FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 8 Nutrition Short Questions Answers
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Class/Subject: 9th Class Biology
Chapter Name: Nutrition
Board: FederalĀ Board
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FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 8 Nutrition Short Questions Answers
Define nutrition?
The process in which food is obtained or prepared, absorbed, and converted into body substances for growth and energy is called nutrition.
What are nutrients?
The elements and compounds that an organism obtains and uses for energy or the synthesis of new materials are called nutrients.
What are autotrophs?
The organisms which obtain water, carbon dioxide, and minerals from their environment and prepare their food which is then used for growth and energy are called autotrophic organisms.
Define Heterotrophs?
The organisms which obtain their food from other organisms and use it for growth and energy are called heterotrophic.
Why does an organism need food?
Growth, Energy, and Function normally
How plants get their food? Explain briefly.
Plants are autotrophic and prepare their food through photosynthesis. Plants get carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. Plants also require mineral elements for various activities and structures.
Define macronutrients?
The nutrients which are required by the plant in large quantities are called macronutrients. e.g. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. These are nine in number.
Define micronutrients?
The nutrients which are required by the plant in small quantities are called micronutrients. e.g. iron, boron, etc. These are eight in number.
What is Amylase?
Saliva contains an enzyme salivary amylase, which aids in the partial digestion of starch.
What is anemia?
The term anemia means “a lack of food”. The condition is caused when the number of red blood cells is reduced to a level lower than the normal, caused by a deficiency of iron.
What is an appendix?
From the blind end of the caecum, there arises a non-functional finger-like projection called an appendix. Inflammation of the appendix due to infection causes severe pain called appendicitis.
What is Assimilation?
Conversion and incorporation of absorbed simple food into the complex substances constituting the body is called assimilation.
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet may be defined as one which contains essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins in the correct proportion for the normal growth and development of the body.
What is Bolus?
After the processes of chewing, lubrication, and partial digestion, the pieces of bread and mutton are rolled up by tongue into a small, slippery, spherical mass called a bolus.
What is a cardiac sphincter?
The stomach has two sphincters (openings that are guarded by muscles). The cardiac sphincter is between the stomach and esophagus. The bolus enters the stomach through it.
Why meat is not a good source of vitamin C?
Minute quantities of vitamin C are present in muscles. Since meat consists of muscles so it is not a good source of vitamin C.
What are water-soluble vitamins?
Vitamins B and C are known as water-soluble vitamins. These are soluble in water, so are excreted from the body as compared to fat-soluble vitamins which are much less excreted. So levels of water-soluble vitamins in the body can decrease quickly leading to vitamin deficiency.
What are Vitamins?
Vitamins are the chemical compounds that are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth and metabolism.
What is Rickets?
The condition in which bones become weak and bow under pressure. Mostly, it happened in children’s.
What is Osteomalacia?
The condition is also known as “soft bone” which leads to the risk for fractures in bones. Mostly, it happened in adults.
What is scurvy?
Scurvy is a disease that happens due to the deficiency of vitamin A. This deficiency leads to changes in the connective tissues throughout the body.
What are the symptoms of scurvy?
Muscle pain, joint pain, swollen and bleeding gums, slow wound healing, and dry skin.
What is Pepsin?
The active form of the enzyme pepsinogen that partially digests the proteins into shorter peptide chains is called pepsin.
What is the major cause of mortality in children?
According to the United Nations Children’s Funds, (UNICEF), malnutrition contributes to the deaths of more than 6 million children under age five every year.
Define Constipation?
Constipation is a condition where a person experiences hard feces that are difficult to eliminate.
Write the weight and size of the liver in an adult human?
In an adult human, the liver weighs about 1.5 kg and is the size of a football.
What are bile pigments?
Bile contains pigments that are by-products of red blood cell destruction in the liver. These bile pigments are eliminated from the body with feces.
What are the functions of the large intestine?
i. The elimination of feces
ii. Absorption of water and salts
How Vitamin K is produced?
Many bacteria live in the colon. They produce vitamin K, which is necessary for the coagulation of blood.
What is Trypsin?
The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice in which the enzyme trypsin is present which helps in the digestion of proteins is called trypsin.
What are laxatives?
The medicines called laxatives (e.g. Paraffin) are used for the treatment of constipation.
What are Villi?
In the folds of the ilium, finger-like structures are present, these projections are richly supplied with blood capillaries and help in the absorption of digested food. They also increase the surface area of the inner walls of the small intestine.
What do you know about chyme?
In the stomach, partially digested food is converted to a soup-like mixture called chyme.
Pepsin is a powerful protein-digesting enzyme. Why does it not digest stomach walls which are mostly proteins?
Pepsin is not released in its active form. It is secreted as inactive pepsinogen, which requires HCl for activation. The mucous of gastric juice form a thick coating over the inner walls of the stomach and neutralizes the HCl there. It makes pepsinogen difficult to be activated and to attack stomach walls.
What is meant by drought?
A drought is a period when there is not enough water to support agricultural and human needs.
Define Famine and also tell its causes?
Famine means the lack of enough food to feed all people living in an area is called Famine.
Causes: Unequal distribution of food, Drought, Flooding, Increasing population.
Write down the name of two diseases caused by minerals deficiency?
Goiter and Anaemia
What are the effects of malnutritions?
Weakens the immune system, Impairs physical and mental death, Slows thinking, Stunts growth, Affects fetal development.
Which vitamins are destroyed by cooking and heating?
Cooking or heating destroys water-soluble vitamins more readily than fat-soluble vitamins.
What are the functions of vitamin C in human beings?
i. It is needed to form collagen (a fibrous protein) that gives strength to collective tissues.
ii. Vitamin C in white blood cells enables the immune system to function properly.
What are dietary fibers?
Dietary fiber (also known as roughage) is the part of human food that is indigestible. It is found in plant foods and it moves undigested through the stomach and small intestine and into the colon. It is of two types: a-soluble dietary fiber, b-insoluble dietary fiber.
What are Fat-soluble vitamins?
The vitamins which are soluble in fats and are much less excreted from the body are called fat-soluble vitamins. e.g. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are called fat-soluble vitamins.
What is Goiter?
Iodine deficiency in diet causes enlargement of the thyroid gland. Due to enlargement, it becomes prominent and protrudes from the neck region. This disease is called a goiter.
What is gastrin?
When the protein stomach is digested into peptides, these peptides stimulate some cells of the stomach wall to secrete hormone gastrin into the blood and distributed it to all parts of the body including the stomach. Here it has specific effects and stimulates the cells of gastric glands to secrete more gastric juice.
What is Jejunum?
Next to the duodenum is 2.4 meters long is the jejunum. It is converted with the rest of the digestion of Proteins, starch, and lipids.
Write the importance of Calcium.
Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. It is also needed for maintaining cell membranes and connective tissues and for the activation of several enzymes. Calcium is also aids in blood clotting.
What is Kwashiorkor?
It is a disease caused by protein deficiency at the age of about 12 months when breastfeeding is discontinued. It can also develop at any time during a child’s growing years. Children may grow to normal height but are abnormally thin.
What do you know about the liver? Give its two functions.
A dark reddish organ, the liver is the largest gland of the body. It lies beneath the diaphragm on the right side of the abdomen. It consists of a larger right lobe and a smaller left lobe. A pear-shaped greenish-yellow sac of the gall bladder is present on its right lobe.
Functions: i. Deamination: Removal of amino groups from Amino acids.
ii. Detoxification: Conversion of Ammonia into Urea.
What is a mineral deficiency?
Nutrient deficiency cause mineral deficiency means less availability of required minerals. The most common result of mineral deficiency is poor growth and development in children.
What is an oral cavity?
The oral cavity is the space behind the mouth and has many important functions. Food selection is one of them. Mastication, lubrication, and chemical digestion of food are other functions.
What is the role of Zinc in the human diet?
Aids in insulin action, Helps in growth and reproduction, Acts as an enzyme cofactor, Supports immune function.
Write the main food sources of proteins in the human diet?
Dietary sources of proteins are meat, eggs, grains, legumes, and dairy products such as milk and cheese.
Name the components of human food?
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acid, Proteins, Minerals, and Vitamins.
What is Saliva? Give its functions?
The three pairs of salivary glands (under the tongue behind the jaws and in front of ears) release a juice called saliva in the oral cavity. Saliva has two functions.
i. It adds water and mucous to the food which acts as lubricants.
ii. It has the enzyme amylase, which aids in the partial digestion of starch.
What is protein-energy malnutrition?
Protein-energy malnutrition refers to inadequate availability or absorption of energy and protein in the body. PEM may lead to diseases such as kwashiorkor and marasmus.
What would happen if pancreatic juice did not reach to our small intestine?