FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 4 Hazrat Asma Short Questions Answers

FBISE 9th class English Chapter 4 Hazrat Asma Short Questions with answers are combined for all 9th class(Matric/ssc) Level students. Here You can prepare all English Chapter 4 Hazrat Asma short question in unique way and also attempt quiz related to this chapter. Just Click on Short Question and below Answer automatically shown. After each question you can give like/dislike to tell other students how its useful for each.

Class/Subject: 9th Class English

Chapter Name: Hazrat Asma

Board: Federal  Board

Helpful For:

  • Federal Boards 9th Class English Annual Examination
  • Schools 9th Class English December Test
  • Federal 9th Class English Test
  • Entry Test questions related English

FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 4 Hazrat Asma Short Questions Answers

What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique?

When Abu Jhel demanded, “Where is your fatrher?” She politely replied. How would I know? “This response shows the wisdom and courage and Hazrat Asma. She didn’t make a statement that would give them a clue, nor did she have to lie. But she simply posed a counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl and he slapped Hazrat Asma’s face so hard that her ear-ring fell off. But he stood her ground even in the face of such wrath of Abu Jehl and never revealed the secret. ”

Why was Hazrat Abu Qahafaa worried?

“Hazrat Abu Qahafaa worried because he was a disbeliever at that time. He thinks that Abu Bakr has taken all the wealth leaving children empty-handed and helpless”.

How did Hazrat Asma console her grandfather?

“Hazrat Asma instantly ran to a corner of the home, gathered some pebbles and put them at the place where her father used to keep his money and jewels and covered it with a piece of cloth and ask her grandfather to look that has left all his wealth for us.” He touched the cloth and thought it was full of gold and jewels, His concern was alleviated and he felt relieved to know that Abu Bakr had left all his wealth at home.

Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair?

Hazrat Abdulah bin Zubair was the son of Hazrat Asma and Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam.

Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma?

Hazrat Asma was generous to such an extent that when she inherited a garden after the death of her sister Hazrat Ayesha. She sold it and gave away all the money among the poor and the needy and felt more pleasure than those who received the gifts.

What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma?

Hazrat Asma lived a life of hardships and suffering but she always remained unswerving. We should follow her teachings. We should a simple life like her family. We should face every calamity of life with patience.

Her life would always be beacon of light for all of us.” How?

This sentence means that she lived a very difficult life but in every calamity of life, she never loses her patience. She has a resolute faith on Allah. She faces every hardships of life with courage and valor that’s why her life is just like a beacon of light for us.

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