FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 10 Drug Addiction Short Questions Answers
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Class/Subject: 9th Class English
Chapter Name: Drug Addiction
Board: Federal Board
Helpful For:
- Federal Boards 9th Class English Annual Examination
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FBISE 9th Class English Chapter 10 Drug Addiction Short Questions Answers
Are drug addicts aware of the dangers of drugs?
Yes, drugs are aware of the mental and physical anguish caused by drugs.
Which environment factors are responsible for drugs addiction?
Environment factors such as home conditions, psychological issues of the person and the social circle in which the person lives.
What treatment is available at rehabilitation centers for drug victims?
Rehabilitation centers strictly supervise the victims. Complete medical support and guidance is provided to these people in these centers.
What do you understand by the term “counseling”?
Counseling is a professional advice about a problem. Counseling is a process in which two people met to explore personal problems and to identity solutions.
What are the affect of drug addiction?
Long term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness. The more dangerous a substance is used the riskier it becomes. It continuous use causes total dependence on the drug.
What are the causes of drug addiction?
Drug addiction and alcoholism are caused by genetic and environmental factors. The factor factors explains that here ae metabolic, structural, and neuro – chemical malfunctions in the brain that causes a person to become addicted to drugs. Environmental factors such as home conditions, psychological issues of the person, and the social circle in which the person lives.
Why do families feel reluctant to take the drug victims rehabilitation centers?
Families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to rehabilitation centers for tear of being declared on outcast.
What are the responsibilities of the families to ensure complete recovery such patients?
Doctors, family and friends must continue to critically watch and counsel for better motivation and adjustment.