Discover the captivating realm of fungi with our 11th Class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi Short Question Answers. Specifically crafted for students venturing into the intriguing world of fungi, this resource provides concise yet comprehensive insights. Explore a carefully selected compilation of short questions and their corresponding answers, aimed at enhancing your understanding of fungal biology. Whether you are preparing for exams or seeking to develop a deeper appreciation for biodiversity, these succinct responses serve as a reliable guide to unravel the complexities of Chapter 8. Unveil the enigmatic wonders of fungi and strengthen your grasp on biology with this invaluable resource, ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience.
11th Class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi Short Question Answers Below
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- Lahore Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Rawalpindi Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Gujranwala Board 11thclass Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Multan Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Sargodha Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Faisalabad Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Sahiwal Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- DG Khan Board 11th class Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
- Bahawalpur Board 11thclass Biology Chapter 8 Fungi short questions Answer
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1. What plant- like characters are found in fungi?
They resemble plants in some respects: i) They have cell wall. ii) They lake centrioles. iii) They are non- motile.
2. What animal- like characters present in fungi?
i) Fungi are heterotrophs. ii) They lack cellules in their cell wall and contain chitin- the chemical found in exoskeleton of arthropods. For this reason, some mycologists (scientists who study fungi)think that fungi and animals probably arose from a common ancestor.
3. What are differences between fungi and animals?
Fungi are different from animals in following ways: i) Fungi have cell wall. ii) They are absorptive heterophs. iii) They are non- motile.
4. On what basis do you say that fungi are different from all the organisms?
Fungi – different from all organisms i) Their DNA studies also confirms that they are different from all other organisms. ii) They show a characteristic type of mitosis, called ‘ nuclear mitosis’. During nuclear mitosis, nuclear envelop does not break, instead the mitotic spindle from within the nucleus and the nuclear membrane, constricts between the two clusters of daughter chromosomes.
5. Why non- septate hypae are called coenocytic hyphae?
The non- septate hyphea are called coenocytic hyphae. In which cytoplasm moves effectively, distributing the materials throughout the hyphae.
6 Define Absorptive heterotrophs?
Absorptive heterotrophs All fungi lack chiorophyll and are heterotrophs (obtaining carbon and energy from organic matter). They obtain their food by direct absorption from the immediate environment and are thus absorption haterotrophs.
7. What is the difference between obligate and facultative parasites?
Obligate parasites can grow only on their living host and cannot be grown on available defined growth culture medium e.g. various mildews and most rust species. Facultative Paramus can grow parasitically on their host as well as by themselves in artificial growth media.
8. How predator fungi obtain their food?
The oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) paralyses the nematodes (that feed on this fungus), primarily to fulfil its nitrogen requirements. It fulfils its glucose requirements by breaking the wood . Some species of Arthrobotrys trap soil nematodes by forming constricting ring, their hyphae invading and digesting the unlucky victim. Other predators have other adaptations, such as secretion of sticky substances.
9. What are Mutualists?
Mutualists are those organisms which show mutualism, a phenomenon in which both the partners are benefited e.g .Lichens and mtcorrhiza.
10. What are lichens?
Lichens are mutualistic or symbiotic asseociations between certain fungi and some photoautotrophs such such as algae.
11. What is the role of the fungi and algae in lichens?
Fungus protects the algae partner from strong light and desiccation and itself gets food prepared by algae.
12. What are Mycorrhizae?
Mycorrhizae are mutualistic association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants (about 95% of all kinds of vascular plants).
13. Name different type of Mycorrhizae. Or differentiate between endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhize?
There are two main types of mycorrhizae: i) Endomycorrhizae, in which the fungal hyphae penetrate the outer cell of the plant root, forming coils, swellings and minute branchas,and also extend out into surrounding soil. ii) Ectomycorrhizae, in which the hyphae surround and extend between the cells but do not penetrate the cell walls of the roots. These are mostly formed with pines, firs, etc.
14. What are characteristics of spores?
Spores show following characteristics: i) They may be produced by sexual or asexual process. ii) They are haploid. iii) They are non-motile and not needing water for their dispersal. iv)They are small and produced in very large number. v) They are dispersed by wind, insects and other small animals and rain splashes. vi) When spores land in a suitable place, they germinate, giving rise to new fungal hyphae.
15. What is budding?
Budding Budding is an asymmetrical division in which tiny outgrowth or bud is produced which may separate and grow. It is found in unicellular yeasts.
16. What are the basis of classification of fungi?
Basis of classification of fungi Classification of fungi into four main groups is based primarily on the type of their sexual reproductive structure and methods of reproduction. However these groups also differ in the type of hyphae and some other characters.
17. Name the major groups of fungi with example?
1. Zygomycota (Zygomycetes) e.g., Rhizopus, (Black bred mold) Pilobolus (spitting fungus) (2) Ascomycota (Ascomycetes or sac – fungi) e.g., Yeasts, morels, truffles, powdery mildews, molds (3) Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes or club- fungi) e.g., Mushrooms, rusts, smuts, puff balls, braket fungi (4) Deuteromycota (Deuteromycetes or Imperfect fungi) e.g., Aspergillus. Penicillium. Alternaria
18. Why rusts and smuts are called “rusts” and “smuts”?
Rusts are called so because of numerous rusty, orange – yellow coloured disease spots on their host surface (mostly stem, leaves), later revealing brick/rust –red spores of the fungus. Smuts are called so because of their black, dusty spore masses kernels such as those of wheat, corn etc.
19. Define parasexuality?
Parasexuality Parasexuality is the genetic recombination in which portions of chromosomes of two nuclei lying in the same hypha are exchanged.
20. Why molds can grow on oranges and jelly kept in a refrigerator?
Many fungi can tolerate temperature -50C below freezing while some fungi can tolerate 50 0C or more. That is why molds (e.g., Penicillium) can grow on oranges and jelly kept in a refrigerator.
21. What are bioindicators?
The organisms which are either sensitive or resistant to a particular type of pollution are said to be the bioindicators e.g., Lichens are very good bio- indicators of air quality as they are very sensitive to pollution.
22. What do you mean by Bioremediation?
Bioremediation means degrading / removing environmental poisons or pollutants by organisms e.g., some fungi.
23. Name the two poisonous mushrooms?
i) death, cap/death angle (Amanita) and ii)Jack-O’ latern mushroom.
24. Name some fungal disease of plants?
Rusts and smut disease of wheat, corn and rice, powdery mildews (on grapes, rose, wheat etc), ergot of rye, red rot of sugar cane, potato wilt, cotton root rot, apple scab, and brown rot of peaches, plums, apricots and cherries are some common plant diseases caused by fungi.
25. What are aflatoxins?
Some strains of Aspergillus flavus produce one of the most carcinogenc mycotoxins called aflatoxins.
26. Name of yeast that growth on shower curtains and other moist surfaces?
A pink yeast i.e., Rhodotorula grows on shower curtain and other moist surfaces.
27. What is mycelium?
The body of a fungus is called mycelium which is composed long. Slender, branched, tubular, thread like filaments called the hyphae. Hyphae spread extensively over the surface of substratum. Their walls are composed of chitin.
28. What is the number of known species of fungi?
Approximately 100,000 species of organisms called “fungi” are known.
29. What are hyphae?
Mycellium is composed of long. Slender, branched, tubular, thread like filaments called the hyphae (singular hyphae). Hyphae spread extensively over the surface of substratum. Their walls are composed of chitin, so their wall is more resistant to decay than are cellulose and lignin which is present in plant cell wall.
30. Differentiate between septate and non- septate hyphae?
Septate hyphae are divided by cross walls called septa (singular septum) into individual cells containing one or more nuclei. Septa of many septate fungi have pores through which ribosomes, mitochondira and even nuclei flow from cell to cell. Non-septate hyphae lack septa and are not divided into individual cells. These are in the form of an elongated multinucleated large cell.
31. What are functions of hyphae?
i) Extensive spreading system of hyphae provies large hyphae surface area for absorption of nutrition. ii) hyphae may be packed together and organized to form complex reproductive structures such as mushroom, puff balls, morels ect, which can expand rapidly.
32. What are different types of fungi on the basis of Nutrition?
Most fungi are saprotrophs (or saprobes) but some fungi are parasites, some are even predators, and still others are mutualists.
33. What are Saprotrophs (saprobes)? Also give examples of saprotroph fungi?
They are decomposers that obtain their food (energy, carbon nitrogen) directly from dead organic matter such as fallen trees, animal corpses, or the wastes of live organisms. Examples are Mucor, Pencillium, Agaricus, Saccharomyces ( yeasts) etc.
34. How saprotrophic fungi obtain food?
They secrete out digestive enzymes (carbohydrases, lipases, and proteases) which digest dead organic matter , and the organic molecules thus produced are absorbed by the fungus.
35. What are the major decomposers of the biosphere?
Saprobic fungi, along with bacteria are the major decomposers of the biosphere, contributing to the recycling of the elements (C, N, P, O, H, etc) used by living things.
36. What do you know parasitic fungi?
Parasitic fungi absorb nutrients directly from the living host cytoplasm with the help of special hyphal tips called haustoria. They commonly attack plants than animals.
37. What is habitat of fungi?
Fungi grow best in moist habitats, but are found wherever organic matter is present. They survive dry conditions in some resting stage or by producing resistant spores. They can also tolerate a wide rang of PH from 2-9, a wide temperature range, and high osmotic pressure such as in concentrated solutions as in jelly, jam etc.
38. What are different methods of reproduction in fungi?
Asexual reproduction takes place by spores, conidia fragmentation , and budding . Details of sexual reproduction very in different groups fungi of but fusion of haploid nuclei and meiosis are common to all.
39. Differentiate between plasmogamy and karyogamy?
Plasmogamy is the fusion of cytoplasm while karyogamy is the fusion of karyogamy.
40. How spores of fungi are dispersed?
They are dispersed by wind to great distances and causes wide distribution of many kinds of fungi, including many plants pathogens. Spores may also be dispersed by insects and other small animals and by rain splashes.
41. What are conidia and conidiophores?
Conidia are non- motile, asexual spores which are formed at the tips of modified hyphae called conidiophores.
42. Differentiate between zygospores,ascospores and basidiospores?
The spores of zygomycetes are called zygospores, while those of ascomycetes are ascospores and those of basidiomycetes are basidiospores.
43.What are asci and ascomtcetes and ascocarps ?
Ascomycetes produce haploid sexual spores called ascospores by meiosis inside their characteristic sac like structures called asci. Most sac- fungi have asci inside macroscopeic fruiting bodies called ascocarps- the visible morels etc.
44. What is the largest group of fungi?
Ascomycetes is largest group of fungi, including over 60, 000 species, 50 % or so occurring in lichens and some, such as morels, are mycorrhizal.
45. What are yeasts?
Yeasts are non- hyphae, unicellular microscope fungi, derived from all the three different groups of fungi but mostly Ascomycetes, and reproducing mostly asexually bt budding. However yeasts basidia/ basidiospores. They ferment carbohydrate (glucose) to ethanol and carbondioxide . Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly studied yeasts.
46. Why basidiomycota or club fungi are the most familiar fungi?
These are among the most familiar fungi, and Ustilago species are most common smut fungi.
47. What are the most common rust and smut fungi?
Puccinia species are most common rust fungi, and Ustilago species are most common smut fungi.
48. What are some of the economically important genera of Deuteromycetes?
Penicillium (blue, green molds), Aspergillus (brown molds), Alternaria , Fusarium, Helminthosporium are some of the economically important genera of Deuteromycetes.
49. What is Penicillium?
Penicillium (blue, green molds) are wide spread saprotrophic fungi common on decaying fruit, breads etc. Its hyphae are septate. Penicillium reproduces asexually by means of naked spores called conidia. These are found in chains at the tips of special hyphae called conidiophores, which are branched. Brush-like arrangement of its conidia is characteristic of penicillium.
50. Give two characteristic of fungi for their land adaptation .
In saprobes, certain modified hyphae called rhizoids anchor the fungus ti the substance and so also digest and then absorb the food. Hyphae may be modified in such a way as to enable them to reproduce themselves without depending on external water.
What is hypha?
Hypha:Mycelium consists of long, branched, tubular, thread like filaments called the hypha (Singular Hypha). Hypha spread extensively over the surface of substratum. Their walls are composed of chitin, so their wall is highly resistant to decay. Hyphae may be septate or non-septate
What is the advantage of having incomplete septa?
Advantage if having incomplete septa: Cytoplasm flows from cell to cell, carrying the materials to growing tips and enabling the hyphae to grow rapidly when food and water are abundant and temperature is favorable.
What is the composition of fungal cell wall and how is this composition advantageous to fungi?
Fungal cell walls are composed of chitin, so their wall is more resistant to decay than are cellulose and lignin which make up plant cell wall.
To which phyla do the yeasts belong? How they differ from other fungi?
Yeasts are unicellular microscopic fungi, derived from all the three different groups of fungi but mostly Ascomycetes, and reproducing mostly, asexually by budding However, yeasts reproduce sexually by forming asci/ascospores or basidia/basidiopores. They ferment carbohydrate (glucose) to ethanol and carbon dioxide. They are non-hyphal.
Name sexual and asexual spores of Ascomycetes?
Sexual spores are ascospores while asexual spores are conidia.
What are Mycorrhizae?
Mycorrhizae are mutualistic association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants (about 95% of all kinds of vascular plants). The fungal hyphae dramatically increase the amount of soil contact and total surface area for absorption and help in the direct absorption of phosphorus, zinc, copper and other nutrients from the soil into the roots. Such plants show better growth than those without this association. The plant, supplies organic carbon to fungal hyphae.
Why yeasts are different from other fungi?
Yeasts are different from other fungi as they are unicellular.
Name sexual and asexual spores of Ascomycota?
Sexual spores are called ascospores borne in asci while asexual spores are called conidia in Ascomycota.
What are the main types of Mycorrhiza?
(i) Endomycorrhizae: In which fungal hyphae penetrate the outer cell of the plant root, forming coils, swellings and minute branches, and also extend out into surrounding soil.
(ii) Ectomycorrhizae: In which the hyphae surround and extend between the cells but do not penetrate the cell wall of the roots. These are found in pines, firs etc.
Why is green would more likely to contaminate an orange kept in refrigerator than the bacteria?
Fungi can tolerate temperature extremes 5-6 C below freezing and hence are more likely to contaminate an orange kept in a refrigerator than the bacteria.
How fungi gets its nutrients?
- Most fungi are decomposers i.e., obtain food from dead organisms. e.g., Yeast, Agaricus.
- Some fungi are parasites i.e., obtain food from living host. e.g., rust and smut.
- Some are predators e.g. Arthrobotrys
What do you mean by term karyogamy?
The fusion of nuclie in different mycelia is called karyogamy.
What are yeasts?
Yeasts are unicellular microscopic fungi which are non-hyphal in structure.
What is par asexuality?
The exchange of portion of chromosomes of two nuclei lying in the same hyphae.
What are the benefits of mycorrhizae?
The fungal hyphae of mycorrhizae increase the amount of soil contact and total surface area for absorption and help in direct absorption of minerals and nutrients from the soil.
Name any four important fungal diseases of plants?
- Rusts
- Smuts
- Powdery mildews
- Potato will
Name any important fungal disease of humans?
- Ringworm
- Aspergillosis
- Histoplasmosis
- Oral and vaginal thrush
Some enzymes of fungi are useful on one hand harmful on other. Discuss?
Some fungal enzymes are used in fermentation and brewing industry but digesting enzymes of some saprotrophic fungi spoil our food, plastic, paper and textile.
What do you mean by Rust?
It is a fungal disease of plants. As its color is brown like that of iron, so it is called as rust.
What is the difference between dikaryotic and diploid?
Fungal cells having two nuclei of different genetic make-up are called dikaryotic while having two sets of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell or hypha is called diploid condition.
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What is carnivorous fungus?Give example.
What is carnivorous fungus? Give example
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