PPSC Syllabus for Botany Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
Botany Lecturer Jobs are announced through Punjab Public Service Commission. PPSC Lecturer is searching for the administrations of the Talented, Committed, and Experienced candidates for the accompanying posts. So in the event that you have the necessary Qualification or Experience for this activity at that point apply as quickly as time permits and benefit such an incredible chance. Apply for this brilliant opportunity before the last date. 23 posts are announced in all over Punjab for Botany Lecturer. PPSC Syllabus for Botany Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern available here.
Download online Punjab higher education department Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC Roll No Slip Lecturer Botany Subject from here. Check test date from here. Lecturer jobs are announce in the month of December, 2025. While the last date to apply is Tuesday, 17th Deceber. The lecture jobs are in Punjab higher education department. Those candidates who apply for Botany lecturer jobs via ppsc. Now, waiting for their roll no slip. So that they are able to appear in the written test. Here link to download Punjab Public Service Commission jobs slip is available after it is announce officially. Check schedule of test from here. Total female posts are 1359. Out of 1359 jobs 46 jobs are for Botany lecturer. While male commerce lecturer jobs total vacancies are 30.
PPSC Botany Lecturer test date 2025
- Announcement Date: 2nd December 2025
- Last Date Apply: 17th December 2025
- Test Date: First Week of January 2025
PPSC Botany lecturer jobs 2025 last date to apply
Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC announced Botany Lecturer jobs in first week of December. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria and also have required qualification they must apply online before closing date. After due dates form are not accepted. PPSC Botany Lecturer Jobs 2025 last date to apply is 17th December.
PPSC lecturer Botany past papers
Currently PPSC invites lecturer Botany jobs application forms form the competent and eligible candidates from those candidates who have the domicile of Punjab Province. PCS/PMS Exam Botany Past Papers of are available here. Here Pakistani students can get Punjab Public Service Commission Exams Botany Past Papers.
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PPSC Botany Lecturer Roll No Slip
PPSC Botany Lecture Jobs 2025 has been announced, and the test will be held in the first week of January 2025. The test date is not confirmed that the many other PPSC Lecturer jobs are announced, and the test sequence will be done according to the other subjects. Candidates will need to get the PPSC Lecture Roll No Slip to appear in the PPSC Screening test 2025. So the candidates download the PPSC Roll No Slip 2025 for the Screening test. Applicants check out the test syllabus and paper pattern as well. Candidates also took the necessary element on the test center like CNIC Card and PPSC Roll No Slip 2025.
Online Download PPSC Syllabus for Botany Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
PPSC Syllabus for Botany Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
Thousands of candidates all over the Punjab apply for PPSC Lecturer Botany jobs 2025 before closing date. Now they are searching written test syllabus because without syllabus preparation not able to pass the written test. Botany syllabus is 80% consist of Botany subject while 20% paper consists of General Knowledge subjects. The total marks of the paper are 100 and the total time is 90 minutes.
- Botany 80
- General Knowledge 20
- Mark of Each Question 01
- Negative Mark 0.5
- Total Marks 100
1. Algae: Origin, evolution, distribution and classification with reference to range, structure, life-history, ecology and economic importance of Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta.
2. Fungi: Structure of plant body; development of ascus, basidium and conidium; reproduction; classification; phylogeny, physiology and economic importance of the main groups of fungi. Diseases of economically important plants and their control.
3. Bryophytes: Evolution of gametophytes and sporophytes, structure, reproduction, classification and economic importance of various members of Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts.
4. Pteridophytes: Introduction, characteristic features, alternation of generation and evolutionary tendencies of various divisions: Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Sphenophyta and Pterophyta. Evolution of seed.
5. Gymnosperms: General characters, life history and evolutionary tendencies of Cycadophyta, Coniferophyta and Ginkgophyta. Structure of seed.
6. Angiosperms:
a. Taxonomy: Introduction to systematic botany; historical background of classification systems, Post evolutionary era and recent developments in classification systems. Plant Nomenclature, Rules of Nomenclature, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, Concept of taxa, Plant collection and Preparation of herbarium; Botanic Gardens. Modern trends in taxonomy, Biosystematics, Chemotaxonomy and Numerical taxonomy.
b. Anatomy: Cell wall; Tissues and Tissue systems: Meristematic tissue; Epidermal tissue system; Fundamental or ground tissue system; Mechanical tissue system; Xylem and Phloem as Vascular tissue, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma; Primary and secondary growth; Cambium, Periderm. Anatomy of leaf, stem and root. Abnormal/Anomalous secondary growth, Ecological anatomy.
c. Embryology: Introduction; alternation of generation; the flower and its parts; stamen or microsporophyll; carpel or megasporophyll; male gametophyte or microgametophyte, pollination and fertilization; endosperm; embryo and its development (embryogenesis); seed and fruit formation; apomixis; polyembryony.
1. Harold C. Bold and Micheals, J. Wynne, 1985. Introduction to the Algae. Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey.
2. Alexopolous, ClJ., Mims, C.W. and Blackwell, C. 1996. Introductory Mycology (4th Edition). Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Webster, J. 1980. Introduction to fungi (2nd Ed.), Cambridge University Press, London.
4. George N. Agriose 1978. Plant Pathology. 4th Edition. Academic Press, London.
5. Scholfield, B.W. Introduction to Bryology. MacMillan, New York.
6. K.R. (1967). The Morphology of Gymnosperms. Hutchinson Univ. Library, London.
7. Smith G.M. 1956. Cryptogamic Botany vol. I & II 2nd edit. McGraw Hill.
8. Stuessy, T. F. 1990. Plant Taxonomy. Columbia University Press, USA.
9. Lawrence, G. H. M. 1951. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. Macmillan, New York.
10. Jones, S.B. and Luchsinger, A.E. 1987. Plant Systematics. Mcgraw-Hill Book company, Singapore.
11. Stace, C.A. 1962. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. National Book Foundation Islamabad.
12. Fahn, A. 1990. Plant Anatomy. Pergamon Press. Oxford.
13. Esau, K. 1960. Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley, New York.
14. Pandey, B.P. 2001. Plant Anatomy. S. Chand and company Ltd. New Dehli.
15. Maheshwari, P. 1988. An introduction to the Embryology of Angiosperms, 9th Reprint. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.
1. Plant Physiology: Plant water relations, osmotic quantities, absorptions, transpiration, role of essential mineral elements, their uptake and distribution. Growth and development, Plant hormones, Photoperiodism, Vernalization, Dormancy and seed germination. Biochemistry of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats with reference to plants. Enzymes. Plant pigments. Photophosphorylation; Path of carbon in photosynthesis; Oxidative phosphorylation (respiration), Nitrogen and Fat metabolism.
2. Ecology: Influence of climatic, edaphic and biotic factors on plant growth. Sampling techniques. Major formations in relation to climatic zones. Concepts of ecosystems and their productivity, Ecological energetics, pyramids, food chains and trophic levels. Salinity and Waterlogging in Pakistan: Causes and reclamation of salinity, soil erosion, methods of control and conservation. Pollution and conservation of natural resources. Vegetation of Pakistan.
3. Cytology: Detailed study of ultra-structure of cell and its components; Chromosomes, Mitosis and meiosis, significance, Cancer and apoptosis.
4. Genetics:
a. Mendelian Genetics: Linkage, Crossing over, gender-linked inheritance, Mutation, Polyploidy.
b. Biochemical Genetics: Biochemical nature of hereditary material, fine structure of genes: Transduction and Transformation.
c. Molecular Genetics: Replication, Transcription, Genetic codes and Translation.
5. Evolution: Theories of Evolution, Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism. Hardy-Weinberg’s Law, Gene frequency, Adaptive mtations.
1. Taiz, L. and E. Zeiger 2002. Plant Physiology. Third Edition sinauers Pub. Co. Inc. California.
2. Salisbury, F.B. and C.W. Ross 1992. Plant Phsiology. Wadsworth publishing company, Bemont, California.
3. Odum, E.P. 1985. Basic Ecology. W.B. Saunders.
4. Smith, R.L. 1998. Elements of Ecology. Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
5. Waisel, Y. 1972. Biology of Halophytes.
6. Gardner, E.J., Simmons, M. J. and Snustad, D.P. 1991. Principles of Genetics. 8th Edition. John Willey and Sons, New York.
7. Strickberger, M. V. 1985. Genetics. 3rd Edition. MacMillan Press Ltd., London.
8. Snustad, D.P. and Simmons, M. J. 2002. Principles of Genetics. 3rd Edition. John Willey and Sons, New York.
9. Taylor, T.N. and Taylor, E.D. 1987. The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants, Prentice Hall.
PPSC Botany Lecturer Test Topics
- Agronomy
- Arboriculture
- Astroboy
- Biotechnology
- Dendrology
- Economic botany
- Ethnobotany
- Forestry
- Horticulture
- Marine botany
- Micropropagation
- Pharming (genetics)
- Plant breeding
- Plant pathology (Physiopathology)
- Plant propagation
- grafting
- Phonology
Eligibility of Botany Lecturer Post:
- Master in Botany at least 2d division.
- Female age: 21-28 years age 08 years age relaxation.
- Male age: 21-28 years age 05 years age relaxation.
- Punjab Domicile.
PPSC Syllabus for Botany Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
PPSC Lecturer Jobs Question’s Answers
What is the Eligibility of the Job?
Master is required for the application.
What is the passing marks?
passing marks is not matter in this test as the merit base candidate will appoint for jobs.
How I find out my age for application:
Below given complete Process.
If the date of birth of a candidate is 15 August 1970 and the closing date for receipt of application in the PPSC office is 07-02-1998; the age will be calculated as under:
Closing Date: 07-02-1998
Date of Birth of Candidate: 15-08-1970
Age on the closing date: 1+23- 08-27
All Pakistani can apply for Job?
No, only Punjab Province or candidate has the domicile of Punjab is eligible for apply.
What is the procedure for the submission of Online Application?
Applicants must Click the above given “ Apply Online” link and fill the application form which shows on the screen.
Does a candidate need to submit hard copies of documents in addition to applying online?
No, the candidate could not need to send a hard copy to the PPSC office. On the other hand, a hard copy is not allowed to send as only an online application is accepted.
What qualification is required in PPSC Lecturer BS-17 Post?
Master’s Degree At least 2nd division in a relevant subject.
How is PPSC merit calculated?
PPSC conducts paper of total 100 marks. The passing score is 40. 50% of marks are calculated in the final merit of PPSC.
What is negative marking in PPSC?
The Paper type is MCQs in PPSC and 1 mark will be given on each correct answer. In case of the wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted.
How age relaxation is given in case of upper age limit?
05 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for Male and 08 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for female.
- Candidates who are interested and want to apply they must read the guideline carefully.
- To apply for the PPSC Lecturer Jobs aspirants must fulfill the required eligibility criteria.
- After meeting the eligibility individuals open the PPSC online portal through this site.
- First, you open the PPSC official website and click the Apply Online button.
- A new page will appear on the screen. You can select the desired job in this form.
- The application form will open on the screen you just fill the application form correctly and click the fill the application form.
- On the next page, you have to upload the photograph and CNIC front and Back image.
- The photographs must be the size of 25KB. Otherwite it will not be accepted.
- Attach you complete documents required in the application and click the Apply Online button.
- Open the PPSC website and scroll down until you find the challan form.
- Download the challan form and take print of it.
- Fill the challan form and submit it to the designated bank.
- Bank Draft or Pay Order or Cheque or any such instrument will not be accepted as fee by the Commission.
- After submitting the challan fee you will get the Original Receipt which will be submitted at the time of interview/viva voce.
- Medical Fitness Certificate issued by the Medical Superintendent District Head Quarters Hospital or Services Hospital is required.
Interview Questions PPSC Botany Lecturer
Q: Tell me about yourself?
Q: Are you applying for other jobs?
Q: What experience do you have in this field?
Q: How would your friends and family describe you as a person?
Q: Why did you leave your last job?
Q: Tell me about your weaknesses?
Q: Why do you want to work for this organization?
Q: What do you know about this organization?
Q: What have you done to improve yourself in the last year?
Q: What kind of supervision brings out the best in you?
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I wish i will pass & get selected ❤
Aoa Sir…
Sir botony me paper 1 or paper 2 bataye hoy hain….
Kia ye dono.paper MCQ k hon gy or aik e din hon gy ya aik McQ or aik subjective type hoga sir…..
Sir kindly tell me….I am worried about this issue