CM Orange Cab Scheme for Youth 2025 Launched in Punjab

The Government of Punjab is about to launch CM Orange Cab Scheme seeking to provide 100,000 cars to unemployed youth in all over the province according to specified terms and conditions as well.The scheme will facilitate the 100,000 people with a source of income same as Previously ‘Apna Rozgar’ scheme, the Punjab government has disbursed 50,000 cars to Punjab’s young people in order to make them them enable to get source of income accordingly.The Punjab government is known for its focus on expanding road infrastructure across Punjab’s major cities. With the CM Orange Cab Scheme in the process and about to reveal, the province may see a increase in the number of cars on its streets.

Orange Cab scheme 2025

CM Orange Cab Scheme for Youth 2025 Launched in Punjab

According to a survey conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the total unemployment rate in Pakistan stood at 5.9 per cent, in 2025. In this Scenario Punjab Govt took a revolutionary step to bring out the youth out of frustration and hypertension for job as well. CM shabaz sharif is taking tremendous steps for restructuring all the institutions in Punjab to revamp the infrastructure of whole Punjab.To bring transparency in  the whole process of disbursing the Punjab Govt stressed to establish a framework of the scheme to develop it electronically in order to restrict any possibility of mismanagement or corruption.

Eligibility as well as procedure to apply and complete information regarding CM Orange Cab scheme is going to dispatch here after its official announcement as well.The unemployed youth are strongly advised that who do not have motor vehicle license they must apply for it and get it as soon as possible because its initial and mandatory eligibility standard for this scheme.

According to resources it is being heard that Cabs will be leased through Bank of Punjab. In order to make process transparent the Applicants shall be selected through computerized balloting. After distribution of Orange Cabs among the applicants the driving training also shall be given by NLC, Motorway police and Highway authority as well.

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Maan Ali

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