World Hottest Coldest Wettest and Driest Places Online Quiz Mcqs Test

Here we have a online quiz about the hottest, coldest, wettest and driest places of the world. Having information about such things is really important as it is quite important topic when it comes to general knowledge related written exams that’s why it is strongly recommended that you attempt this online test in order to check your level of knowledge about them.

World Hottest Coldest Wettest and Driest Places Online Quiz Mcqs Test

General Knowledge

1. Which one of the following is the Wettest place in the world?

Question 1 of 8

2. Which one of these is the coldest non-permanently inhabited place in the world?

Question 2 of 8

3. The average annual rain at world's wettest place is ____________ ?

Question 3 of 8

4. The average annual temperature of world's hottest inhabited place is ____________ ?

Question 4 of 8

5. Which one of the following is the hottest inhabited place in the world?

Question 5 of 8

6. Which one of the following is the coldest inhabited area in the world?

Question 6 of 8

7. Which one of these is the Driest place in the world?

Question 7 of 8

8. The average annual temperature of world's coldest place is ____________ ?

Question 8 of 8


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Maan Ali

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