FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 3 Media and Its Impact Short Questions Answers
FBISE 9th class English Chapter 3 Media and Its Impact Short Questions with answers are combined for all 9th class(Matric/ssc) Level students. Here You can prepare all English Chapter 3 Media and Its Impact short question in unique way and also attempt quiz related to this chapter. Just Click on Short Question and below Answer automatically shown. After each question you can give like/dislike to tell other students how its useful for each.
Class/Subject: 9th Class English
Chapter Name: Media and Its Impact
Board: FederalĀ Board
Helpful For:
- Federal Boards 9th Class English Annual Examination
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FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 3 Media and Its Impact Short Questions Answers
What is the most important function that media performs?
Media is performing very constructive functions for society. It raises awareness about many social issues like corruption, terrorism, drug addiction and violation of human rights.
What are the two major means of communication?
Two major means of communication electronic media and print media. It includes films, radio, television, internet, books, magazines and newspapers. It provides us information as well as entertainment.
How dose media provide entertainment?
Media provides entertainment in various forms such as news, dramas, films, talk shows, documentary programs, current affairs, radio, internet, books magazines and newspapers.
What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
If media is allowed to play its role unchecked then the bogus news given in the newspaper and on the TV channels, many raise blood pressure, thrilling attitude, and create negative feelings in the mind audience. Over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The children learn violence by seeing movies and TV programs. The middle-aged persons are stuck up with TV serials and show much interest in raising social status, by wasting money.
Give three reasons in support of your favorite TV program?
I like Bazm-e-Tariq Aziz show due to following
i. It provides information
ii. It gives us entertainment
iii. The winner competition awarded with cash prize.