Current Presidents of Pakistan Test Online

President of Pakistan Current and Past Name Duration Test Online

Understanding Pakistan’s presidential leadership is essential for students, job aspirants, and those preparing for competitive exams. Our Current Presidents of Pakistan Test Online is designed to provide you with accurate and up-to-date knowledge about the current President of Pakistan, their role, responsibilities, tenure, and key contributions. This test is particularly useful for candidates appearing in FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS, PMS, and general knowledge exams. The multiple-choice questions (MCQs) cover various topics, including the presidential election process, constitutional powers, historical significance, and the President’s impact on governance and policies.

With our free online test preparation, you can sharpen your knowledge and improve your chances of success in government job exams and interviews. Start your practice test now and stay ahead in your exam preparation.


Current and Past Presidents of Pakistan Test Online

1. Who was the first President of Pakistan?

2. Muhammad Zia-ul Haq served as the ________ Military President of Pakistan?

3. Ayub Khan served as the President of Pakistan from 1958 to ________?

4. Which one of the following served both as the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan ?

5. Who served as the first Military President of Pakistan?

6. Former President Ghulam Ishaq Khan belonged to _________ political party?

7. President Arif Alvi belongs to ________ political party?

8. Pervez Musharraf served as the President of Pakistan from 2001 to _______?

9. Asif Ali Zardari served as the _______ President of Pakistan?

10. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq served as the President of Pakistan from 1978 to ________?

11. Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry served as the ________ President of Pakistan ?

12. Former President Farooq Leghari belonged to _________ political party?

13. Farooq Leghari served as the President of Pakistan from 1993 to_________?

14. Who is the current President of Pakistan?

15. Muhammad Rafiq Tarar served as the _______ President of Pakistan?


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Umaima Harmain Rao

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