FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 9 Transport Short Questions Answers

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Class/Subject: 9th Class Biology

Chapter Name: Transport

Board: FederalĀ  Board

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FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 9 Transport Short Questions Answers

Why the cells are regarded as units of life?

Cells are the primary sites for metabolic processes. That is why they are regarded as the units of life’.

What is agglutination?

The clumping of blood cells during blood transfusion is called agglutination. If agglutination occurs, the clumped cells cannot pass through capillaries.

What is albumin?

It is an important protein present in blood that maintains the water balance of the blood.

What is Angina Pectoris?

Angina Pectoris means “Chest Pain”. It is not as severe as a heart attack. The pain may occur in the heart and often in the left arm and shoulder. It is a warning sign that blood supply to heart muscles is not sufficient but the shortage is not enough to cause death.

What is anti-Rh anti-body?

If an Rh-negative person receives Rh-positive blood, he/she will produce anti-Rh antibodies against Rh factors.

Define Artery. Which blood does it carry?

The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries. All arteries except pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood. Their structures are well adapted for their function.

Define atrial systole?

When both atria contract and pump blood towards ventricles, this period in the cardiac cycle is called atrial systole.

What is an atrium?

The upper-thin walled chambers of the heart are called left and right atria (singular atrium).

Define Basophils?

One of the WBCs is granulocytes. Basophils are granulocytes that help in preventing blood from clotting.

Define blood group systems?

The blood group system is the classification of blood-based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. An antigen is a molecule;e that can stimulate an immune response for antibody production. These antigens may be proteins or polysaccharides. Their nature depends on the blood group systems.

Define Capillary. Give its functions?

The blood vessels composed of a single layer of cells that are used for the exchange of materials are called capillaries. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels. These are formed by the divisions of arterioles. The exchange of material between blood and tissue fluid is carried out through the capillaries.

What is Angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a mechanical widening of narrowed or obstructed blood vessels.

What is bypass surgery?

Surgery in which arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patient’s body are grafted to the coronary arteries to improve blood supply to heart muscles.

Define Transpiration?

Transpiration is the loss of water from the plant surface through evaporation. This loss may occur through stomata in leaves, through the cuticle present on the leaf epidermis, and through special openings called lenticels present in the stems of some plants.

Which factors affect the rate of transpiration?

Temperature, Air humidity, Air movement, Leaf surface area

What is cohesion tension theory?

According to cohesion tension theory, the force which carries water (and dissolved materials) upward through the xylem is transpirational pull. Transpiration creates a pressure difference that pulls water and salts up from roots.

What is the effect of water stress on plants?

There is strong evidence that even mild water stress results in a reduced growth rate in plants.

What is Plasma? How it is separated from blood?

The pale yellow liquid part of blood is called plasma. When blood is taken from an artery and an anticoagulant (a chemical that inhibits blood clotting) is mixed in it. After about 5 minutes, plasma separates from blood cells. which settle down.

What is a Silent Heart Attack?

The heart attack happens without chest pain or other symptoms. Approximately one-fourth of all myocardial infarctions are silent i.e. without chest pain or other symptoms. It is more common in the elderly in patients with diabetes mellitus and after heart transplantation.

Define Heart rate?

Heart rate is the number of times the heartbeat per minute is called heart rate.

Define Pulse?

Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood is forced through it by the regular contractions of the heart.

What is Thalassaemia?

It is also called cooley’s disease. It is a genetic disorder due to a mutation in the gene of hemoglobin. The mutation results in the production of defective hemoglobin and the patient cannot transport oxygen properly.

What are blood groups AB and O?

A person having both antigens A and B has blood group AB. Both antigens are present in it. So their blood serum will contain no antibody. A person having none of the A and B antigens has blood group O. So their blood serum will contain both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

Define blood?

Blood is a specialized form of connective tissue that is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells suspended within the plasma. The weight of the blood in our body is about 1/12th of our body. The average adult has a blood volume of 5 liters.

What are the functions of Roots?

i. Roots anchor the plant in the soil.
ii. They absorb water and salts from the soil.
iii. They provide conducting tissues. These tissues distribute these substances to the tissues of the stem.

What do you know about wilting?

Transpiration maybe a harmful process in the sense that during the conditions of drought, loss of water from plants results in serious desiccation, wilting, and often death.

Define venule?

In tissues, capillaries join to form small venules, which join to form veins are called venules.

Define Ventricles?

The lower thick-walled chambers of the human heart are called left and right ventricles. The left ventricle is the largest and the strongest chamber in the heart.

What is Stomata?

Stomata are minute openings in the lower epidermis of leaves guarded by guard cells. Stomata help in the exchange of gases.

Define Pulmonary veins?

Veins from the lungs that bring the oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the hearth are called pulmonary veins.

What is Xylem?

Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved substances from roots to aerial roots. It consists of vessel elements and tracheids.

Define Transpiration pull?

When one water molecule moves up in the xylem of the leaf, it creates a pulling force that continues to the root. This pulling force created by the transpiration of water is called transpirational pull.

Which systems perform transport in humans?

i. Blood circulatory system (Cardiovascular system)
ii. Lymphatic system

What is an open circulatory system?

It is a type of circulatory system in which blood does not remain in the blood vessels.

How pus is formed?

White blood cells die in the process of killing the germs. These dead cells accumulate and make the white substance called pus seen at the infection site.

What is leukemia?

It is also called blood cancer. Leukemia is the production of a great number of immature and abnormal white blood cells.

What is a Universal donor?

O blood group individuals are called universal donors because they can donate blood to the recipients of every other blood group.

What is the mass and size of the heart in normal adults?

In normal adults, the mass of the heart is about 250-350 grams, and its size is equal to a clenched fist.

What is systemic circulation?

The pathway on which oxygenated blood is carried from the heart to body tissues and in return deoxygenated blood is carried from body tissues to the heart is called systemic circulation.

Define Pulmonary circulation?

The pathway on which oxygenated blood is carried from heart to lung and in return oxygenated blood is carried from lungs to heart is called the pulmonary circulation.

What is meant by the cardiac cycle?

The relaxation of heart chambers fills them with blood and contractions of chambers propels blood out of them. The alternating relaxation and contractions make up the cardiac cycle and one complete cardiac cycle makes one heartbeat.

What is the difference between Systole and Diastole?

Systole: The period of atrial and ventricular contraction is called systole.
Diastole: When Atria and ventricles relax blood is filled in atria. This period is called diastole.

What is the average human heartbeat?

The average human heart beats 70 times/minute. So it would be at approximately 2.5 billion times during a lifetime of 66 years.

What is vascular surgery?

The field in surgery in which diseases of arteries and veins are managed by surgical methods is called vascular surgery.

What is pericardium?

The heart is enclosed in a sac called the pericardium. Pericardial fluid is present between the pericardium and the heart walls. It reduces friction between the pericardium and heart during contractions.

Define Monocytes?

Monocytes are agranulocytes that produce macrophages that engulf germs are called monocytes.

What are guard cells?

Guard cells are bean-shaped cells in the lower epidermis of the leaf which control the opening and closing of stomata.

What is Fibrin?

Fibrin or cholesterol is fatty material when accumulated in the arteries caused narrowing of arteries or atherosclerosis.

What is Cortex?

External to endodermis in the root and stem, there is a broad zone of cortex. It consists of large and thin-walled cells.

What happens in dengue fever?

In dengue fever, there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Because of this, patients bleed from the nose, gums, and under the skin.

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