10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry Short Question Answer

Explore the complex realm of 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry Short Question Answer. This educational expedition delves into the fundamental principles of biochemistry, unraveling the very foundations of life. As students progress through this chapter, they will encounter concise questions that act as vital milestones in their comprehension of biological processes. This comprehensive guide aims to offer succinct and enlightening responses to these questions, enabling a deeper understanding of the biochemical concepts taught in the 10th-grade curriculum. Enhance your knowledge and excel in your exams with these focused short question answers in the field of biochemistry.

10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry Short Question Answer

10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry Short Question AnswerWe are providing all Students from 5th class to master level all exams preparation in free of cost. Now we have another milestone achieved, providing all School level students to the point and exam oriented preparation question answers for all science and arts students.

After Online tests for all subjects now it’s time to prepare the next level for Punjab board students to prepare their short question section here. We have a complete collection of all classes subject wise and chapter wise thousands questions with the right answer for easy understanding.

Here we are providing complete chapter wise Chemistry questions and Answers for the 10th class students. All the visitors can prepare for their 10th class examination by attempting below given question answers.

In this List we have included all Punjab boards and both Arts and Science students. These Boards students can prepare their exam easily with these short question answer section

Lahore Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Gujranwala Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Multan Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Sargodha Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Faisalabad Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Sahiwal Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

DG Khan Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

Bahawalpur Board 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 5 Biochemistry short questions Answer

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Define polysaccharides give example.

Polysaccharides are macromolecular carbohydrates consisting of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharide’s.
Example: Starch and cellulose۔

What are the elements found in proteins?

Proteins consists of carbon, oxygen nitrogen, and sulphur. They are polymers of amino acids.

Give any two properties of Oligosaccharides?

Oligosaccharides are also sweet in taste. These carbohydrates are white, crystalline, solids easily soluble in water.

Define Oligosaccharides

Oligosaccharides give 2 to 9 units of monosaccharides on hydrolysis

Define proteins.

Proteins are highly complicated nitrogenous compounds made up of amino acid.

Why we use dextrose in drip?

Dextrose is crystallized glucose (natural sugar found in starchy foods). It provides simple carbohydrates to the body that can be easily broken down and processed. Dextrose solution is available in several concentrations.

What is polysaccharides:

Polysaccharides are macromolecular carbohydrates consisting of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharides. Example: Examples of polysaccharides are starch and cellulose.

Write function of RNA.

RNA is synthesized by DNA to transmit the genetic in formation’s RNA receives, reads, decides and uses the given information to synthesize a new protein.

Give two uses of carbohydrates.

The provide essential nutrients for bacteria in intestinal helps indigestion. They regulate the amount of sugar level in our body. Low sugar level in body result in hypoglycemia.

What is RNA?

RNA are ribonucleic acid.

What is the function of DNA?

DNA is the permanent storage place for genetic information in the nucleus of a cell. It carries and stores all genetic information of the all. It passes these information’s from generations to generations. How to synthesize particular proteins from amino acids. These instructions are genetic code of life they determine whether organism is a man or a tree or a donkey and whether a cell is a nerve cell or a muscle cell.

What is Nucleic acid.

Nucleic acids are essential components of every living cell. They are generally long chain molecules made up of nucleotides.Each nucleotide consists of three components nitrogenous base, a pentose. Sugar acid a phosphate group.

How carbohydrates are considered the source of energy?

Carbohydrates provide 17 kilojoules of energy per gram. We take carbohydrates as food. Long chains of starch (carbohydrates) are broken down into simple sugar (glucose) by digestive enzymes. The glucose is absorbed directly by small intestine into the blood stream. Blood stream transport the glucose to its place of use e.g. muscles.

What is Oligosaccharides?

Oligosaccharides give 2 to 9 units of monosaccharide’s on hydrolysis. Therefore, they are classified as disaccharides. Example Trisaccharides, tetra saccharides.

Who discovered the DNAs structure?

Its structure was discovered by J.Watson and F.Crick in 1953.

What are components of nucleotide?

Each nucleotide consists of three components, nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate group.

What is Fatty acids with examples:

Fatty acids are building blocks of lipids. Example: They are long chain saturated or unsaturated carboxylic acids.

Define lipids?

Lipids are macromolecules made up of fatty acids. Lipids include oil and fats.

Give any two properties of polysaccharide?

1. They are amorphous solids
2. They are trasteless and insoluble in water.

Uses of proteins.

i. Enzymes are proteins that are produced by the living cells. They catalyze the chemical reactions taking place in the bodies. They are highly specific and have extraordinary efficiency. Many enzymes are used as drugs they control the bleeding and treat blood cancer.
ii. Hides are proteins. These are used to make leather by tanning. Leather is used to make shoes. Jackets, Sports, items and etc.
iii.Proteins are found in bones. When bones are heated the give gelatin is used to make bakery items.
iv. Plants also synthesize proteins. Such as pulses, beans, etc., these are used as food.

What do you mean by amino acid?

Amino acids are organic compound consisting of both amino and carboxyl groups.

Define proteins?

Proteins are highly complicated nitrogenous compound made up of amino acids. Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur.

Name two fatty acids with their formula?

C₁₅H₃₁COOH palmitic acid
C₁₇H₃₅COOH stearic acid

What are the element found in proteins?

Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. They are polymers of amino acids.

Describe the hydrogenation of vegetable oil?

Vegetables oil are trimester of glycerol and fatty acids of unsaturated long chains . These oils are hydrogenated in the presence of nickel catalyst at 250 to 300 C to form vegetable ghee.

Give any two importance of vitamins?

Each vitamin plays an important role in the healthy development of our body.
Vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. This is why, it suggested that vitamin must be taken with meal. They help to regulate our body’s metabolism.

What is lipids 7 fatty acid?

Lipids are macromolecules made up of fatty acids.

What are water soluble vitamins?

The vitamin that dissolve in water are called water soluble vitamins. These vitamins are B complex and vitamin C

What is Glucose:

Glucose is a polyhydroxy aldehyde while fructose is pentahydroxy ketone having the open chain structures as follows and general formula of C6H12O6.

Who discovered the DNA' structure?

Its structure was discovered by J. Watson and F.Crick in 1953.

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