test 2

Comparison of Ranking

Jumbled Words Spellings

Assigning Mathematical Signs

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 1

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 2

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 3

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 4

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 5

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 6

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 7

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 8




Situation Reaction

Commonsense Test 1

Commonsense Test 2

Coding-Decoding Test 1

Coding-Decoding Test 2

Word Formation Test 1

Word Formation Test 2

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 9

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 10

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 11

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 12

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 13

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 14

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 15

Intelligence Computerized Initial Test 16

Its Headquarter is in Islamabad. Appointment for IB’s Director-General are made by the Prime Minister but the appointment has to be confirmed by the President. Its a law enforcement agency which not only enjoys the respect of the society, for its integrity, professional competence, and impartiality but also serves as a role model for provincial police forces.

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