English Sequence of Sentences Quiz 2 Online Exercise Test

Following is a English language sequence of sentences exercise through which you can improve your English language skills with ease in a short time period. A few sentence will be displayed on the screen and you will have to place them in correct arrangement.

English Sequence of Sentences Quiz 2 Online Exercise Test

  • English

Question 1 of 15


1. Find correct sequence of sentences :

1: When next needed,
P: for several days in a bamboo
Q: but for some reason the water
R: it is soaked in fresh water and reboiled
S: must be fresh and water which
6: has been standing container cannot be used.

Question 1 of 15

Question 2 of 15

2. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: Politeness is not a quality possessed by only one nation or race.
P : One may observe that a man of one nation will remove his hat or fold his hands by way of greetings when he meets someone he knows.
Q : A man of another country will not to do so.
R : It is a quality to be found among all peoples and nations in every corner of the earth.
S : Obviously, each person follows the custom of his particular country.
Z: In any case, we should not mock at others habits.

Question 2 of 15

Question 3 of 15

3. Find correct sequence of sentences :

P: to estimate its age
Q: immediately they took the
R: some zoological experts
S: creature ashore and asked

Question 3 of 15

Question 4 of 15

4. Find correct sequence of sentences :

P: a drug was developed
Q: to alleviate chest pains in
R: from a species of holly
S: patients suffering from coronary diseases

Question 4 of 15

Question 5 of 15

5. Find correct sequence of sentences :

P: of humans and the results
Q: of this can be seen
R: they tampered with the evolution
S: practically everywhere

Question 5 of 15

Question 6 of 15

6. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: I keep on flapping my big ears all day.
P : They also fear that I will flip them all away.
Q : But children wonder why I flap them so.
R : I flap them so to make sure they are safely there on either side of my head.
S : But I know what I am doing.
Z: Am I not a smart, intelligent elephant?

Question 6 of 15

Question 7 of 15

7. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: A black haired, young woman came tripping along.
P : She was leading a young woman wearing a hat.
Q : The woman swept it off and tossed it in the air.
R : The child jumped up to catch the hat.
S : The young man tossed his head to shake the hat back.
Z: Both disappeared from view.

Question 7 of 15

Question 8 of 15

8. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: Biological evolution has not fitted man to any specific environment.
P : It is by no means a biological evolution, but it is a cultural one.
Q : His imagination, his reason, his emotional subtlety and toughness, makes it possible for him not to accept the environment but to change.
R : And that series of inventions by which man from age by age has reshaped his environment is a different kind of evolution.
S : Among the multitude of animals which scamper, burrow swim around us he is in the only one who is not locked in to his environment.
Z: That brilliant sequence of cultural peaks can most appropriately be termed the ascent of man.

Question 8 of 15

Question 9 of 15

9. Find correct sequence of sentences :

P: may accidentally trap dolphins
Q: fishermen in pursuit of profitable tuna
R: killing them in the process
S: in their nets,

Question 9 of 15

Question 10 of 15

10. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: It was a dark moonless night.
P : He turned over the pages, reading passages here and there.
Q : He heard them on the floor.
R : The poet took down his books of poems from his shelves.
S : Some of them contained his earliest writings which he had almost forgotten.
Z: They all seemed to him to be poor and ordinary mere childish words.

Question 10 of 15

Question 11 of 15

11. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: And then Gandhi came.
P : Get off the backs of these peasants and workers, he told us, all you who live by their exploitation.
Q : He was like a powerful current of fresh air, like a beam of light, like a whirlwind that upset many things.
R : He spoke their language and constantly dre their attention to their appalling conditions.
S : He didn't descent from the top, he seemed to emerge from the masses of India.
Z: Political freedom took new shape and then acquired a new content.

Question 11 of 15

Question 12 of 15

12. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: Jawaharlal Nehru was the greatest plan-enthusiast.
P : Under Nehru's advice, the pre-Independent congress set up National Planning Commission in 1938.
Q : But he forgot that what could be achieved by force under the communist dictatorship of Russia was not possible under the democratic set up of India.
R : He took the idea from Russia where Five year plans transformed a very backward country into a top power of the world.
S : No free government can call for compulsory sacrifice and suffering from the whole people.
Z: Nehru himself became the chairman of the commission.

Question 12 of 15

Question 13 of 15

13. Find correct sequence of sentences :

P: opportunities for fostering greater
Q: in the modern world which provide
R: there are many occasions
S: contact with foreigners

Question 13 of 15

Question 14 of 15

14. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: A ceiling on urban property.
P : No mill-owner could own factories or mills or plants.
Q : And mass circulation papers
R : Would mean that
S : No press magnate could own printing presses.
Z: since their value would exceed the ceiling fixed by the government.

Question 14 of 15

Question 15 of 15

15. Find the right sequence of sentences with A being the first and Z being the last sentence of the passage.
A: Once upon a time an ant lived on the bank of river.
P : The dove saw the ant struggling in water in a helpless condition.
Q : All its efforts to come up is failed.
R : One day it suddenly slipped in to water.
S : A dove lived in the tree on the bank not far from the spot.
Z: She was touched.

Question 15 of 15


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Maan Ali

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