HEC USAT Test 2025 Essay Preparation Online Important Topics Solved English Urdu Essay
HEC USAT Test online essay important topics wise with full solved outlines available for preparation. All important English essay in USAT test has the total marks 25. Please prepare the essay to got the higher marks for admission in Undergraduate admission. The candidates are applied for the USAt Test, who need the MCQs test as well as the Essay writing test preparations. The Essay given below is solved.
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Urdu Essay/اردو مضامین
زندگی میں نظم وضبط کی اہمیت
بے محنت پیہم کوئی جو ہر نہیں کھلتا
ادب اورصحافت
امت مسلمہ کا منصب اور مقصد
خودانحصاری۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک بامعنی اسلوب
امت مسلمہ کو درپیش مسائل
پولیس اور رشوت کاخاتمہ
زندگی اور ادب
فوجی ترتیب کیوں ضروری ہے؟
تعمیر وطن طلبہ کا مقام
مخلوط تعلیم
تعلیم نسواں
طلبہ اور سیاست
عالم اسلام کا اتحاد
ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے
منشیات اور معاشرہ
ماحولیاتی آلودگی
معیارکی پستی کے اسباب
زندگی میں نظم وضبط کی اہمیت
بے محنت پیہم کوئی جو ہر نہیں کھلتا
ادب اورصحافت
امت مسلمہ کا منصب اور مقصد
خودانحصاری۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک بامعنی اسلوب
امت مسلمہ کو درپیش مسائل
پولیس اور رشوت کاخاتمہ
زندگی اور ادب
فوجی ترتیب کیوں ضروری ہے؟
تعمیر وطن طلبہ کا مقام
مخلوط تعلیم
تعلیم نسواں
طلبہ اور سیاست
عالم اسلام کا اتحاد
ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے
منشیات اور معاشرہ
ماحولیاتی آلودگی
معیارکی پستی کے اسباب
HEC USAT Test 2025 Essay Preparation Online Important Topics Solved English Urdu Essay
1. Define the scope of the essay
Before you start writing an essay on a given subject, it is important to define the scope of the subject. It is here that most students falter. They take a clue from a keyword in the title of the essay and write down all they know about it. They hardly realize how much off the track they are. The Problems of Industrialization. The Evils of Industrialization and Should Pakistan Be industrialized are three different subjects that need different treatment. The first essay needs an elaborate discussion of the various problems of industrialization, viz., the availability of raw materials, energy, labor, marketing conditions, etc. The second essay discusses the evil effects of industrialism, e.g., the exploitation of labor, the concentration of wealth in a few hands, pollution of the atmosphere, etc. In the third essay, we have to discuss the situation in our country and decide whether we should try to strengthen our agriculture or go for all-out industrialization.2. Jot down the ideas.
Having defined the scope of the essay, start thinking about it. Jot down the ideas as they occur to you. But be sure that the ideas that you are jotting down are relevant to the given subject and carry sufficient weight in them. A composition cannot be built upon trivialities, nor can a mere jumble of irrelevant ideas make an essay, Long drawn out illustrations also do little credit to the composition. Therefore, take care that you include nothing irrelevant or shallow, you do not forcibly stretch your ideas and you do not include long, casual-looking illustrations.3. Prepare the outlines.
Now it is time to arrange these ideas and prepare your outlines. The arrangement should be logical in a reflective essay and chronological in a narrative one. If you are writing about an event, describe it as it happened. If your subject needs arguments, arrange them logically. The importance of arranging the ideas cannot be overemphasized. The proper arrangement can often make up for a lack of material. Your essay must leave the impression that it is a well-integrated pattern of thoughts.4. Think of an attractive beginning.
Decide how you are going to begin the essay. Your introduction should be fresh, original and arresting, but it should be strictly relevant to the subject. Perhaps you could begin your essay with some observation of your own, or with some quotation of a known writer if you can think of it on the spur of the moment.
5. The conclusion has to be stated clearly and firmly.
The conclusion of the essay has also to be thought of beforehand. Even before you lay the first brick, you must know where you will put the last one, i.e., you must know how you are going to conclude your essay. In a narrative or descriptive essay, you could sum up the impact, the scene, the person, or the event left on your mind. In a reflective essay, you could conclude by giving your own views on the subject. It must give the impression that you have said the last word on the subject.
6. Develop different points in different paragraphs.
With the help of the outlines you have prepared, clearly develop your thoughts point by point. Your thoughts should show logical development and must not be jumbled. Division of the essay into various paragraphs will help keep your thoughts unentangled.
7. Revise if there is time.
A rough draft of your essay is ready. Now revise it, if you have time at your disposal. It is a good habit to revise, and it pays. While revising your essay, your aim should be to eliminate repetition of words and phrases, the ambiguity of ideas or style and any digressions that
might have crept in.
8. Never be irrelevant.
The temptation of introducing beautiful ideas or beautiful words and phrases just because they happen to be beautiful should be resisted. However beautiful a remark, if it is out of place, it fails to attract. The pertinence of an idea should be the first consideration, not its beauty. Moralizing or preaching a sermon is also undesirable. Vague generalizations, arbitrary conclusions, violent statements, false accusations, and dogmatic assertions should be carefully avoided.
9. Do not overload your essay with statistics.
An essay on Bank Nationalization or Food Crisis might need figures to endorse your stand, but don’t forget that you are not writing as a student of Economics. The examiner wants to see the clarity of your ideas and the beauty of your expression. Don’t let statistics destroy the beauty of your essay.
10. Use simple language.
Try to keep your language simple and elegant. Simplicity is a big virtue. Avoid verbosity, pompousness, and garrulity. It is not advisable to write long, complex sentences unless you are confident that you can handle them deftly. Complex sentence structure makes room for ambiguity and grammatical mistakes. Stock phrases and clangs should also be avoided.
11. Develop the habit of reading newspapers and periodicals.
You cannot write a good essay unless you have a good knowledge of the subject, a fairly good vocabulary, and a style of your own. For extensive knowledge and rich vocabulary, you ought to develop the habit of reading newspapers, periodicals as well as good books. You should not only train yourself to read but also to appraise what you are reading. You must frequently pause to consider, digest and criticize.
Unfortunately, very few people develop the habit of thinking. The modern world discourages original thinking. Therefore, most of us suffer from paucity of ideas. G.K. Chesterton has rightly remarked, “None of us think enough of those things on which the eye rests. Why should the eye be so lazy? Let us exercise the eye until it learns to see the starting facts than run across the landscape as plain as a painted fence. Let us be ocular athletes. Let us learn to write the essay on a stray cat or a coloured cloud….” One can learn to write only by writing. So just write on.