Current Chief of Naval Staff Test Online

Chief of Naval Staff Current and Past Test Online

The Current Chief of Naval Staff Test Online is designed to help candidates enhance their knowledge of Pakistan’s naval leadership and prepare for competitive exams, interviews, and general knowledge assessments. This test provides key insights into the current Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), their tenure, appointment process, strategic decisions, and contributions to the Pakistan Navy. For candidates appearing in FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS, PMS, and defense-related exams, this test is a valuable resource. It covers important MCQs on topics such as the role and responsibilities of the CNS, naval operations, modernization efforts, and historical leadership trends.

Take advantage of our free online test preparation, improve your understanding of Pakistan’s naval command, and stay updated on key developments in the country’s maritime defense. Start your practice test now and boost your exam readiness.

Chief of Naval Staff Test Online

Test Updated On 2025-03-06
Total Questions: 20
Time Allowed: 20 Minutes
Total Marks: 20
How to Attempt Test: Read the Question and Options Carefully.
Choose One Option from the Given.
See Answer for Right Option or submit the Quiz to check your Score.
Test Helpful For: Competitive Exams and Interviews
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 Current Chief of Naval staff in Pakistan Test Online

1. Who is the current Chief of the Naval Staff?

2. Admiral Noman Bashir served as the Chief of the Naval Staff from 2008 to ________?

3. Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza served as the _______ Chief of the Naval Staff?

4. Admiral Karamat Rahman Niazi served as the _______ Chief of the Naval Staff?

5. Admiral Fasih Bokhari served as the _______ Chief of the Naval Staff?

6. Vice-Admiral Haji Mohammad Siddiq Choudri served as the Chief of the Naval Staff from 1953 to ________?

7. Who was the first Chief of the Naval Staff?

8. Admiral Mohammad Shariff served as the _______ Chief of the Naval Staff?

9. Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi served as the Chief of the Naval Staff from 7th October 2017 to ________?

10. Rear-Admiral James Wilfred Jefford served as the Chief of the Naval Staff from 1947 to ________?

11. Admiral Asif Sandila served as the Chief of the Naval Staff from 2011 to ________?


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Maan Ali

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