PPSC Syllabus for Mathematics Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
Punjab Higher Education Department has declared Jobs for Lecturer BS-17 of Mathematics. Online application of the eligible candidates are invited through Punjab Public Service Commission. Male and Female applicants are welcomed to apply for the offered jobs here. The Department of Higher Education has offered 148 vacancies for the Lecturer of Mathematics. There are 118 seats for female and 30 posts for male candidates available. Individuals should meet the eligibility criteria before applying for the given Lecturer BS-17 jobs. All the aspirants should visit this site to get complete details about PPSC Jobs of Lecturer BS-17 of Mathematics like Mathematics Test syllabus Marks details, interview questions, test preparation and further guidance.
Download online Punjab higher education department Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC Roll No Slip Lecturer Mathematics Subject from here. Check test date from here. Lecturer jobs are announce in the month of December, 2025. While the last date to apply is Tuesday, 17th Dece, ber, 2025. The lecture jobs are in Punjab higher education department. Those candidates who apply for Mathematics lecturer jobs via ppsc. Now, waiting for their roll no slip. So that they are able to appear in the written test. Here link to download Punjab Public Service Commission jobs slip is available after it is announce officially. Check schedule of test from here. Total female posts are 1359. Out of 1359 jobs 118 jobs are for Mathematics lecturer. While male Mathematics lecturer jobs total vacancies are 31.
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer jobs 2025 Last Date to Apply
- Announcement Date: 2nd December 2025
- Last Date Apply: 17th December 2025
- Test Date: First Week of January 2025
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer Test Date 2025
PPSC Lecturer Mathematics Test will be held in the January 2025. PPSC Lecturer Mathematics Test Syllabus 2025 is mention and paper pattern is also available below. Applicants also download the PPSC Commornce Lecture Jobs test Roll No Slip 2025.
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer Roll No Slip 2025
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer Jobs 2025 announced that the exam will take place in the first week of January 2025. The test dates aren’t confirmed. The different PPSC Lecturer jobs are revealed, and the test time will be conducted as per the other topics. Candidates need to be able to access a PPSC Lecturer Roll No Slip to participate in the PPSC Screening exam 2025. Therefore, candidates must download their PPSC Roll No Slip for 2025 to take the screening test. Candidates should also go through the test syllabus and the paper design. Candidates must also take the required part of the test, such as the CNIC Card and PPSC Roll No Slip 2025.
PPSC Lecturer Mathematics past papers
Currently PPSC invites lecturer Mathematics jobs application forms form the competent and eligible candidates from those candidates who have the domicile of Punjab Province. PCS/PMS Exam Mathematics Past Papers of are available here. Here Pakistani students can get Punjab Public Service Commission Exams Mathematics Past Papers.
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer Test Preparation Online
Punjab Public Service Commission calls the applicant for Mathematics Lecturer positions 2025. They have announced 31 positions for the post of Mathematics Lecturer and is looking for the candidates at least aspirants for Mathematics. PPSC solicits applications online. Applications that are not submitted via the online application, it will not be considered.
Candidates must go through the Guideline and follow the instructions. After that, they are able to apply submit their application online. To apply, click on apply online. An application form will be available for applicants to fill in the application in a step-by-step manner. After filling out the form, the applicant is submitted and downloaded the roll number slip.
PPSC Mathematics Lecturer Jobs Test Syllabus
The Mathematics syllabus is 80% consist of Mathematics subject while 20% paper consists of General Knowledge subjects. The total marks of the paper are 100 and the total time is 90 minutes.
- Mathematics: 80
- General Knowledge: 20
- Mark of Each Question: 01
- Negative Mark: 0.5
- Total Marks 100
Paper I
Candidates will be asked to attempt three questions from Section A and two questions from section B.
Section A
Limits, Continuity, Differentiability and its Applications, General theorems (Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value theorem), Asymptotes, Applications of Maxima and Minima. Definite and Indefinite integrals and their Application, Quadrature, Rectification, Numerical methods of Integration (Trapezoidal and Simpson rule), Multiple integrals and their Applications. Areas and Volumes, Centre of Mass, Reimann-Stijles Integral, Ordinary Differential Equations (O.D.Eqs) and their Applications in Rectilinear motion and Growth/Decay problems. 2nd Order Differential Equations with Applications (Spring Mass and Simple Harmonic Oscillator Problems).
Section B
Sequences and Series, Convergence tests, Power Series, Radius and Interval of Convergence. Complex Analysis, Function of Complex Variable, Demoivre’s Theorem and its Application. Analytic Function, Singularities, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy Integral formula.
Conic Sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane Polar Coordinates and their use to represent the straight line and Conic section. Vector equation for plane and space curves. Tangents and Normals and Binormals, Curvature and torsion, Serre Frenet’s Formula.
Recommended Books:
1. Anton, H, Calculus: A New Horizon, Ed. 6, John Willey, New York, 1999.
2. Thomas, G. B. Finney. A. R., Calculus, Ed. 9, John Willey, New York, 2005.
3. Yusuf, S.M. Amin. M., Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
4. Zill, D. G. , Cullen, M.R., Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, Ed. 3. PWS Publishing Co., 1997.
5. Abell, Braselton, Modem Differential Equations Ed. 2, Thomas Learning Inc. USA, 2001.
6. Curchill, R.V., Brawn J.W., Complex Variables and Applications, Ed. 5, McGraw Hill, New York, 1989.
7. Ghori, Q.K., Mechanics. Ilmi Kitab Khan, Lahore.
8. Weather burn, C.E., Differential Geometry, The English Languages Book Society and Cambridge Uni. Press. 1964.
9. Guggenheinerar, H.W., Differential Geometry, McGraw Hill, 1990.
Paper II
Section A
Groups: Definition and examples of Groups, Order of a Group, Order of an element of a Group, Abelian and non-Abelian Groups and Cyclic groups. Lagrange theorem and applications, Normal subgroups, Characteristic Subgroups of a group, Normalizer in a group, Centralizer in a group. Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism, Isomorphism theorems of groups, Automorphisms
Rings, Fields and Vector Spaces: Examples of Rings, Subrings, Integral domains, Fields, Vector spaces, Linear independence/ dependence, Basis and dimension of finitely generated spaces, Examples of Field extension and finite fields, Examples of finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces.
Section B
Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces: Definition and Examples of Metric spaces and topological spaces, Closed and Open Spheres, Interior, Exterior and Frontier of a Set, Sequences in Metric Spaces, Convergence of Sequences. Definition and examples of Normed Spaces. Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt Process of Orthonormalization Matrices and Linear Algebra: Linear transformations, Matrices and their algebra, Reduction of matrices to Echelon and Reduced Echelon form. Solution of a system of homogenous and Non-Homogenous equations, Numerical methods of solving equations (Gauss-Siedal method, Jaccobi method) Properties of Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors and the Diagonalization of the Symmetric Matrices.
Recommended Books:
1. Nicholson. W.K., Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, Ed. 2, Prentice Hall, Englewood, USA.
2. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, John Willey and Sons (New York) 1964.
3. Rowen, L., Rings (I & II). Academic Press, Ins.
4. Dar, K.H., First Step to Abstract Algebra, Feroz Sons Publishers, Lahore (1996).
5. Yusuf, S.M., Majeed A., Amin. M., Mathematical Methods, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
6. Atkinson, K. E., An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Ed. 2 John Willey, New York, 1989.
7. Ahmad. F and Afzal. M, Numerical Analysis, National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
8. Simmons, F.J., Topology, McGraw Hill Company, New York.
9. Kreyszig, E., Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John Willey and Sons, New York, 1978.
10. Majeed, A. Elements of Topology and Functional Analysis, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
Eligibility of Mathematics Lecturer Post:
- Master in Mathematics at least 2d division.
- Female age: 21-28 years age 08 years age relaxation.
- Male age: 21-28 years age 05 years age relaxation.
- Punjab Domicile.
Sample Paper:
Mathematics Preparation Online Tests MCQs
PPSC Syllabus For Mathematics Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
PPSC Lecturer Jobs Question’s Answers
What is the Eligibility of the Job?
Master is required for the application.
What is the passing marks?
passing marks is not matter in this test as the merit base candidate will appoint for jobs.
How I find out my age for application:
Below given complete Process.
If the date of birth of a candidate is 15 August 1970 and the closing date for receipt of application in the PPSC office is 07-02-1998; the age will be calculated as under:
Closing Date: 07-02-1998
Date of Birth of Candidate: 15-08-1970
Age on the closing date: 1+23- 08-27
All Pakistani can apply for Job?
No, only Punjab Province or candidate has the domicile of Punjab is eligible for apply.
What is the procedure for the submission of Online Application?
Applicants must Click the above given “ Apply Online” link and fill the application form which shows on the screen.
Does a candidate need to submit hard copies of documents in addition to applying online?
No, the candidate could not need to send a hard copy to the PPSC office. On the other hand, a hard copy is not allowed to send as only an online application is accepted.
What qualification is required in PPSC Lecturer BS-17 Post?
Master’s Degree At least 2nd division in a relevant subject.
How is PPSC merit calculated?
PPSC conducts paper of total 100 marks. The passing score is 40. 50% of marks are calculated in the final merit of PPSC.
What is negative marking in PPSC?
The Paper type is MCQs in PPSC and 1 mark will be given on each correct answer. In case of the wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted.
How age relaxation is given in case of upper age limit?
05 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for Male and 08 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for female.
- Candidates who are interested and want to apply they must read the guideline carefully.
- To apply for the PPSC Lecturer Jobs aspirants must fulfill the required eligibility criteria.
- After meeting the eligibility individuals open the PPSC online portal through this site.
- First, you open the PPSC official website and click the Apply Online button.
- A new page will appear on the screen. You can select the desired job in this form.
- The application form will open on the screen you just fill the application form correctly and click the fill the application form.
- On the next page, you have to upload the photograph and CNIC front and Back image.
- The photographs must be the size of 25KB. Otherwite it will not be accepted.
- Attach you complete documents required in the application and click the Apply Online button.
- Open the PPSC website and scroll down until you find the challan form.
- Download the challan form and take print of it.
- Fill the challan form and submit it to the designated bank.
- Bank Draft or Pay Order or Cheque or any such instrument will not be accepted as fee by the Commission.
- After submitting the challan fee you will get the Original Receipt which will be submitted at the time of interview/viva voce.
- Medical Fitness Certificate issued by the Medical Superintendent District Head Quarters Hospital or Services Hospital is required.
Interview Questions:
Q: Tell me about yourself?
Q: Are you applying for other jobs?
Q: What experience do you have in this field?
Q: How would your friends and family describe you as a person?
Q: Why did you leave your last job?
Q: Tell me about your weaknesses?
Q: Why do you want to work for this organization?
Q: What do you know about this organization?
Q: What have you done to improve yourself in the last year?
Q: What kind of supervision brings out the best in you?
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