Chief of Martial Law Administrators of Pakistan Online Test

List of Chief of Martial Law Administrators of Pakistan Mcqs with right Answer Test

Pakistan has experienced multiple periods of martial law, during which military rulers assumed control as Chief Martial Law Administrators (CMLAs). Understanding the history of martial law administrations is essential for students, competitive exam aspirants, and those preparing for Pakistan Studies or General Knowledge tests.

This online test on the Chief of Martial Law Administrators of Pakistan features a comprehensive list of MCQs with accurate answers. These questions will help you assess your understanding of Pakistan’s political and military history, including the key figures who imposed martial law and their impact on governance. Test your knowledge and enhance your preparation with this valuable resource.

Chief of Martial Law Administrators Test Online

Test Updated On 2025-03-07
Total Questions: 20
Time Allowed: 20 Minutes
Total Marks: 20
How to Attempt Test: Read the Question and Options Carefully.
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Test Helpful For: Knowledge about Chief of Martial Law Administrators
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 List of Chief of Martial Law Administrators of Pakistan Mcqs with right Answer Test Online

1. Which Chief Martial Law Administrator held referendums to legitimize their rule?

2. Which military ruler was assassinated while still in power?

3. Who imposed the fourth and final martial law in Pakistan?

4. Who was in power when Pakistan was removed from the Commonwealth of Nations due to martial law?

5. Who conducted Pakistan’s first general elections under martial law?

6. Which Chief Martial Law Administrator introduced the Basic Democracies System in Pakistan?

7. Who was the first Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA) of Pakistan?

8. Under which Chief Martial Law Administrator was the 1973 Constitution suspended?

9. Who was the Chief Martial Law Administrator when Pakistan conducted its first nuclear tests in 1998?

10. Which military leader introduced the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO) in Pakistan?

11. Who was the last Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan?

12. Who was the Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA) of Pakistan from 1977 to 1985?

13. Which Chief Martial Law Administrator held office the longest?

14. During which martial law was the Legal Framework Order (LFO) introduced?

15. Which military ruler declared the second martial law in Pakistan?

16. Who imposed martial law in Pakistan without assuming the presidency immediately?

17. Which martial law regime introduced the Islamization policy in Pakistan?

18. Who imposed the first martial law in Pakistan?


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Maan Ali

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