FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 5 Daffodils Short Questions Answers

FBISE 9th class English Chapter 5 Daffodils Short Questions with answers are combined for all 9th class(Matric/ssc) Level students. Here You can prepare all English Chapter 5 Daffodils short question in unique way and also attempt quiz related to this chapter. Just Click on Short Question and below Answer automatically shown. After each question you can give like/dislike to tell other students how its useful for each.

Class/Subject: 9th Class English

Chapter Name: Daffodils

Board: Federal  Board

Helpful For:

  • Federal Boards 9th Class English Annual Examination
  • Schools 9th Class English December Test
  • Federal 9th Class English Test
  • Entry Test questions related English

FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 5 Daffodils Short Questions Answers

What is the central idea of the poem?

We probably have moments in our life that we replay in our memory images to which photographs or videos capture our feelings, in this poem, William Wordsworth captures both the images and feelings concerned to a special moment in his life. The poem is a tribute to nature and its manifestation in all its glory. It beautifully presents before us not only the attractive and exciting beauty of nature but also the purifying and enduring impact of it on human beings.

What do the daffodils represent in the poem?

Daffodils represent the nature and its impact on the human beings.

What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?

Poet thinks that wealth of joy and peace, that scene had brought to him.

List the words that heighten the sound effect in the poem?
Vales and hills, Cloud and crowd, Trees and breeze, jocund company etc.

How has the poet heightened the impact of the poem by using the figurative language?

The poet had highlighted the impact of the poem by using the figurative language. He prints the images of lakes, fields, trees and stars in an artistic manner. The poet compares the daffodils to the Milky Way, galaxy and dreams to dance with daffodils.

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