FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 7 Sultan Ahmad Mosque Short Questions Answers
FBISE 9th class English Chapter 7 Sultan Ahmad Mosque Short Questions with answers are combined for all 9th class(Matric/ssc) Level students. Here You can prepare all English Chapter 7 Sultan Ahmad Mosque short question in unique way and also attempt quiz related to this chapter. Just Click on Short Question and below Answer automatically shown. After each question you can give like/dislike to tell other students how its useful for each.
Class/Subject: 9th Class English
Chapter Name: Sultan Ahmad Mosque
Board: FederalĀ Board
Helpful For:
- Federal Boards 9th Class English Annual Examination
- Schools 9th Class English December Test
- Federal 9th Class English Test
- Entry Test questions related English
FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 7 Sultan Ahmad Mosque Short Questions Answers
Who started the construction of Blue Mosque?
Ahmad started the construction of the Blue Mosque in 1453 to 1923.
In whose reign the construction was completed?
The construction was completed in the reign of Mustafa.
For what purpose does a heavy iron chain hang there?
A heavy iron chain hang there so that the Sultan had to lower his head every time he entered the court in order not to get hit and also as the symbolic gesture, to ensure the humility of the ruler in the face of the divine.
Where is the royal room situated?
The royal room is situated at the south east corner.
Why Sultan Ahmad is also known as a Blue Mosque?
Sultan Ahmad is also known as the Blue Mosque because o the blue tiles that embellishes its interior.
Who was appointed as the architect of the mosque?
The royal architect Sedetahr Mehmat Agha was appointed as an architect of the mosque by the Sultan and also in-charge of the project.
Why was a heavy iron chain hung at the entrance of the court?
A heavy iron chain hangs in the upper part of the court entrance on the western side. This site was meant for the Sultan alone. The chan was put there, so that the Sultan had to lower his head to lower his head every time he entered the court. It was the symbolic gesture, to ensure the humility of the ruler in the face of the divine.
How does the interior of the mosque look?
The interior of the mosque is embellished with blue tiles which gives its interior an attractive look.
Why do you think Madrassah and hospice was part of the mosque?
Madrassah was for the students who came to acquire Islamic knowledge and religious education and the hospice was for the needy and the insolvent.
Who constructed mosque Sophia?
Hagia Sophia mosque constructed by an Ottoman caliph.