100 Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online Test with Answers for GK

The following is an online mega quiz that has various questions relating to the Holy Quran. The purpose of this quiz is to assist our visitors in determining their existing level of knowledge regarding the Holy Quran as well as assisting them in increasing that level of knowledge. Therefore, you should try this test in order to prepare for any written examinations or interviews linked to Islamic general knowledge. The 100 Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online Test with Answers for GK is a comprehensive quiz designed to test one’s knowledge about the Quran Pak.

100 Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online Test with Answers for GK

Click Below Start Button to Start Online  Test 100 Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz  with Answers for GK


Mega Quiz

1. بتائیے قرآن پاک میں مدینہ کو کس نام سے پکارا گیا ہے؟

Question 1 of 100

2. Which Surah of Holy Quran was revealed first?

Question 2 of 100

3. Which Surah is known as Saloos-ul-Quran?

Question 3 of 100

4. بتائیں حضرت عمرؓ نے رسول پاکؐ کی زبان سے سب سے پہلے کس سورۃ کی تلاوت سنی؟

Question 4 of 100

5. There are ________ Ayaats in the Holy Quran.

Question 5 of 100

6. There are _________ prostrations (Sajdas) in the Holy Quran.

Question 6 of 100

7. According to the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musa (AS) was granted ________ miracles.

Question 7 of 100

8. How many Surahs are titled with the names of Prophets?

Question 8 of 100

9. The names of _______ Prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Question 9 of 100

10. In which Surah Holy Prophet (SAW) has been named as Ahmed.

Question 10 of 100

11. How much part of the Holy Quran, the Madni Surahs comprise?

Question 11 of 100

12. _______ was the place where first Wahi was revealed.

Question 12 of 100

13. ________ was the day when the first Wahi was revealed.

Question 13 of 100

14. Which uncle of Holy Prophet (SAW) is mentioned by name in the Holy Quran?

Question 14 of 100

15. The smallest number of verses in a Surah is ___________ ?

Question 15 of 100

16. How many Surahs are named on the names of Animals?

Question 16 of 100

17. بتائیے قرآن پاک میں کس نبی کو ان کی ماں کے نام سے پکارا گیا؟

Question 17 of 100

18. قرآن پاک کی کس سورۃ میں بچوں کو دودھ پلانے کا ذکر ہے؟

Question 18 of 100

19. The Holy Quran was revealed on a certain night called ____________ .

Question 19 of 100

20. Where was the last Wahi revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

Question 20 of 100

21. قرآن پاک کو تیس مختلف حصوں میں کس نے تقسیم کیا؟

Question 21 of 100

22. __________ was the principle scribe of the Holy Quran.

Question 22 of 100

23. Which Surah is called the Heart of Quran?

Question 23 of 100

24. Surah _______ is called Umm-ul-Kitab.

Question 24 of 100

25. Which Surah was revealed last?

Question 25 of 100

26. How many Surahs of the Holy Quran commence with the word Qul?

Question 26 of 100

27. There are ________ Surahs in Holy Quran.

Question 27 of 100

28. How many times the Holy Prophet's name Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Question 28 of 100

29. Ayyat-ul-Kursi is refereed as the __________ .

Question 29 of 100

30. Name the divine book which cannot be tempered?

Question 30 of 100

31. There are _________ types of Wahi.

Question 31 of 100

32. How many verses are in Surah Fateha?

Question 32 of 100

33. In which Surah the word Al-Quran-ul-Hakeem is used.

Question 33 of 100

34. The highest number of verses in a Surah is _________ ?

Question 34 of 100

35. قرآن پاک میں آنحضرتؐ کے کتنے فرائض منصبی بتائے گئے ہیں؟

Question 35 of 100

36. In which language, the Holy Quran was first translated?

Question 36 of 100

37. قرآن پاک میں لفظ قل کتنی بار آیا ہے؟

Question 37 of 100

38. At what occasion, the last verse of the Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Question 38 of 100

39. قرآن پاک میں کتنے کفار کا ذکر آیا ہے؟

Question 39 of 100

40. There are _________ Manazil in the Holy Quran.

Question 40 of 100

41. There are ________ Rukoos in Holy Quran.

Question 41 of 100

42. Which Surah was recited by the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time of Hijrah?

Question 42 of 100

43. کفار مکہ قرآن کو کیا کہا کرتے تھے؟

Question 43 of 100

44. The time of first revelation was ____________ ?

Question 44 of 100

45. According to the present arrangement the last Surah of the Holy Quran is ________ ?

Question 45 of 100

46. The Holy Quran was revealed from ____________ ?

Question 46 of 100

47. In how many years, the Holy Quran was revealed?

Question 47 of 100

48. قرآن پاک کی اس سورۃ کا نام بتائیں جس میں حرف تہجی ر نہیں آیا؟

Question 48 of 100

49. The word Quran originated from Kura, what does Kura mean?

Question 49 of 100

50. __________ ordered for the preparation of a standard edition of the Quran.

Question 50 of 100

51. How many Kitabeen-e-Wahi  are mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Question 51 of 100

52. مکہ مکرمہ میں پہلی بار کس صحابی نے بآواز بلند قرآن مجید پڑھا؟

Question 52 of 100

53. In which Surah Hazrat Adam (AS) is mentioned?

Question 53 of 100

54. قرآن پاک کی کس سورۃ میں ﷲتعالیٰ نے زیب و زینت چھپانے کی تاکید کی ہے؟

Question 54 of 100

55. Which two Surahs of the Holy Quran are known as Zulraveen?

Question 55 of 100

56. بتائیے قرآن پاک میں یوم الفرقان کس دن کو کہا جاتا ہے؟

Question 56 of 100

57. Name the first Surah which was revealed at Madina?

Question 57 of 100

58. There are ________ Paras in the Holy Quran.

Question 58 of 100

59. The Holy Quran was revealed in _________ ?

Question 59 of 100

60. مدینہ کی کس مسجد میں سب سے پہلے قرآن پڑھا گیا؟

Question 60 of 100

61. قرآن پاک میں کس پھل کا ذکر آیا ہے؟

Question 61 of 100

62. Bismillah has occurred twice in Surah ________ ?

Question 62 of 100

63. ________ first arranged and write the Holy Quran on paper in book form.

Question 63 of 100

64. قرآن پاک میں کُل کتنے کلمات ہیں؟

Question 64 of 100

65. There are _________ Haroof-e-Moqatteat in the Holy Quran.

Question 65 of 100

66. Which Surah is called Miftah-ul-Quran?

Question 66 of 100

67. In which Surah the word Quran-ul-Kareem is used?

Question 67 of 100

68. To bring revelation to the Prophets of Allah, was the duty of _________ ?

Question 68 of 100

69. The Holy Quran was revealed in _________ years.

Question 69 of 100

70. _________ was the first revealed word.

Question 70 of 100

71. __________ was the hardest form of revelation.

Question 71 of 100

72. Heading of how many Surahs are in one letter?

Question 72 of 100

73. Cave Hira is situated near the city of ___________ .

Question 73 of 100

74. The meaning of Baqarah is __________ ?

Question 74 of 100

75. Which Surah is also known as Fatah-ul-Quran?

Question 75 of 100

76. Which Sahabi's name is given in the Quran?

Question 76 of 100

77. How much part of the Holy Quran the Makki Surahs comprise?

Question 77 of 100

78. _________ punctuated the Holy Quran.

Question 78 of 100

79. When was the first Wahi revealed?

Question 79 of 100

80. The basic topic of Makki Surahs is _________ ?

Question 80 of 100

81. How much of the Holy Quran, the longest Surah comprises?

Question 81 of 100

82. ________ is the Surah which does not start with Bismillah.

Question 82 of 100

83. The meaning of Fateha is _______ ?

Question 83 of 100

84. Which Surah is known as Aroos-ul-Quran?

Question 84 of 100

85. قرآن پاک میں کتنی مسجدوں کے نام آئے ہیں؟

Question 85 of 100

86. The total number of Makki Surahs in the Holy Quran is ___________ .

Question 86 of 100

87. The longest Surah of Holy Quran is ________ .

Question 87 of 100

88. The Holy Quran is divided in _________  parts.

Question 88 of 100

89. In which month, the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Question 89 of 100

90. Which is the first complete Madani Surah in the Holy Quran?

Question 90 of 100

91. The name of Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA) is given in Surah _________ .

Question 91 of 100

92. From which Surah, the Holy Quran opens?

Question 92 of 100

93. _________ is the shortest Surah of Holy Quran.

Question 93 of 100

94. آیت کے کیا معنی ہیں؟

Question 94 of 100

95. قرآن پاک کی اس سورۃ کا نام بتائیں جس میں صرف ایک زیر ہے؟

Question 95 of 100

96. __________ was appointed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to write down the revelations.

Question 96 of 100

97. How many verses are in Surah-e-Alaq?

Question 97 of 100

98. The total number of Madani Surahs in the Holy Quran is ___________ .

Question 98 of 100

99. قرآن مجید کا موضوع کیا ہے؟

Question 99 of 100

100. Which is the second longest Surah of Quran?

Question 100 of 100


Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online Test

 Questions on Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online Test with Answers for GK. The quiz includes a wide range of topics, such as the quantity of chapters and verses in the Quran Pak, its significance in Islam, translations, manners, rules for reciting it, benefits of memorizing, myths, scientific miracles, and more. Its objective is to gauge broad understanding of the Quran and its teachings. Participants can assess their comprehension of the sacred text and refine it. Each question on the quiz has a solution, enabling participants to learn more and dispel any misunderstandings they may have.
Quran Pak Basic Info with Answers for GK
The Quran Pak is Islam’s sacred book, considered to be God’s word to Muhammad. The classical Arabic text has 114 chapters (surahs) and 6,236 verses (ayat). The Quran Pak is Islam’s highest guide of faith, worship, and morals. Unchangeable, it is handled with respect and cleanliness. Virtuous Quran Pak recitation gives spiritual advantages. Memory of the Quran Pak is valued, and non-Muslims can read and study it to understand Islam. Anyone interested in Islam must know the basics of the Quran Pak.
What is the purpose of the Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online?
The Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online serves as an educational tool to enhance your General Knowledge about the fundamental aspects of the Quran Pak. It aims to provide valuable insights into its historical, linguistic, and thematic significance.

Is the Quran Pak relevant to people of all faiths?

Yes, the Quran Pak’s teachings and guidance are relevant to people of all faiths, as its ethical principles and universal wisdom can resonate with individuals seeking spiritual growth and moral guidance.

Can I take the Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz multiple times?

Absolutely! Feel free to take the quiz as many times as you’d like to reinforce your understanding of the Quran Pak and its essential details.

What benefits can I gain from participating in the Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online?

Participating in the quiz can lead to a deeper appreciation of the Quran Pak’s significance, a better grasp of its key concepts, and an enhanced ability to engage in meaningful discussions about this holy scripture.

How can I further explore the teachings of the Quran Pak after taking the quiz?

After taking the Quran Pak Basic Info Quiz Online, consider reading translations and commentaries to gain a deeper understanding of its verses and their interpretations. Engaging in discussions with scholars and fellow believers can also contribute to your exploration of the Quran Pak’s teachings.

Where can I find reputable resources to learn more about the Quran Pak?

You can explore reputable websites, libraries, and educational institutions that offer reliable translations, commentaries, and scholarly articles about the Quran Pak. Online platforms like reputable Islamic centers and university websites can provide valuable insights.

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Maan Ali

Hey there! I'm Maan Ali, your online test prep pal. Join me in the adventure of acing exams with ease. I'll share tricks, practice tests, and all you need to rock your studies. Let's make learning fun and success a sure thing!


  1. Mai confuse hon kaha jata hai k Quran ki surah yaseen wahid surah jiski har ayat “noon” nd “meem” py khtm hoti h
    M ny notice Kia k big surah yaseen wahid nh h 29th parah k surah qalam hai us m b her ayat noon nd meem py khtm hoti hai…..

  2. 12 Question is wrong in Quran quiz
    5 surah starts with word Qul
    1. Al Kafiroon 2. Al Ahad 3. Al Falaq 4.Al Naas 5. Al jin

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