FBISE 9th Class Computer Chapter 6 Computer Security and Ethics Short Questions Answers

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Class/Subject: 9th Class Computer

Chapter Name: Computer Security and Ethics

Board: Federal  Board

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FBISE 9th Class Computer Chapter 6 Computer Security and Ethics Short Questions Answers

Define Cybercrime?

Cybercrime refers to any crime that is committed using computers and Internet technology by having unlawful access to other computers. Many governments have passed cybercrime bills that carry fines and prison sentences for cybercriminals.

What are Computer Viruses?

Some computer experts create malware such as viruses, spyware, worm, etc, and spread through the internet. It is very important to understand how malware spreads and how to protect the computer from them. It is very difficult to list all the symptoms of infected computers. The reason for this is that there are hundreds and thousands of malicious programs and new ones are created every day.

Describe the term Multimodal Authentication?

Multimodal authentication means a combination of two or more types of authentication methods. Normally, authentication methods use a single source of information for authentication such as features of the face, fingerprint, hand geometry, access cards, etc. Multimodal authentication uses multiple sources of information for identification.

What is meant by Hacker?

A person who illegally breaks into another s computer system is known as a hacker. Hacking is cybercrime.

What is meant by Cracker?

A cracker is a computer user who breaks into computer systems without permission using hacking tools for personal gain or damage and commits cybercrimes.

Describe any five symptoms of malware.

i. The computer does not start or it reboots automatically when it is on.
ii. Different types of error messages appear on the screen.
iii. Unexpected messages appear on the screen.
iv. Program does not run in a normal way.
v. Computer is running very slow.

What is meant by Authentication?

Authentication means identifying a person based on a method such as a Username, Password, Personal Identification Number (PIN), Access Card, or Biometrics. It verifies who the person is.

What is meant by authorization?

Authorization means to give someone permission to do something.

What is meant by information privacy?

Information privacy refers to an individual’s right to the privacy of personal information. In the modern information age, people are concerned that computers may be taking away their privacy.

Give any three drawbacks of software piracy?

i. It’s illegal: making unauthorized copies of software is a federal crime.
ii. It’s risky: if you downloading pirated software from the internet, it is more likely to be infected with computer viruses which can damage your computer system.
iii. They do not provide after-sales services.

What types of problems may be faced if computer users do not comply with the moral guidelines of computer ethics?

i. Computer users can use computers to harm other people.
ii. Computer users can use computers to break into other computer systems to steal, change or destroy information.
iii. Computer users can read documents and e-mails of other users without their consent.
iv. Computer users can use computers to make illegal copies of copyright software and sell it for financial benefit.
v. Computer users who have special computer knowledge and ability will create malicious software (such as computer viruses) and spread it to other computers.
vi. Computer users can commit any type of crime with the help of computer technology.
vii. Computer users cannot respect the privacy of others.

Define Malware?

Malware is malicious software. It comprises several harmful software that are threats to all computer users. Malware is created to attack privacy, spying, destruction, and financial benefits.

What are the types of Malware?

i. Computer viruses
ii. Worms
iii. Spyware
iv. Adware

What is antivirus software?

Antivirus software is a computer program that detects and removes viruses and other types of malware.

What is anti-spyware?

Anti-spyware is a computer program that detects spyware infections on the computer and removes them. It helps to protect computers against security threats caused by spyware and other types of malware.

What is a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?

The PIN is a confidential numeric password used to authenticate a user to get access to a computer system. When a user enters the PIN, it is searched in the database stored in the computer. If it matches, the user is authorized to use the computer.

Define Access Card?

Access cards are very similar in appearance to credit cards. They do not require a username, password, or PIN. They are commonly used to open security gates in offices and many other places. Access cards are also used to open barriers in parking areas. They are an alternative to the key for opening hotel rooms, etc.

What do you mean by Biometrics?

Biometrics refers to authentication methods based on physical characteristics of individuals such as features of the face, hand geometry, retina, voice, and fingerprints.

Define Computer Ethics?

Computer ethics means an acceptable behavior for using computer technology. It is a code of behavior for moral and social issues while using computer technology, particularly the internet. A computer user should be honest, respect the rights of others on the Internet, and obey laws that apply to online behavior.

Write some important guidelines for the ethical use of computer technology.

i. The computer should not be used to harm other people.
ii. Computer users should not break into other computer systems to steal, change or destroy information.
iii. Computer users should respect the privacy of others.

What is meant by Information Accuracy?

Information stored on computers must be accurate, up-to-date, and complete. If wrong information is entered into the computer, it can be very harmful. People may suffer because of inaccuracies stored on a computer.

What is Software Privacy?

Software privacy means making illegal copies of the software for use or sale for financial benefit. When computer users buy computer-licensed software, they have the right to use it on a single computer. Software Copyright Law does not allow to make illegal copies of software and install it on other computers or sell it. It allows software developers to benefit financially from their work.

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