GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Admission Test

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute GIKI has announced the entry test date of 2025. The student waiting for admission to Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute gets ready. You can prepare well through this article regarding GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online provided below. It contains several tests, past papers, sample papers, and model papers. GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online has very effective preparation material and students can check it very easily. It is totally free of cost for test preparation. So attempt all tests and make a strong type of preparation through this article about GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online.

GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online

[Click Here for test preparation online test of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute]

Entry Test Paper Pattern for GIKI Entry Test

[Click Here for the paper pattern of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute]

GIKI Entry Test Syllabus

[Click Here for the test syllabus of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute]

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute GIKI

One of the most prominent and well-reputed engineering institutes in the country at the moment, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology (GIKI), was established in 1988. The university is named after its founder, the former president of Pakistan, Ghulam Ishaq Khan. Over the years, GIKI University has produced a large number of top professionals in the country in the field of science and engineering. That’s why, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, has been consistently ranked among the top 10 engineering universities of Pakistan by Higher Education Commission (HEC) for many years now which certainly reflects the quality of education being provided to all students at GIKI.

GIKI Admission Test 2025

In order to seek admission in undergraduate programs of engineering and computer science, applicants are required to pass a written admission test along with fulfilling other criteria to become eligible for admission at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute. For admission to Graduate programs, students are required to pass NTS GAT-General/NTS GAT-Subject tests which are conducted under the supervision of the National Testing Service. Passing the admission tests is necessary for every applicant who wants to secure his/her admission at the this prestigious university of Pakistan. The test is conducted in a very strict environment and questions related to different subjects are included in order to evaluate candidates’ knowledge about various fields which makes passing the test quite tough for a lot of applicants.

But now they don’t have to worry anymore, as has introduced a unique free online testing service through which all candidates can prepare for their Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology (GIKI), admission test with ease and only a little effort. Just attempt the free online tests available on our website in order to evaluate and improve your preparations for the actual exam.

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online

GIKI Entry Test 2025 Online Preparation Sample Paper

GIKI Entry Test 2025 Preparation Online Subject Wise

Admission Test Instructions

Online admissions to the GIK Institute will be conducted. Please read the instructions on this webpage carefully. Please ask the invigilation staff during practice/mock exams if you have any questions. Candidates who do not follow these instructions will be disqualified.

Equipment/Services Required:

  • Computer or laptop (mobile and tablet not allowed)
  • Microphone – Built-in OR External (headphones/earphones/earpods are Not Allowed)
  • Speakers – Built-in OR External (headphones/earphones/earpods are Not Allowed)
  • External webcam (Detachable, 720p resolution or higher, USB connectivity, a heavy base, a flexible neck, and a recommended cord length of 2m). (Mobile phones are NOT allowed to be used as external cameras.
  • A reliable internet connection
    Uninterrupted Power Supply (with Backup)

Software Required

  • Windows (10 and higher) Operating System With Administrator Access (Do not use Android/Mac OS/Linux, or any OS Other Than Windows).
  • Install Zoom Desktop App on your computer (Do not use Mobile Phone/Tablet or Web Browser). (See Tutorials 1 and 2 in the Tutorials Section for more information on how to install Zoom.
  • Chrome Browser installed on your PC/Laptop. Do not use your mobile phone.
  • Download ProctorGIKI Software, and install it. (Tutorial below) Before running ProctorGIKI, you should disable your antivirus.

General Instructions for Test

  • The candidate must start the exam on ClassMarker within ten (10) minutes after the scheduled exam.
  • The system will deny them the right to take the exam if they do not comply.
  • To detect unfair methods, the exam will be recorded and proctored.
  • Unfair methods and electronic devices other than those listed in the Requirements section can result in disqualification immediately. GIK Institute reserves all rights to blocklist candidates who are found to be using unfair means or electronic gadgets other than those listed in the Requirements section.
  • Candidates are responsible for ensuring that the exam runs smoothly and uninterruptedly (including uninterrupted electricity and reliable internet). Candidates are responsible for ensuring that the exam is not repeated in case of a power outage, internet failure, computer failure, or any other cause.
  • All tutorials in the Tutorials section must be viewed.
  • You are responsible for joining the Zoom Exam Center at least 15 minutes before the exam starts.
  • Your presence at the Zoom Exam Center is required to make the exam valid.
  • The exam lasts two hours and is a Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ). It contains 80 MCQs that can be completed in 120 minutes. Each question is worth 1 point. There is no negative marking.
  • The exam must be taken in full by Zoom Exam Center, which is two hours.
  • The screen will only display one question at a given time. You cannot go back to the first question after you have moved to the next one.
  • Using a handheld calculator with two blank pages is permissible to perform rough calculations. Mobile phones cannot be used to calculate.
  • It is not allowed to use the bathroom during an exam. You will be disqualified if you leave your seat for any reason.
  • During the exam, there will not be any questions related to the content.
  • Disqualification will be given for using any other software/application than Zoom, ProctorGIKI, or ClassMarker during the exam. ProctorGIKI software can detect all of these cases and automatically disqualify them. Please close all other software/applications before the start of the exam.
  • GIK Institute reserves all rights to refuse any candidate without citing any reason.

Exam Environment Setting

  1. The candidate provides this environment.
  2. The exam space must be well-lit and kept quiet throughout the session.
  3. All candidates must show the invigilator all 360° of their surroundings with a webcam before the exam begins and when asked.
  4. A plain rough sheet must be presented in front of the webcam. The invigilator must see it at the beginning of the exam.
  5. To be valid, candidates must run ProctorGIKI software. The software will prompt you for these credentials if it is running smoothly.
  6. Admit Card Number
  7. DoB: Please enter your date of birth in the online admission form.
  8. To be valid, your Zoom video, ProctorGIKI microphone, and speakers must remain active throughout the exam.
  9. Zoom, ClassMarker, and ProctorGIKI must all be used on the same computer. Otherwise, the candidate will automatically be disqualified. ProctorGIKI software can detect and automatically disqualify candidates who violate this instruction.
  10. Zoom videos cannot contain any blurring or virtual background.
  11. ProtorGIKI software can detect any cheating. Cheating cases will not be disclosed during the exam. They will only be reported after the exam is over. It is to minimize disruption. All such cases will result in disqualification and will be reported to HEC and other institutions.
  12. The candidate must be in their own space during the exam session. They MUST be in the corner of the room without any windows or doors nearby.

Additional Preparation Materials for the Admission Test

This additional Preparation material is for the admission test for Engineering and Computer Science Programs.

Syllabus – Sample Paper.

Admission Test Syllabus For Management Sciences

Sample Paper For Management Sciences

Contact Details of GIKI

Undergraduate Admissions

[email protected]


Fax: (0938) 281052

Graduate Admissions

[email protected] Ext: 2450

Fax: (0938) 281004


What test is required for GIKI?
Score in the Admission Test OR SAT II (in Mathematics, Physics for Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science Programs) and any two subjects in Management Sciences Programs. Provisional admission may be granted to candidates who have attained one of the above qualifications but are still waiting for results.

How do you pass the GIKI test?
Past papers are great for preparing for the Entry test. Past PApers Mcqs can tell you how many MCQs you will face in the Entry Test. They also provide information about the difficulty of the test. You can find Past PApers MCQs on the Pak LEaring Spot website.

How many MCQs are in the GIKI entry test?
The exam will last two hours and be a Multiple-Choice Question-based (MCQ) exam. It contains 80 MCQs that can be completed in 120 minutes.

Is the GIKI test hard?
You should also know that the GIKI entry test is more difficult than other tests, so be prepared.

Where is the GIKI entry test held?
Admission Tests are held simultaneously in Rawalpindi and Peshawar and Quetta, Karachi, Karachi, Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Quetta, Quetta, Lahore, Quetta, and Quetta.

You Can Learn and Gain more Knowledge through our Online Quiz and Testing system Just Search your desired Preparation subject at Gotest.

Maan Ali

Hey there! I'm Maan Ali, your online test prep pal. Join me in the adventure of acing exams with ease. I'll share tricks, practice tests, and all you need to rock your studies. Let's make learning fun and success a sure thing!

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