Solve Puzzle 2 Test Online

Here we have a online puzzle quiz which can be attempted by our visitors in order to assess and also improve their problem solving skills. Each given question is followed by four options out of which you are required to identify the correct one in order to solve the puzzle.

Solve Puzzle 2 Test Online


1. Given below are three boxes. Arranged in these boxes are the numbers 0 to 14. The numbers in each box have been placed according to a scheme. The problem is to reason this scheme out so that we can place three the next three numbers 15,  16 and 17, into the correct boxes. The time limit for solving this puzzle is five minutes.

Question 1 of 3

2. Our chess champion is the master of the game but one problem is really threatening to check-mate him.
CHESSThe problem is:starting from the corner cell of a normal chess-board. How many other different cells can a knight visit in exactly five moves. Can you help our chess champion?

Question 2 of 3

3. Put three tumblers on a table in a line, with one tumbler mouth down, one mouth up and the last mouth down. The problem is, in three moves, in three moves, not one, to have three tumblers mouths pointing upwards on the table.  During each move you must turn two tumblers over. one in each hand.

Question 3 of 3


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Maan Ali

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