Current Interior Ministers of Pakistan Test Online

Interior Ministers Name Current and Past Test

The Current Interior Ministers of Pakistan Test Online is designed to help candidates preparing for competitive exams, general knowledge assessments, and interviews gain insights into Pakistan’s interior ministry and national security leadership. This test provides essential information about the current Interior Minister of Pakistan, their appointment, tenure, responsibilities, and key policy decisions related to law enforcement, security, and governance. Aspirants appearing for FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS, PMS, and other government exams will find this test valuable in understanding Pakistan’s internal security structure, major initiatives, and historical context of the Interior Ministry. The free online test includes MCQs on topics such as the role of the Interior Minister, law enforcement agencies under the ministry, security challenges, and recent policy measures.

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Interior Ministers of Pakistan Test Online

Test Updated On 2025-03-06
Total Questions: 20
Time Allowed: 20 Minutes
Total Marks: 20
How to Attempt Test: Read the Question and Options Carefully.
Choose One Option from the Given.
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Test Helpful For: Competitive Exams and Interviews
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 Current Interior Ministers of Pakistan Name Test Online

1. Aftab Ahmad Sherpao served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 2004 to ________?

2. Khawaja Shahabuddin served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1948 to ________?

3. Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1951 to ________?

4. Rehman Malik served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 2008 to ________?

5. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar belongs to _________ political party?

6. Iskander Mirza served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1954 to ________?

7. Former Interior Minister Rehman Malik belonged to _________ political party?

8. Wasim Sajjad served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1987 to ________?

9. Former Interior Minister Khwaja Shahabuddin belonged to _________ political party?

10. Who was the first Interior Minister of Pakistan?

11. Faisal Saleh Hayat served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 2002 to ________?

12. Fazlur Rehman served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1947 to ________?

13. Air Marshal Inamul Haq khan served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1978 to ________?

14. Zakir Husain served as the Interior Minister of Pakistan from 1960 to ________?

15. Who is the current Interior Minister of Pakistan?


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Maan Ali

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One Comment

  1. to interior minister Pakistan
    Subject: Requisition for NADRA Mobile Van/Team
    Respected Sir,
    This is humbly stated that There is only a single office of NADRA here at Tehsil 18 Hazari District Jhang. Whereas there are many villages in surroundings which are at 70 to 80 KM distance from NADRA office. Most of the villagers (80-90%) don’t have CNIC and others have expired CNICs.
    Many times announcements has been made through Mosques Loud Speakers by Election Commission and Pak Army officials that every adult must have CNIC as soon as possible.
    As you know Security is the biggest issue of our country now a days. We face problems in our daily life just because of non possessing of CNIC.
    Thanda Khooh, Sattan Thal, Bilal Wala, Pakka Mehran, Kacha Mehran, Nawan Sial Wala, Bhati Nagar where transport facilities are miserable or almost equal to none. It takes a whole day to reach the above mentioned NADRA Office. Even if anyone reaches there in time, a huge rush prevents him/her to accomplish his/her goal. Whenever if someone by chance of luck, succeeds getting his/her CNIC, that day is celebrated as if he/she CONQUERED the KOH-E-HIMALAYA.
    We have discussed our problems with local NADARA Officials but in vain.
    This is our humble request that kindly order the concerned officials to send MOBILE VANS/TEAMS on regular basis in these rural and far reach areas discussed above so that these people also enjoy the basic liberty and honor of life being the respectable citizen of this beloved motherland, Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN.
    Thanks and regards.
    A Faithful Applicant,
    General Counselor
    Sattan Thal, Tehsil 18 Hazari,
    District Jhang.
    Cell #: 0346-4477761

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