Ziauddin University Admissions 2025 Post-Graduate Programs

Ziauddin University also known as ‘’ZU’’ is a private university established after getting Pakistan a Medical and Dental Council in 1995. This is a best degrees institute of higher education all around the Pakistan.  Ziauddin University Admissions 2025 post-graduate programs are open now a day. This University is located in North Nazimabad in the Karachi which is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan. Its name is based on an educationist, ‘’Ziauddin Ahmad’’. This university is recognized with HEC. It is offering many programs like diploma, undergraduates, and postgraduate’s degree programs to the students who pay particular attentions to Medical Schools and desired to be certified doctors in future in medical, health, and biomedical engineering. It has a main target to provide high quality education to all Muslim community.

Ziauddin University Karachi Entrance Test 2025

Ziauddin University Karachi entry test 2025 will be held on 11th June 2025 on Saturday. The students must have to pass entry test in order to get admission in ZU Karachi. The applicants failed in entry test are not eligible for admission.

Dead Line for Admissions and Entry Test

  • Last Date of submission forms:  19 September2025 on Monday 
  • Entrance Test: 24 September 2025

Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has rated it as a Top-rated medical institution in Karachi, Pakistan. So, this university roles as a central hub for the medical students.  Numerous departments are working to help and guide such type of students. Now Ziauddin university Karachi admissions post-graduate  programs 2025 are open and the students who are waiting for admissions in it can fulfill their dreams.

So, the students who have  passed their Bachelor’s exams with excellent grades are able to be admitted to various medical degrees offered by the university. Admission test is compulsory to pass for all applicants to gain admission to Ziauddin University.

Ziauddin University Karachi Admission Post-Graduate Programs 2025

Ziauddin University Admissions 2025 Post-Graduate Programs

Offered Programs for Post- Degree Programs in ZU

  1. FCPS (general surgery, pediatrics, chemical pathology, phonology, nephrology, critical care medicine etc).
  2. MD/MS (emergency medicine,critical care medicine)
  3. MCPS (clinical pathology)
  4. Diploma ( diploma in Anesthesiology)

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applicants must have top scores in Bachelor Degree programs or equivalent program.
  2. The candidates must have 14-years of education from HEC recognized institute.
  3. Two years training in internal medicine is required for FCPS.
  4. MBBS, one year house job is required for MD/MS, MCPS and Diploma.
  5. Short listed candidates will be called for interview.
  6. Entry test pass in mandatory for all programs as entry test failed candidates cannot get admissions.
  7. Final selection will be cumulative based of interview, entry test and experience.

Weightage formula for final selection is as follows;

  • Marks in SSC  5%
  • Mark in HSSC 30%
  • Ziauddin University Entry Test 50%
  • Interview 25%

Ziauddin University Entry Test Roll Number Slips

The applicants who submit complete form before due date and eligible for entry test can download their roll number slip online from the official website of university as www.zu.edu.pk. After reviewing the forms the university announced the roll number slip of eligible candidates. Applicants must visit ZU official website and download roll number slip for entrance test by using the CNIC number. Without roll number slip candidates are not able to appear in written test.

Entrance Test Format
Entry test will be comprised of the following subjects:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • General Knowledge
  • Aptitude
  • English

Ziauddin University Entry Test Result

After announcing the roll number slip university conduct the entry test for Doctor of Physical therapy on announcement  date. The individuals who physical appear in the written test and now waiting their result for further process. The wait of candidates will be ended because university declares the entry test result of candidates. Candidates can check their result by using the name, CNIC number and roll number issued by university.

Ziauddin University Admissions Post-Graduate Programs Merit List 2025

Ziauddin University Karachi merit list 2025 download and checked by anyone interested in applying can download the admission form, fee structure, and announcement from this page with ease, as shown below. Merit for undergraduate program is 65 percent, For M.Phil admission depends on entry test, Quota is also available for underdeveloped regions like AJK. In addition, the merit lists of the entry test and waiting lists will be posted simultaneously on the campus at Ziauddin University Karachi.

Fee Structure for Post-Graduate programs in Ziauddin University Karachi 2025:

The applicants can check fee structure at the prospectus, they can also call at official contact no. Besides these resources, fee structure also given below.

Application fee           5000/-

Lab coast expenses     5000/-

Tuition fee     13,000/-

Admission fee    200000/-

Annual fee  60000/-

Contact numbers and address:

Address: Ziauddin university, 4/B Shahrah-e-Ghalib, Block-6 Clifton, Karachi

Telephone: 021-35862937

Fax: (9221) 5862940

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.zu.edu.pk


How do I register as a student at Ziauddin School and College?

1. Submit your completed application form with a clear indication of the group you prefer to be in. Selected Group.

2. Attend Admission Test on the date scheduled.

3. Appear for an interview at the time scheduled.

4. Selected candidates will be offered the chance to fulfill the admission prerequisites.

Does Ziauddin provide psychotherapy?

Ziauddin University is a well-known chartered university. Ziauddin University is now offering a Master of Science in Applied Psychology (MS Applied Psychology).

What percentage of students are required for Ziauddin University?

To be admitted to Ziauddin University minimum required qualification is Intermediate Science with 70 percent marks or an A grade. Candidates who pass bachelor’s exams with good marks can gain admission to the various medical degrees offered by the university.

Are Ziauddin University private, or is it a government institution?

Ziauddin University is an evolving research-oriented private-sector university in Pakistan named in honor of Dr. Sir Ziauddin Ahmed. He was the longest-running Vice-Chancellor and Rector of Aligarh Muslim University (1935-1947).

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Tariq Nawaz

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