Scholarships for 9th and 10th (Matric) Class Students
Federal Government and All provincial governments of Pakistan announce different Scholarships for 9th and 10th Class students to get higher studies in Pakistan. These scholarships for 9th and 10th classes are offered to those candidates who want to get higher education but due to financial problems, cannot complete their aim. All details regarding scholarships for 9th and 10th (Matric) class students are provided here along with all related information. In Pakistan HEC (Higher Education Commission) has arranged for the students from rural areas of Pakistan who are most likely to leave their education due to financial problems to get these scholarships.
The scholarship is the financial aid that is provided to encourage meritorious students and to prevent them from discontinuing their education on the grounds of non-affordability. The deserving students of Pakistan can apply for financial assistance at the intermediate level through different financial aids provided by different organizations in Pakistan. Brilliant students can get scholarships on merit bases and need bases.
Merit Base and Need Base Scholarships
Usually, two types of scholarships are provided to the students i.e.
- Merit-based: Merit-based scholarships are provided to students on the basis of their talent and their excellent academic results. Private institutes in Pakistan have the rule of giving scholarships to their students scoring the highest positions in class. The students start getting this scholarship from grade 1 but the only must thing is that they should be top 3 achievers of the class.
- Need-based: Need-based scholarships are provided to talented deserving students in order to prevent them from discontinuing their education on the grounds of non-affordability. In Pakistan HEC (Higher Education Commission) has arranged for the students from rural areas from Pakistan who are most likely to leave their education due to financial problems to get these scholarships.
Scholarships for 9th and 10th (Matric) Class Students Current in Pakistan for Higher Studies
It has been decided to award 6000 scholarships in the period of 2020-2023. The main reason to do so is to increase the percentage of educated people in Pakistan which is also helpful for the betterment of Pakistan’s reputation.
Ehsaas Scholarship for Matric Students
The higher secondary level is now included in the Ehsaas school stipends scheme. A quarterly education stipend will also be given to students in grades six through ten. The specifics state that Matric students will also receive PKR: 3000 in quarterly stipends. A stipend of Rs 3,500 every quarter for males and Rs 4,000 per person for first- and second-year matric female students was also approved by the board.
Scholarships in Pakistan for Matric Students 2025
At the matric level, many colleges and educational institutes provide merit-based scholarships to talented students. Merit-based awards are granted to the brilliant students according to the admission merit list. Many national and multinational companies working in Pakistan also offer merit-based scholarships to the talented students of Pakistan.
The government of Pakistan also announces local scholarships for needy students. Generally at the matric level students are given a monthly stipend of Rs 1000 Rs to Rs 3000. Some scholarship schemes include books, uniforms, and other expenses.
- KP Government Scholarship for Matric and Inter
- Sundar STEM School scholarship
- Daanish Schools Admission and Scholarship
- PPL Scholarship for Matric and Inter-Students
- YES USA Youth Exchange and Study program
- Sitar-O-Hilal Foundation (UMT) Orphan Support Program
- Sindh School Education Scholarship SSESP by SEF
- Dr AQ Khan Scholarship for sindh and balochistan
- Al-Hijrah School Ziarat Talent Scholarship for Class 7 to 12
- Ehsaas Education Stipend from Primary to Inter
- English Access Micro Scholarship program
- TNF Akhuwat Foundation Scholarship
- National Free Education program scholarship for Matric and Inter
- STSI Scholarship and Laptop Scheme for Matric Inter students
- Pakistan Talent Olympiad Merit Scholarship Sindh
- Diya Pakistan Scholarship
- Abbottabad Public School APS Endowment Fund Scholarship
- ASF Japan Fully funded scholarships for Matric and Students
- KPS Secondary Scholarship for Matric Students
- Ghazali Premier College GPC Scholarship
PEEF Scholarships for 9th and 10th
At the matric level, students can avail of PEEF scholarships. The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) is a program governed by the Government of Punjab to establish opportunities for bright boys and girls students. PEEF was established with the objective of providing scholarships to talented and needy students to pursue quality education with equal opportunities.
The students who have passed the Punjab Examination Commission’s (PEC) Grade VIII examination in 2025 and secured above 60% marks can avail of this scholarship. PEEF scholarships are announced every year for students.
One year Fully Funded US Scholarship 2025 for Matric Students
For Pakistani ninth- and tenth-graders, the Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program offers fully funded United States of America Scholarships. This one-year program is quite professional. For Pakistani ninth- and tenth-graders, the Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program offers fully funded United States of America Scholarships. For Pakistani Matric students, this one-year program is quite professional. Parents can help their kids study in the US for a year by completing scholarship applications.
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I’m poor student,I have need of scholarship
I am student of 9th class I belong to very poor family but I need is scalar ship
I’m Ashfaque Siddique Laghari From Rawat Laghari I want study in quality education so I search scholarship in best school iam study in class 10
Zeeshan khan.
Respect sir,
Selam alukom. I’m zeeshan I belong to a very small village . I want to study more but due to my family problems
I can’t give a fee of my school.. in grade 9 I got 527 marks .. but they didn’t give me scholarship.
Hi im student for class 10 plz select me in scholar ship i need scholrship beacause im poor
I’m related from poor family so I found scholarship please inform me new any scholarships my phone number is 03075842304
Sir i am currently in class 10th an d i have many financial problems to study for HEC .Kindly help me how to apply?
I need this schlorship i have obtained 428 marks in 9th class plz sir give me this scholarship
I am students of matric i have obtained 428 marks in 9th class i need for this scholarship to continue higer studies
I want to study at abroad please give me a chance
Sir I am in Grade 9th I want to be docter Sir How can i acheive my goal
I am poor but i want to get education plz help me i want mony and join education
Scholarships want
assalamualaikum sir I am Muhammad Tahir zaman and I got 800 marks in matric 2025 year respected teacher I need to scolership for studies
My respectable judges and techer asalamu Alikum sir iam irfan ali son of ali gohar by cast jamali sir i belong to very poor faimly and i reuaried to your help if you will help me inshaallah one day i will become a dotor and i always thankful to you
Asslam walikum i am class 10th student and my result is not come for this mouth my class 9th result come in next mouth so i can apply a scholarship for futher study i want to became a doctor so i apply a scholar ship
AND MY MOBILE NO IS 923353465470
Hi I am student of class matric I wanna to study in Punjab
Assalam u alikum Sir! I got 480 marks (95.04%) in class 9. Now I read in class 10 and I really need scholarship .
Nice to give scholarship to students
I’m belong to poor family
I’m student of 10th class
I want to continue my study and searching good scholarship
Hi,I am a student of 1st year and I wanna study abroad.Would you please send me a list of 100 percent scholarships for Pakistani students
I am a student of martic and i need a scholarship for engineering i got 1007 marks in 10th if there is a scholarship for in engineering this is my contact namber please inform me 03497305320
I need a schlorship because I like to study in foreign country so please send me s100percent schlorship please
Sir I am the student of FSC .when I am in the class 10 I got 922 marks and peef awards me a scholarship of 40000 .I fill the form and sent by post office. But the scholarship did not received to me .they sent me issue for my incompletement of documents.then I fill the form again but I did not received any payment . please help me
I top in class 8th now my father dead help then I continue my study
I ,m poor student
Sir ma.Balochistan kay aik choty saye ilakay ma rehnaye wali aik middle class family saye hon sir ma agaye parna chahti hon lakin financial problem hai isi liye ma is scholarship kaye liye apply karna chahti hon please help me iam 10 class student this is my personal number 03102568040 you will contact me on this number thank you
Sir my scalership class 9th pleze check
Sir please contat me this number 03554212522
Sir mujy scholarship chahiye studies ke liye plz sir mujy zarorat hA 03493798448
sir g I got 93% in matric exam and I want to continue my education but due to financial problem I dont continue mine education good Sir g I dont want from you but help me please may allah pleased from you and give you more
Hello sir!
Hope you are fine and doing well.Sir i am from Gilgit and i hope you must know that people of Gilgit are mostly belong to a poor or middle class family but their children are very talented and hard worker in every aspect of life so i also belong to a poor family i need scholarship for my further studies.Iam currently studing in grade 9 i will be very thankful if you gave me a scholarship after observing my condition ,talent ,strength and skills.I want to study abroad so if you not give this scholarship to me then plzz sir or mAM update me with new fully funded scholarships for pakistani students
Sir i need the scholarship for more studies
My name is M.Rehan IAM a student of class9 I want to study in 100 percent scholarship at high level school 9to12
I am Saira I want this scholarship 9th class marks are 490 out of495 I am student of computer science.
I am poor so that I can not afford to study in 11th class please help me …….
Sir I was a student of class 10 now I am in 11th class I have 99.50% marks in class 10th
hello sir !!
i’m a student of 9th class in mirpurkhas ..i want high education but because of financial problems i can,t afford so please help me
i will be very thankful to you
Naina .
Sir i am student of class 9th and i am a good student in my school i want to get high education but my father can’t offered so dear sir please help me.
i will be very thankful to you…
Assalam O alaikum!
Sir am talented student I got 1096 marks in matric… I need scholarship… Plzz help me
I am poor my father is a driver a drive a rikshaw plz help me for further studies
I’M matric standard student ,No im not poor more ..ALL HUMDUA ALLAH!
But im very hardworking and I want to be a strong independent women or all my personal expenses afford on my own
Thank you.!
I am student of 10 class please give me this scolar ship my father can not afford my expenses plese l want study more
I am student of 10 class
Asslamoalaikum Iam in 8th grade. I want to have a good education based on merit.
I am student of class 9 i want to study in higher knowlege
Sr I have mostly needed to solarship if we give me solarship I will interestly study and I will give preys .
I will interested in study but………
Salam sir …
I wants to become a great doctor but sir
Salam g sir g
Sir I’m studying in govt school..belong to very poor family..I wants to become a great doctor but lack of money im not reach to desire distinction.
Sir G I am very poor so I am the student of class 9th so I can’t read for higher education.
Kindly sir G help me.
I will be to you.
I am poor I want to study but due to financial reasons I cannot please provide me scholarship for class 9 to continue my study
i am a student in g.h.s.s khar in class nine i want to study at high level so there for i do not have a mony so there fore i requested that please give me informatin for entry test
Hi sir
Sir ma ten class ma ha
Aoa I am a student of ist year I got 1050 marks in 10th class. I got admission in govt Clg because of circumstances please give me scholarship that I studied in high clg and get good marks. My name is Muhammad talha
Hi, I passed my matric exam and I scored 89%. I want to study further but due to financial problems, it’s very tough to study further.
I need a scholarship, it’s my number 03130377389.
Salam.. Sir plz i need scholairship. Total Mark. 370..i cant afford plz help
I am student of class 10th. Sir my father is poor farmer with income 10000 per month please help me I will pray for you and your children
I am in class 10. And i got 533 marks out of 550 in bise swat. i need scholership for higher study
I want scholarship for class ninth 03302057261
Sir I need scholarship I don’t want to say that I am a poor because God is giving me meal on the time so please give me opportunity of scholarship
Hi, my name is iftikhar ahmad. We are student10th class. We are apply in scalarship
Assalamoalikum sir my name is hazrat Mustafa my father is labour I’m in grade 9 a please give me scholarship
Sir first of all asalamualikum sir one thing i notice in my whole life that one thig is that if a person he or she are best in their studies but they can’t afford their expensives but some person are not good in there studies but they enjoy they have alot of money but sir iam from those people who can’t afford their expensives sir iam help less please give me some scholarships
Thanks your obident Abrar Ahmed
Sir I am poor student and my father is too poor to help us so I need scholarship to continue my studies and I have got 1083/1100
I am a student of 10 class I go 496 marks out of 505 my father is a poor man please give me scholarship to countious my studies plz sir
I need scholarship .i got 1078 marks in matric and my contact number is 03004806128
Assalam-o-Alaikum! Sir i belonged to poor family.i need scholarship.i get 1078 marks in matric.This is my number 03004806128.
Please sir I want study but I am poor please help me .I study matric pass please help me
Assalamualaikum. Sir my name is Waleed I study in 9th class. I need a scholarship I have already sent comment on this website but no any response from yours side. I belong from poor family. My father is a driver. If you give me just little bit help to give me a scholarship I will be thankful.
I need scholarship
Sir my father pay is very low and we five brother and sister I have passed matric with A+grade so I want scholor ship for college study please contact me
Sir my name is rameez Raja I belong to poor family my father is labour . IAM in 9th class please help me sir
Sir I got 1078 marks in matriculation examination lahore board. I want scholarship for my further studies .kindly provide me financial aid. Thank you
Aslamualaikum sir i m very poor ur mujhe parhne ka bht shq hai but i can,t effort sir i need scholar ship i m very hard working student my contact no 03430802279
I’m iftikhar magsi 9th class student
Sir Asalam walekum. Sir Mera Naam kabeer hy or mhuje bhut parna hy or mhuje apni Abu or Ami ka naam roshan karna hy. me apka bhi bhut shukar guzar hoga please sir support me thank you sir.
Sir Aslam alekum . sir I am poor my father is shopkeeper with 10000 income per month I study in matric.class.sir please help me.
ok me join karna chata hu
Sir I will not share my emotional story but i just want to get the scholarship to go somewhere and make myself more explore..thank u and I will be waiting for ur reply
I need scholarship I got 1098 marks in matric I really wants scholarship please
Assalam o alaikum
Sir I am Ali Ahmed for Rawalpindi Pakistan
I got 1022 marks in matric class federal board 2025 I want to continue my study. I need some financial support
I need scholarship
I belong from a poor family
My father has some financial lose
According to this statement am needed
I am a student of class 10th and want to study at high level .but we have not too money to achieve a good study.
Assalamoalikum sir iam grade 9 student iam In apply for this test my father is labour (swat charbagh) village
Aslam alikum my name is muhibullah and my more dreams
I am a student of grade Matric I want to need there so please you give me Chance to study here
I am a student of class 9th .iam very poorbut we have not to money to achieve a good study
Sir I am very poor . And also live in wazirestan mobile number is 03205968775
Sir, assalamualaikum I am a student of class 10th and I want to study high level but we have not to Money to achieve a good study. Mobile number 03472420501
Assala mu alekum
sir g
hame Zara grad 9 ke scholarships ki rahnomai farmain plz
number.. 03350374738
aslam e kum sir i want to need scholership because sir we are poor so we not offord many i want to styfy hight level because we are poor man so i want i not dead poor man sir plzzz
I am a student and I need scholarship I am most needy for this scholarship
Asalmolikom sir kasa ho ap i need scolorshif my father not support my college free please add me scolorshif
I am a student of class 9thh and want to study at high level .but i have not too money to achieve a good study please sir reply me
Sir I am very poor and I want a scholarship for class 10 please give me details of scholarship.
What app number
Assalamualaikum Sir I want to scholar ship sir because we are very poor l want to continue my study l am very intelligent but our facilities not good and I do not continue study sir humble request you sir plz plz plz plz plz plz
Salam sir I m fizza Arshid and I got 1024 marks in matric class year 2025 respected teacher I need scholarship for studies
Salam sir l m.Ali Reza got 1050 marks in matric class year 2025 respected teacher l need scholarship for studies
I am a student of grade Matric I want to need there so please you give me Chance to study here
Hello sir I’m maham . I’m studying in grade 10 Akueb . I want to study abroad due to financial problem .and I also want to get high achieve goal and the aim of my life . Plss sir guide me about this scholarship .
And my phone number is that
Hello sir I’m maham .I’m studying in grade 10 Akueb .and I’m the student of SMIU model school .I want to study abroad. And I also want to get high achieve goal and my aim is very big. And it’s my promise I’ll support Pakistan’s poor people ..pls sir guide Me how can I apply for this scholarship and my phone number is that
Iam student of SEF school so iam apply for this test
Sir, I am studying in S.E.F School so i want to apply for this test .
Plz give me Scholarship
I am the student of FSC .i got 1066 marks in the matric .i need a lot of scholarship for help in my study
Mobile number 03059913451
Iam student of SEF school so iam apply for this test and
sir I want to get admission in this school I hope you help me
I want to admission
I hope you help me
I belongs to a poor and hardworker family I cannot pay the fees I need your help to get a scholarship seat
Hello assalamalaikum this is me hassan mustafa sahito from tando muhammad khan i want to scholar ship in class 9 so please please give me scholarship !
Salam alaikum sir,sir I m from a poor family live in waziristan and now I m in grade 10 and I got 399 marks in 9,sir I want to take my study carier further to high level and I m really a hard working student ,sir I m really in need of scholarship.
I will be very thankful by providing me scholarship
Tnx alot
My name is sajjad Ali I’m poor man my contact no 03167538809
I am student of grade 9.I want to apply this U.S yes scholarship. My name is Alishba Ayub
sir i am a poor boy
please help me
iam farmer
I’m sajjad Ali
My contact no 03167538809
I want you
Asalam o Alaikum Sir,
I’m related from poor family so
please inform me any scholarship for matric, so I need a scholarship for further studies ,My contact number 03229373778.
MA Balochistan ma rata hu ma spcial higher secondary school ma 9th class ma parta hu moja school scholarship chai ha
Asalam o Alaikum Sir,
I’m related from poor family so please sir inform any scholarship for matric, Sir I need scholarship and my contact number is 03229373778.
Sir .I want to go to a good College .But what can I do ? I have a relationship with a poor Family, Sir.
I am Rubaisha . I Study In grade 9. With Dua Respect My Father is One Who Earns along For My Family The Whole Burden Only On my Father. I need scholorShip.without Your Help I can’t Study Further..plz Select me …03009370037 its my Contact No
Belong to district M.garh
Hi IAM join your scholar ship
I am Muhammad Kaif. I have passed matric with 1029 marks. I belong to a poor family. Please help me,03086988622 contact on this number. And give me a huge scholarship for further study. Without your help I can’t further study. So please help me
My name is rabbia amjad .i need to get higher education but due to family fanancial problems I can’t proced next I obtained 975 marks in matric
With due respect my father is one who earns along for my family. The whole burden only on my father. My father salary is very low which is not complete to whole family. If you select me then i will continue my higher education. My father has medical issues. Circumstances are not good with me and my family. So sir please support me.
I will be remain to you
With due respect my father is one who earns along for my family . Due to big number of my family money is not enough and also my father has some medical issues. I also the pupil of class 9th. If you select me then i will continue my higher study. Still the circumstances are not good with my family. I request you to support me.
I shall be remain to you.
I want to hunt this scholarship.plzzz
Aoa sir i need a scholship plzz sir
I am belong from poor family I need scholarship because my 5 brothers get education in this time so I am not affordable please give me scholarship I am a good student I want to study more
No plz mjy bhi kch bta den sir i m pass matric class but i have long and poor family soo plz contact me 03471746689
Meet with your 10th high school principle and tell him your marks and ask him for apply scolership . I think you will gett scholership .
hello I am student
I’m a student of 12 class and I got 1027 marks in matriculation examination and I deserve both kind of scholarship so please help
slam sir,I got 1060 marks in metric 2025result …and i need 100%scholarship for heigher study..
please help me …
Scholarship nts test admission
Sir I am transfer from 9th to 10 and my father give my fee in very difficultly situation I want to you, give me scholarship plzzz sir I am waiting
sir plz contact me this number 03164182794
sir i am very grateful
sir plz contact me this number 03164182794
How to get scholarship and how to apply. Kindly explain it
Sir Asslam U Alaikum
I am from nausharo feroze and and I have currently entered in class 10
Sir I belong to a poor family my father is a poor farmer with 8000 thousands income per month sir I want to study in best school for quality education
Sir with your help,support and co_operations I can come forward to study and can change the conditions of my village
Plz sir I request you to contact with me on my number
Sir my number is 03243893745
Sir plzz I will pray for you and your children
Sir I am poor my father is poor farmer with 7000 income per month
I study in matrick class plz sir help this poor boy
Plz sir
I need scholarship sir please
Sir i am poor but very poor my father is shopkeper i study for 8 9 10 classes please help me sir
I am student of class 10th. Sir my father is poor farmer with income 10000 per month please help me I will pray for you and your children
Sir Asslam U Alaikum
I am from nausharo feroze and and I have currently entered in class 10
Sir I belong to a poor family my father is a poor farmer with 8000 thousands income per month sir I want to study in best school for quality education
Sir with your help,support and co_operations I can come forward to study and can change the conditions of my village
Plz sir I request you to contact with me on my number
Sir my number is 03243893745
Sir plzz I will pray for you and your children
Sir iam akash ali belong to sindh pakistan can you. Given scholarship plz helpn
i want scholarship m father is died and i want to study more
plzz reply me
Hello ! My name is AISHA AHSAN !
And I have just promoted to class 9th from matriculation system with 84.62% .
As I belong to a poor family, and as I want my country to progress well !
I want you to please give me the scholarships so that I can do my 100 percent !
Thank you !
Meet with your 10th high school principle and tell him your marks and ask him for apply scolership . I think you will gett scholership . Ok
Sir I am poor student and I passed 9 Callas and I want to get scholarship .
Asslam O alaikum sir
I hope your fine sir i need to scholarship for matric so, i can continue my study please sir i really need a scholarship please give me the scholarship
My content no. 03432611211
Assalamualaikum sir SIDRA from khairpur mirs
I just passed 10th standard
I want to admission in private institution because I can’t go to an other institute
I’m not affordable I’m so needy plz required me scholarship for 11th standard
No plz mjy bhi kch bta den sir i m pass matric class but i have long and poor family soo plz contact me 03471746689
Hi Asslam o Alaikum
My name is Siraj uddin Chandio and My father name is Rajib uddin Chandio.Iam belong poor family my father is labour and I need scholarship because my father said that me you work hard and move on your future
Sir My father is poor man plzzzzzz help me
Sir Can i apply this scholarships? I really interest in scholarship plz inform me!!
My cont: no: 03048151805
Sir I am a poor student.
I live in punjab.
Now l am in class 11th.
I request you to help me
So I continue my study.
How to apply scholarship for matric level
Assalam o alikum sir!
Sir I got 1034 marks. My father is a patient and we are poor family. Sir I am in need of this scholarship . Kindly offer me so that I can pass my Inter in good marks. Plz sir
I want to get a scholarship
I have passed matic examination
And get 940 marks out of 1100
I need scholarship because I am a poor student
What’s 0300 6765818
Sir! My name is Azam. I’m student of matric class. Im promoted in 9th class due to covid 19. I want this scholarship. I need this. I want to study further.
Contact: 03053107945
I am Ahmed Ibrahim. My father is M.Ibrahim. we are in a happy family. we living in a middle-class family. we are 8 children of father and mother. now I gave exam 10th class and waiting for the result. I need other college and scholarship as support because my father shopkeeper.
dear sir your kindly requested for giving me higher education. i am a student of class 9th and i am born in a poor family in a village of balochistan. where girls are not allowed for giving education but my family has given me permission for getting higher knowledge.
hi i am a student of 9th i want to study abroad
I am Ahmed Ibrahim. My father name is Mohammad Ibrahim. Lived in Pakistan.i passed matrix exam. And now I am finding scholarship for new college. My father is shopkeeper. And we are 8 children . It is difficult for my father. To give for new college. I will be helpful to you , if you support me.
Sir me stady in 9th class sir pleeZ select me my father is dath? and me Gardena my mamu pleeZ select me pleeZ
I am a student of 9th class and this scolorship for higher studies and i have gotten 401 marks in board examination
Sir I belong To a poor Family I have Been pormoted to 10th Class due To Covid 19…i need scholorship to get High Education….
I’m currently studying in class 10 and we didn’t give the exam of class 9 due to CVID. Therefore I don’t have any solid evidence of my academics that how much I m talented, so i want to continue my studies but unfortunately my financial problems do not allow me to move ahead. Without education a person is incomplete therefore please for God sake through light on my condition so I may be able to achieve my goals.
Address (Gilgit Baltistan)
Sir I m Eshaal student of matric class I am also interested in having scholarship as I live in sindh and I am studying in cantt public school ….I also wanted to have high studies in higher school
I have obtained 905 number in matriculation exam, my scholarship is made to be given to me ?I am currently in the 11th grade but my scholarship has not come yet. I passed Matriculation exam From High School No. 2 Pindi gheb District Attock.
Assalam o alaikum, I’m Saleena qaiser from Karachi, I want a scholarship for class 9, I want to be a cardiologist. Thankyou.
Assalam o alaikum, I’m Saleena qaiser from Karachi, I want a scholarship for class 9, I want to be a cardiologist. Thankyou.
Hello sir IAM Hasnain Abbas IAM from sukkur.and IAM the student of class matric
Hello sir IAM Hasnain abbas. IAM the students of class matric……….
Sir, please give me this scholarship I want to do something for my country.
Please choose me.I belong to a poor family. My father is a poor man he cannot pay my fee.
Please please choosee
Please sir am poor man help me matric wait 88%
Please sir am poor man help me ?
i have pass matriculation with 1014 marks out of 1100
i have pass 8th class with 425
i have pass 8th class with 387 marks
A.O.A Sir,
I want to know that I am doing Matric Part 2 promoted from Part 1
I want a Scholarship. How much marks I need for Scholarship
Please quickly answer me. I am waiting for your answer.
Thanks Sir
Plase give me schoolar ship sir please Iam very poor
Sodhi D/O Ghulam Murtaza Jamali
She is very tellanted in study we are very poor . To continue her study in a good school. She complete her study in a private school. Now she pass class eight
my father is poor man please sir
I am Muhammad Asim Chandio from Kamber shahdadkot i need Scholarship for higher education
[email protected]
Assalam o Alaikum!
Respectable Sir/mam,
I want to inform that I give exams of matric in 2019 & score 1033/1100..
Then I applied for scholarship on matric base….From 2019 to now,I cannot receive any scholarship…
My friend name Ajay,who had also applied along with me,has received his scholarship & I cannot…. so kindly issue my scholarship.Thank you !
I am Sanjay kumar I study in class 10 my caste is menghwar and I live in ghotki my phone
I am a 8th grader currently studying to give my 8th exams and hop on to 9th. The exams were delayed be cause of covid 19. My marks in every grade are grom A to A+ and sometimes very rarely B. I would like to get a scholarship for my ninth grade
I need scholarship because I want to continue my studies please help me to do this and complete my dream Please I really need it…..
I had passed matriculation and I want to continue my studies and fulfil my dreams please give me the scholarship to achieve my goals please
Hi I am poor family I want scholarship in 2025 my father labor I study class 9th
I am from moro,sindh,and i passed class 9th and now 10th
I passed matriculation with distinction please choose me I am poor student my No.03177827011
[email protected]
Sir i am aa very poor student of First year class.I got 1041 Marks out of 1100.Respected Sir there is no Mean that i could continue my studies.Iwant to be aa Doctor.I want to help others.please help me as soon as possible
Sir i have passed my Marticulation Examination with 1034 Marks out of 1100.Sir My father is a labourer.He cant pay my college fee.I am interested in Mathematics.Sir kindly Help me as soon as possible
Contact me:03458175158
My name is Ali Asghar jamali i belongs to a poor family please my phone nbr is 03070003161
Sir plzz my father poor plzz help
Assalam u Alaikum sir .I am areesha afzal. sir I passed 9th class but not give to board examination . due to covid 19 . sir i belong to rural areas of sindh district badin . I want to higher education so I want to scholorship. our financial situation in not good . you will do me a favor by giving me a scholorship. thank u sir.
Salam sir I m fizza Arshid and I got 1024 marks in matric class year 2025 respected teacher I need scholarship for studies I m from kohat city kpk
Sir i am the student of class 10 and we have promoted to class 10 with out exam due to covid 19 and also i belong to a poor family that,s why i want to get scholor ship for higher education if there exist a test or any ither source please inform me at 03497496871
I am from swat khwaza khela pakistan.
I am Hanza
sir i belong to a very poor family i have get 860 marks in matric A1 grade i want to continue my study
but my father can,t large money to get addmissation for any university or collage please help me or contact me to my mother number
Hi I am a student of 10 class and i wanna abroad Would you please send me a list of 100 percent
Scholarship for balochistan students
Hello sir,i have done matriculation from army public school hajira ak and have secured 1049 marks.i want to have this scolarship please.
Hello l am malaika and i am in class 9th my 8th class marks is 396 l need a scholarship
‘me 10 class ka student hu mere abu driver hain or mere ghar ka kharch pura nahi hota jis ki wajah se mera job karna zaroori tha me job ke sath academy bhi parhta hu 2 hours’ kaam se wapis aa kar sath academy chala jata hu jis ki wajah se meri study sahi tarike se nahi ho rahi ab corona ke bais berozgari bar rahi hai me aage parhna chahta hu meri ap se guzarish hai ke meri help ki jaye allah ap ko iska ajar duniya or aakhrat dono me ata kare aameen
Sir iam matric class student. iam well in study i want to study more.
I need a scholorship
so i request to you that select me in best scholorship of 11th class.
if you want to viva iam present.
but sir plz select me in i want to study more.
if you want to select me than will inform me on this number
Assalamoalaikum sir i am student of class 10 i want to get scholarship in class 11 i shall be very thankful for your favour ?
Assalam-u-Alaikum my is Afzaal Rehmat and l got 413 marks out of 505 l that got 873 marks out of 1100 in the matriculation and l want to get scholarship please my percentage is 79%l am thankful and grateful to you please
Hlo! I got 989 marks in the matric from Multan board.Can I get scholarship?
Sir I am a student of fcs 2nd year my matric numbers is 937 sir please. I am belonged to poor family please help me
Hello my name is *Bushra. and I live in Karachi i am very needy to study in america because I want to help my country before I become a cardiologist
AsalmoAlaikum sir or mam i have got 505 marks in matric level result 2020 out of 595 so plz i need scholarship i hope u must help me my father phone number is 03004233301
hi sir or mam i have got 505 marks in matric level result 2020 out of 595 so plz i need scholarship i hope u must help me my father phone number is 03004233301
Sir m ny matric 2020 session m 1014 marks lye hain yani 92.1% .. Plz give me scholarship to complete my study. M Fsc medical krna chahta hn.. 03095193625
Hlo sir/Madem hop you are fine .I am student of 10th class recently matric results released and i got 880 marks and i need scolarship
My phone number 03090667394 please contect
I Maira at that time i have pass matric examination by getting 942 marks out of 1100 from Govt. Girls High School Nashatabad my roll number is 409621 i need a scholarship for further study i belong to a poor family i really need this scholarship for next studies i shall be very thankful to u for this favour This is my father contact 03464357126 please help me
yeah i also want my scholarship as i have got 1012 in matric. So i think I’m eligible for this scholarship. I have got 92%. I want laptop . Please give me the scholarship.
I need scholarship for class 9
My name is Muhammad Ismail khoso
I am studying in class 9th
I want to study in this field
Please accept my request
I want to apply in this scholarship
Sir i am a student of bs microbiology but i need leptop for helping in study. Please sir mary inter main bhi achy number hain .
Female students from peshawar, who r studying in 9th class or going to take admission in 11th year and cannot support, can contact.. But they should be self supported and would deserve scholarship.. 03428166025.. Only wtsap after 7pm till to 9pm
Female students from peshawar, who r studying in 9th class or going to take admission in 11th year and cannot support, can contact.. But they should be self supported and would deserve scholarship.. 03428166025..
I want to get education plz help me
sir i’m najeeb. from bajaur. sir i secured 728/750 in class 8th. 97.07% in annual exam. sir agar koye scholarship test hain 9th kileya to zaror muje batana
Sir i got 432 marks how can I apply
I wanna get scholarship. My marks in martic are 94%. Plz guide me can I get scholarship on the basis of matric result or how can I get??
Assamalamualaikum Sr i have got 98% marks in matric class from Federal board Islamabad and sr i want to apply for scholarship. plzz tell me how i can apply sr i will be very thankfull to uou.
Fahad shah
cell no# 03430337681 , 03449251976
How i can be applied??
Sir I have passed the 9th class and got 438 marks out of 505 I need a scholarship for my education my father is a farmer at a low level
My name is mahnoor Maqsood and I got 443 marks out of 505 I hope that I might got 1000+ marks in the matriculation and I want to get scholar ship plzzzzzz tell me for what percentage the scholar ship is accepted plzzz tell me I am very thankful and greatful to you plzzzzzzzzzzz
Assalam o alaikum…I got 1016 Mark’s in matriculation…plz give me scholarship…bcz I want to become a doctor
you apply on dalda schlorship
Aoa m safa Rashid I want scholarship at merit base I got 88.8% in scholarship examination but t merit was 89% with only one point I couldn’t achieve so I hope u will select me
By the grace of God I got 983/1100 marks in the matriculation.and j need scholarships for further studies
Sir, AOA ,sir I am laiba ,sir I want to ask that what about the students who r promoted due to corona… Did they can apply on behafe of recent 8 marks….
sorry I forgot to give you my mobile phone number 03003790384
Hy sir I am the student of first year Fsc pre medical group.I need your help Because my father is poor.i really need your help.i passed the matric examination from govt school with 1012 marks.if any test arranged plz inform me on this no.03430678198
Hello sir/madam i am Sawera Lakho belongs from sindh Pakistan, I study in St.Bonaventure high school Qasimabad Hyderabad and study in class 8. I want to get more educated and i want scholarship for 9th class in biology . If you selects me I will me very thankful of you. I hope you will select me.
Did they reply u??
Sir i am student of class 9th and iam a good student in my school i want to get good education but we are poor my father can’t offered so dear sir please help me
iam very thankful to you…
Please sir my father is poor man kindly help me information 03427349114 thank you please sir
Sir! My name is Azam. I’m from Sindh. I’m student of matric class, I’m promoted in 9th due to covid 19. I want this scholarship. I need this.
Contact: 03053107945
Hi this is a website which suggest how to get and where to get scholarships. They don’t provide scholarships.
Hello! I hope you are doing supper fine Sir/mam I belongs to a poor family but I wanna study and my family also want this for our future sir/mam plzz…. Give me scholarship I’m student of class 9th class my name is warda noor plz give me scholarship in school currently I’m not going to school bcz of I can’t afford fee and it’s my main year as you know I’m in 9th ??plz give me scholarship and I wanna study abroad from Cambridge UK plz support me with fully free scholarship student visa??plz sir/mam help me plz
Assalam o alikum Sir!I am the student of class 10.I have got 471 marks in class 9.I think,I deserve both types of scholarships.Kindly, help me.
i got 470 marks in class 9. plz tell me on how many marks scholrship allow and i think i deserve scholrship .Give me responce as soon as possible
I need scholarship to continue my study
Hello sir iam the student of ninth class I study in aga khan school I will be very happy to get this scholarships iam good student
sir i am a good student in my school i want to get good education but we are poor my father can’t offered so plz help me
Sir i am khalil ahmed from larkana sindh. I study in ninth class so sir i wanna get scolorship hope! you will reply
I got 94.5% result from federal board islamab and I need scholarship pllz help
Asslamo Alykum
My name is M.Sami Husnain , I get 1035 marks out of 1100 in matriculate examination now i am expecting a scholorship on merit base please guide me about scholorship how i get ?
?? Aslaamoalaikum I am sadia walayat from multan i got 86% marks in SSC now i want scholarship for higher studies.I dont know ur merit but i need it because we five siblings and we all are studying in government educational institute.I have also got my school education from government school but i want to become a doctor so i wanna study in excellence college for achieving my goal
Please contact me on this number if i will be eligible and also if there be any test for this
I got 94.5% 1040/1100 result in matric exams 2018 from fedral board Islamabad. I need scholarship will u include my name to the list plzz
I got
Hello sir ji my name is m Azad and I read 8th class and I gave paper of 8th class and I belong to poor people but according to my mind say that my study is good for my self so I need sir ji your help plz select me in school and I want to give test what ever sir ji you want so plz help me I want to learn more than more I live in lasbela so thier not have any facilities for education
Can yo apply for yes program.
Salam sir I m student ??? of class 9th
And want to study as well as so please salect
Me I am a good student???
Adnan Ahmad
Contect no :03489487976
Kia aap ki help ki inhoo ny
sir i am from sindh and i study in class 10th please select me i am needed as you know that in sindh here is no any kind of scholarship please select me this is my contact number +923043060611
Assalaam o alaikum sir
I recently give board exams of grade 9.
I want scholarship on merit base… I am the topper of my class from garde 1 till grade 8. And now waiting for the result of grade 9…can you please tell me that how i can apply for this scholarship
Sir/Madam, Hope you r fine .i need scholarship i have recently passed matric exams and i got 1029 marks out of 1100 …94% plz tell me what is the process to get the scholarship.
thanking in advance…
best wishes for all students…
Hi sir i am a student of class 11 in kpk and i reqwest you please tell me i got 877 marks in govt school is this perfect for scholorship
Sir I am a poor student.
I live in punjab.
Now l am in class 11th.
I request you to help me
So I continue my study.
9th Calss result 2017
Roll Number 561364 Multan Bise
Name Ali Raza 93.66% number
mj Scholarship chay to mj kasy mily ga…
AOA ! I’m Basil Wahab from Okara . I got 1015 / 1100 marks with the percentage of 92.2 % from Army Public School and College Okara Cantt . I’m eligible for merit scholarship. I hope you will select me .
Aoa sir my name is atif I got high marks in 10 class I got Schaler ship plz give my Rights plz sir I’m v found of study..
Assalam u Alaikum sir .I am areesha afzal. sir I passed 9th class but not give to board examination . due to covid 19 . sir i belong to rural areas of sindh district badin . I want to higher education so I want to scholorship. our financial situation in not good . you will do me a favor by giving me a scholorship. thank u sir.
sir my contact number 03454999721
Assalam O Alaikum sir
i cleared metric exam with 70% marks , i want to continue my study im also needy for scholorship because my family can’t handle my expenditure and budget . i hope you ll give me positive responce .
My email is : [email protected]
A.o.A sir I’m anam I got 1032 marks in matric.i really need scholarship I want to get high education but my family doesn’t? offord my expenditures.plzzzz sir help me to got scholarship and tell me procedure plzzz
Sir ! i hope that you will be fine…sir i am student of class 10th…i got 933 marks in Matric
with roll No: 141387
i much need scolarship for next study
plzzzz reply me
my phone 03027659486
Koi confirm ni ha abhi filhall ap bs w8 kro ma bhi w8 kr rha ho
Sir i am aa very poor student of First year class.I got 1041 Marks out of 1100.Respected Sir there is no Mean that i could continue my studies.Iwant to be aa Doctor.I want to help others.please help me as soon as possible
Sir i got 92% in matric and i am living in lahore. I didn’t get any laptop or scholarship. Please help me.
Sir i got 86% marks in 9th class
Recently I cleared my matric and I’m searching for scholarship from Quetta so, please help me
Hi sir mare name Muhammad Usama ha ore mare taluk Sindhi si ha maji ek ACH doctor banha ASI lay majhi I have not money so plz help me
Sir ,I’ve got 1028 in matric and i want to get scholarship to study further in higher secondary college and please contact me on this ph no 03049293862 .My roll no is 487834
Sir i got 472/505 marks and i want to enter in exams plz help me
sir i belong to a very poor family i have get 860 marks in matric i want to passed MSC but my father con,t large money to get addmissation for any university or collage plz help me or contt me to my brother number 03409136569
My daughter passed 9th exams with marks 491/505 …how can i apply this scholarship???
Is this scholarship still available????
I am poor I want to scholarship my contact number is 03313086334
I am a ninth class student I am very poor sir I want to scolorship plz sir I want to continue my study my contact number is 03313086334
A.o.a Sir. I got 432 /505marks in 9th class. How I can apply for this scholarship. Please reply me.
MSg me all detail plz
I got 472/505 marks in matric . How can I apply for scholarship
Recently I cleared my matrix and I am searching for scholarship from Quetta
Please help me
respected sir,
I am a student of class 9th. I want to take scholarship. however I could continue my study and also belong to a poor family. plz sir do something.
contact me,
i got 91% marks in 10th class.i need this scholarship for higher studies
Aoa sir my name is atif I got high marks in 10 class I got Schaler ship plz give my Rights plz sir I’m v found of study..
Sir my name is rida and I have got 883 out of 1050 I’m from islamabad and I need this scholarship please
Sir,I need this scholarship. I have secured 498 out of 520 marks in SSC-1 exams 2017 from Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education.
I hope it is high enough for the scholarship.
Thank you.
hi nice to see the responce of administration to students . my sis got 97.3%in nith from fedral board today . any source of merit based scholorship , responce will highly appreciated.
I got 326 marks in 9th. Now I’ve matric. I need it. Plz contact me 03488323066
Sir, I got 429 marks out of 505 (85%) .I want to study outside Pakistan.Iwant Australia’s study visa kindly guide me. My contact
03065994017 /03480340020
Sir i got 82% marks in 9 class i need this scholarship
Please tell me how i can get this scholarship
Studing at cade collage
Sir I am a sincere student and can speak English pastu and Urdu my English is strong and I want this scholarship for higher studies I am student of class ten my percentage is less almost 80 to 84 but very eager to study in abroad plezz help me if u can contact me on my I’d because don’t have phone okay thank you sir
kab ai gi scholarship
Sir i got 718/800 in 9th i need
Aslamoalaikum sir/madam my name is Alihassnain I hope I will get 94% marks in matric ma family is very poor.My father not afford my admission fee for 11 class. My wish I will be done A.level but it is very difficult without money.Therefore i request you please help me.My contact no03041494840
Please call me sir/madam as soon as possible quickly before closed admission in 11 class
sir me shahnawaz sir iam a poor boy so iam not pay fee plz give schalership my ninth class numb is 318 my contect 03482315641
Test Date?
I have scored 946 marks out of 1050 from federal board !
Sir my name is ali haider. I come from quetta sir i am poor student my father is not pay my school fee plese sir inform me any scholorship THANK YOU
i need schlorship…….i got 94% marks in ssc part 2… can i apply?
Sir I am Bilal Ahmed son of Shehzad Ahmed and need scholar ship my marks in matrix are740
Sir,I got 88% Result in matric…I want to get scholarship for college..Plz,Reply me.
sir send me my scholarship on [email protected]
Sir I am a student of grade 10th ,sir I need scholarship how I can get it.
i got 87%marks is there any new
Sir My name is M.Jahangeer.I got 85% in 9th class.Sir i need scholarship for my study. Please help me.My contact number is 0315-5468524. Sir please help me!
Sir my name is nimra, i belong to a very poor family .My father cannot afford the expenses of our education ,he earns very small so, i realy need this scholarshaip to continue my studies .I have passed matric in 2017 from govt girls model high school satelite town grw and i scured 474/505 marks with percentage of 93.86 plzzzzz….. sir u would oblidge me a lot if u awarded me with scholarship
Sir plzz my father poor plzz help
Sir i am from islamabad i recently pass 9th grade i want scholarship for my further studies i hope u will help me i will be very thankful of u.plzz
Sir Mara 9th main 505 main sa 408 number hain main aga parhna chahta hon i need to money plz help me
Sir my scalership class 9th pleze check
Sir please help me iam very poor student.
I want schalorship if u help me I will be pass do the due
I am study in class 10 I pass class 9 so I need scholarship
Assalam-u-Alaikum sir. I am Rubab from govt girls pilot high sec school. I got 81.18 percentage in 9th class and now I am waiting of my resullt of matric.. I really need scholor ship as I have ability to get more aducation but my father is a electrition and earn small amount which is hand to mouth. Please sir help me.l will be thankfull to you.
Hello Sir I am Nikil Kumar from Sindh . I have given matriculation examinations now. I want to go to foreign for college studies. Plz reply.
sir i am from sindh and i study in class 9th please select me i am needed as you know that in sindh here is no any kind of scholarship please select me this is my contact number +923421244462
I am zeeshan from tribal areas of khzdar Bolochistan.I realy need this apportunity please select me
Sir i passed 8 class for 91% now iam in class 9th
I geting schoolership
03053398285 contact us
I got 473/505 how i can apply merit base scholarship
help me !!!
can u hear me ??????????
sir i need this
Sir ,,,,,,,,i am from a very far place of gilgit baltistan,,,,,,i am financially week and i want this schlorschip,,,,,,,,,,plz sir ,,,,,,,c,no#03165415100
I need scholarship
sir i am 9th class student and in few month i will get the board examination but after that i want scholarship to study abroad i think i can achieved more than 490 in 9th class
I need scholarship l am hard work student and my father income is low my mark is 365 out of 500 and 73% please l need scholarship Thank you
I need scholarship l am hard work student and my father income is low my mark is 365 out of 500 and 73% please l need scholarship Thank you my number is 03082740966
My Son name is Atta M Farhan . He is student of pakturk school gulshtan e johar karachi in class 8th . He need scholarship for school and want to complete his education so please if there is scholar ship. contact with me at this number 03452958323
Query: Can a student obtaining the Matriculation studies of first year from Federal Government School based in “Sindh” apply for the Punjab Educational Endowment fund (PEEF)?
salam i’ve got 375 marks in 9th class i’m from larkana needed scholarship my aim is to be
a chartered accountant
Salam sir i am shahbaz khan am matric class student and i want to go austraillia for study so plz give me a guide..
Sir my name is muhammad khan S%o Shabir Ahmed sir iam poor boy sir sir he is not pay my fee and iam complet ninth class and my ninth class num is 388 sir plz give me scoller ship Scoller ship is must for me so plz information for me and my contact num 03048164688
AsalmoAlaikum sir or mam i have got 505 marks in matric level result 2020 out of 595 so plz i need scholarship i hope u must help me my father phone number is 03004233301
Mil gi ha kia s hlor shipbroo ap koo
Aoa….sir i have got 867 marks in matric….
I want to know some information of getting scholarship..bcoz it is very impprtant for me and i really need some money to get education…
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
I am very thank full to you .
My father is a poor man
in this way I ,asked you for scholar ship
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
ASSLAM.O ALIAKUM SIR I am in metric now i.have promoted fron 9th to ten and i.want to get a scaharship poor please could u help me i am in need of an scaharship
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
its ok no problem send me ur contact
Assalam.o.alaikum sir my name is nimra sadique i live in 97 r.b johal teh jarranwala dist fsd i read in govt girls high school in 97 johal i got 90 % marks in 9th class my roll no is 135190.i need this scholarshio because my father is ill.he cannot do any work i m thankfull to you for this favour…..
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
A..o.a i got 90% marks in matric so i want merit base scholarship i live in attock and i need this scholarship because i am interested in this type of activties
[email protected]
and msg me all infrmation
Bilal Sir I got 77% in 9 class please send me my scholarship my email address is [email protected]
Sir contact no 03316537802
Aoa sir main ne matric 89percent marks main pas Kya hai roll no 515975.e-mail [email protected] I get scholarship
Assalam o alikum sir i have got 940 marks in matric My father is retired in education department (scale 4 )I m waiting for your answere Contact no
Sir i complete matric with 79% marks .my father was die when i was 5month old .My mother keep me to study & then i complete the matric with good marks .Now i am in 11th i have no money for fees , books & uniform. Please sir give me a need based scholarship .i am waiting for your answer…. my contact email is [email protected] sir please this scholarship is very necessary for me, this scholarship change my future. my matric roll no 485132 .
Sir I completed matric in 2020 with 85% marks . I need scholarship .
Sir i complete matric with 79% marks .my father was die when i was 5month old .My mother keep me to study & then i complete the matric with good marks .Now i am in 11th i have no money for fees , books & uniform. Please sir give me a need based scholarship .i am waiting for your answer…. my contact email is [email protected] sir please this scholarship is very necessary for me, this scholarship change my future. my matric roll no 485132 .
sir im complete ninth 9th class sir you tell who i can apply i have a b form i apply in scholarships for ninth 9th class plzzz sir tell how can i contanct u he is my mobile number 03453512551 AND 03443329539 THIS IS MY MOBILE NUMBER I HOPE SIR U TELL ME HOW CAN APPLY IN SCHOLARSHIPS
Sir I completed my matric class and I want to study abroad free how I can apply
Sir I am transfer from 9th to 10 and my father give my fee in very difficultly situation I want to you, give me scholarship plzzz sir I am waiting
contact MR. AYAZ ALI 0333-3773117
assalam o alaikum my name is fiza i have got 443 marks out of 505 i want to study a broad please tell me about scholarship contact no 03216651601
please contact me for any scholarship 0333-3773117
if there is free Admission then cAll me on this number 03028539420
sir i need scholarship will you plz help me
yeah i also want my scholarship as i have got 1012 in matric. So i think I’m eligible for this scholarship. I have got 92%. I want laptop . Please give me the scholarship.
Please dont go to England. Even united States is better. England is going towards its destruction.
Sir I am belong to Balochistan I am very poor student but I love to education I request to you I got 475 Mark out of 500 I request to you please Me select on the England or Australia or UK or Turkey another country scalarship My brother phone number 03121883671
My Son Muhammad Hammad Nazir has been offered admission on merit in 8th class 2016. I am unable to pay his college dues as I am already financing my elder son Muhammad Saad Nazir studying in 9th class in Cadet College Spinkai. Is there scholarship, sponsor or any financial aid provider who can help my son to complete his 05 year study at Cadet College Kohat. Any one can contact with me at this number 0344-9374955.
Me Bilal Akram sir i have gotten 396 marks in 9th class and I’m a relate from poor family so please inform me for any scholarship and my brother’s? Mobile no 03337972764 an also my brother is under study and we can’t offered us please help us
Me Bilal Akram sir i have gotten 396 marks in 9th class and I’m a relate from poor family so please inform me for any scholarship and my brother’s? Mobile no 03337972764 an also my brother is under study and we can’t offered us please help us
Hello i am Hanza liaquat
sir i belong to a very poor family i have get 845 marksAl grade in matric i want to continue my study but my father con,t large money to get addmissation for any university or collage plz help me or contact me to my mom number sir please tell me how can i get scholar ship please this numbrr thank u
Hi,I am a student of 9th class and I wanna study abroad.Would you please send me a list of 100 percent scholarships for Pakistani students
A..o.a i got 90% marks in matric so i want merit base scholarship i live in attock and i need this scholarship because i am interested in this type of activties
Sir i got 948 in matriculation exam 2019 . i want sholarship
My cell no is 03162148919.plz update me
Can i send you If you don t mind