New Grading System for Matric and Intermediate in Pakistan Introduced by IBCC
A 10-point New Grading System for Matric and Intermediate is being launched in the matric and interlevel across all of Pakistan. The new grading system will replace the previous marking system and the grading system. The New Grading System for Matric and Intermediate is introduced by the IBCC Inter Board Committee of Chairman some days before. It is very useful information for the students of Pakistan.
New Grading System for Matric and Intermediate
Following the system that is being implemented, passing scores will be raised by a factor of 40 to 33 percent. At the same time, failure grades, i.e., F, will be replaced by the grade U. The plus-plus grade is granted to students scoring up to 100 marks as well as an A-plus grade for students scoring between 91 and 95 marks, and the grade A for students scoring 86 or 90 points. The approval for this grading system based on ten systems will be announced at the meeting of the heads of the educational board across the nation (IBCC) that will be held on the 21st of May at Lahore.
Chairman HEC Dr. Mukhtar is also invited to the meeting. According to this system, between 81 and 85 percent of the marks are graded as B plus, and 76-81 scores will receive a B grade. In the same way, students from Matriculation or Inter will receive a University-style Grading Point Average (GPA) instead of marks.
Conduction of Matric/Inter Annual Exams 2025 According to New Grading System
All educational heads and the Director were also able to agree at the meeting that matriculation and inter-exams will take place in May and April, while the result will be released in August of each year.
New Grading System for Matric and Intermediate in Pakistan Introduced by IBCC
New Grading System for Matric Inter Levels by IBCC
A new 10- point grading system has been implemented at the matrices and inter-levels across the country. Under this system, the marks for passing are increased from 33 percent to 40 percent, and failing grades (F) will be eliminated. A U grade (unsatisfied grade) is introduced by removing the failing grade. In the same way, A plus 96 to 100, A plus 91 to 95, and 86 to 90 are classified as A. To ensure there is a gap that exists between A Grade 100 and 80 percent could be removed. The acceptance of this ten-point grading system will be ratified in the All Education Board Heads’ meeting (IBCC) across the nation scheduled for this morning (Thursday) at Lahore. The chairman of HEC, Dr. Mukhtar, is also invited to the meeting. At the meeting, 81 and 85 percent marks are considered B plus. Scores of 76-81 were graded B.
IBCC Introduced 10-Point Grading System Regarding Matric & Inter Exams
There is excellent news for those taking board courses such as SSC or HSSC. The government of Pakistan has finally launched the grading system for students in matric and inter-level classes. The new grade system is now replacing the outdated marks system.
- First, the pass mark is 33 in all of Pakistan and has been raised to 40.
- In addition, those who fail now have a grade of U instead of “an F.”
- Candidates who get 96 marks on a 100-point scale will earn an A grade of + in addition to the grade will be a plus for people who have between 91 and 95 marks.
- The same applies to grades for marks ranging from 86 to 90.
- The heads of all educational boards participated in the meeting, gave their opinions, and endorsed the grading system.
- The conference is scheduled to take place in Lahore.
- The Chairman of HEC, Dr. Mukhtar, has been invited to the meeting.
- Based on the grading method, a B+ grade will award 81 to 85 percent marks, while scores of 76-81 are graded as B.
New Grading System For Matric & Intermediate On The Cards
The new grading system will be implemented following approval by the All Education Board Heads’ meeting (IBCC). Additionally, students in intermediate and matric will be able to give the university-style Grading point average (GPA) instead of marks. Based on the proposed system, those scoring 96 percent to 100 percent will be awarded an A+ (A+); however, students ranging from 91 percent to 95% will be awarded An A-minus (AA-minus). In contrast, students who have 86%-90 percent marks will receive a grade of A. A B-plus (B+) grade will be handed out to students who scored between 81% and 85 percent while grade B is handed out to those who have achieved 76%-80 percentage scores.
The national committee of chairmen of the educational boards voted to replace the current scoring system for intermediate [grade XII] and the matric [grade X] level with a 10-point system throughout the nation. The decision was taken during an Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) meeting in Lahore. Secretaries University and Boards Mureed Rahimi led the session. Inter Chairman of the Board (IBCC) Secretary Ghulam Ali Malah informed The Express Tribune that the current system of grading at the intermediate [grade XII] and grade X levels was to be abolished and replaced with an overall 10-point system all across the country in 2025.
Remarks About the Result
New grades will be “A+” (or “Exceptional” to students who score scores of 95-100% “A+” or “Outstanding” for 90-95% marks “A” (or “Remarkable” for 85-90% marks “B+” (or “Excellent” for scores of 80-85; “B+” or “Very Excellent” for marks between 75 and 80; “B” or “Good” for marks between 70 and 75; “C” or “Fair” for marks of 60-70 percent; “D” or “Satisfactory” for marks between 50 and 60; “E” or “Sufficient” for marks between 40 and 50 percent.
Matric passing marks in 2025
The IBCC secretary claimed that scores for passing at the university level were 40% or even 50% in some instances; however, the passing marks for aptitude tests were 50. “Hence it was taken to increase the passing score to align these results with universities.
Marks | Grades |
96/100 | A++ |
91 to 95 | A+ |
81 to 85 | B+ |
76 to 81 | B |
40 | Passing Marks |
Grading System in Pakistan 2025
The current six-point grading system is A1, A B, E, and C. These could be replaced by nine-point grades, which are A+, B, B+, C, B, then C, D, and E. Sindh Technical Board Chairman Masroor Sheikh stated.
Grades According to Percentage in Pakistan Matric
Grades | Percentage of Marks | Marks | Percentage of Marks |
GRADING FORMULA (850 Marks) | |||
A+ | 80 % or above marks | 680 or more marks | Outstanding of Marks |
A | 70 % to 79 % marks | 595 to 679 marks | Excellent |
B | 60 % to 69 % marks | 510 to 594 marks | Very good |
C | 50 % to 59 % marks | 425 to 509 marks | Good |
D | 40 % to 49 % marks | 340 to 424 marks | Fair |
E | 33 % to 39 % marks | Bellow 340 to minimum pass marks | Satisfactory |
GRADING FORMULA (1050 Marks Scheme) | |||
A+ | 80% or above | 840 or above | Outstanding of Marks |
A | 70% to 79% | 735 to 839 | Excellent |
B | 60% to 69% | 630 to 734 | Very good |
C | 50% to 59% | 525 to 629 | Good |
D | 40% to 49% | 420 to 524 | Fair |
E | 33% to 39% | 419 or below minimum pass marks | Satisfactory |
GRADING FORMULA (1100 Marks Scheme) | |||
A+ | 80% or above | 880 or above | Outstanding of Marks |
A | 70% to 79% | 770 to 879 | Excellent |
B | 60% to 69% | 660 to 769 | Very good |
C | 50% to 59% | 550 to 649 | Good |
D | 40% to 49% | 440 to 549 | Fair |
E | 33% to 39% | 439 or below minimum pass marks | Satisfactory |
PRACTICAL GRADING FORMULA (1100 Marks Scheme) | |||
A+ | 90% or above | 18 or above | Outstanding of Marks |
A | 80% to 89% | 16 to 17 | Excellent |
B | 70% to 79% | 14 to 15 | Very good |
C | 60% to 69% | 10 to 11 | Good |
D | 50% to 59% | 440 to 549 | Fair |
E | 40% to 49% | 8 to 9 |
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