FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 5 Cell Cycle Short Questions Answers
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Class/Subject: 9th Class Biology
Chapter Name: Cell Cycle
Board: FederalĀ Board
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FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 5 Cell Cycle Short Questions Answers
Define Cell Cycle?
The series of events from the time a cell is produced until it completes mitosis and produces new cells is called the cell cycle.
Define Interphase?
Interphase is the time when a cell’s metabolic activity is very high, as it performs various functions.
What is Bening?
Sometimes mutations occur in genes that control the timing and number of mitosis and the cells continue to divide. It results in the growth of abnormal cells called tumors. As long as these tumors remain in their original location, they are called benign.
Define Reproduction?
The process through which living organisms produce offsprings of their kind is called reproduction.
Define Tumor?
When the uncontrolled division of cells leads to the growth of abnormal cells, then this is called the tumor.
Define Crossing Over?
The phenomenon in which non-sister chromatics of homologous chromosomes exchange that segments are known as crossing over.
What do you mean by S-phase?
In this phase, the cell duplicates its chromosomes. As a result, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids is called S-phase.
Describe the G2 phase?
In the G2 phase, cells prepare proteins that are essential for mitosis, mainly for the production of spindle fibers.
What is the G0 phase?
Cells that have temporarily or permanently stopped dividing are said to have entered a state of quiescence, called the G0 phase. In multicellular eukaryotes, cells enter the G0 phase from G1 and stop dividing.
What is Budding?
Budding is the type of asexual reproduction in which an outgrowth is formed which is ultimately separated and grows in size e.g. yeast (Fungi).
What is the G1 phase?
1.Cell increases its supply of proteins.
2. Increases the number of organelles (such that mitochondria, ribosomes)
3. Cells grow in size.
Define Homologous Chromosomes.
The chromosomes which are similar in morphology (size, structure, and position of centromere) are known as homologous chromosomes.
What is significance of Meiosis?
1. Number of chromosomes remains constant from species to species.
2. Variations are produced.
3. Resistance power is produced due to meiosis.
4. Meiosis takes place in gamete formation and spore formation.
5. Each zygote will have a unique genetic makeup.
What is meiosis?
Meiosis is the process by which one diploid eukaryotic cell divides to generate four haploid daughter cells. Diploid means the cell in which chromosomes are in pairs (homologous pairs) while haploid means the cell with half the number of chromosomes i.e. chromosomes are not in the form of pairs.
The nucleus is only visible in interphase which chromosomes are are only visible in the cell division stage. Why is that?
The nuclear membrane seeks during cell division so there is no distinct nucleus. In an interphase nuclear material is in the form of fine chromatin which condenses during prophase to get into the shape of chromosomes.
Define Mitosis?
The type of cell division in which a cell divides into two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as were present in the parent cell is called mitosis
What is binary fission?
Prokaryotic cells undergo a process similar to mitosis is called binary fission.
What are spindle fibers?
Centrosomes give rise to microtubules by joining tubulin proteins present in the cytoplasm. The microtubules thus formed are called spindle fibers.
Define Kinetochore?
Each chromosome has a kinetochore at the centromere. The kinetochore is a complex protein structure that is the point where spindle fibers attach.
What is the different phase of mitosis?
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
How Cytokinesis takes place in animal cells.
1. It occurs by a process known as cleavage.
2. A cleavage furrow develops where the metaphase plate (a part of the cytoskeleton) used to be.
3. The ring contracts deeping the furrow and eventually pinching the parent cell into two.
Define Metastasis?
The tumors can send the cancer cells to the other parts of the body where new tumors may form. This phenomenon is called metastasis.
Define Tubulin?
Tubulin is a type of protein present in the cytoplasm. The tubulin monomers give rise to microtubules by polymerization.
What is Synapsis?
The two non-sister chromatids of chromosomes become “zipped” together, forming complexes known as chiasmata, in a process known as synapsis.
Define Spindle?
The two centrosomes give rise to microtubules by polymerizing the tubulin proteins present in the cytoplasm. The microtubules thus formed are called spindle fibers and the complete set of the spindle fibers is known as a mitotic spindle.
What is Anaphase?
The phase of mitosis and meiosis in which each kinetochore fiber pulls toward the originating centrosome and divides the sister chromatids (in mitosis and meiosis-II) or divides the homologous pair (in meiosis-I).
What is Apoptosis?
The programmed cell death during which cell membrane makes blebs which break from the cell and are phagocytosed by other cells.
Define Necrosis and describe its causes.
The accidental death of cells and living tissues is called necrosis.
causes of necrosis: Injury, Infection, Cancer, Hypoxic environment, Lack of proper care to a wound site, Spider bites.
Define blebs. What is another name of these?
Cell membrane makes irregular buds known as blebs. Blebs break off from the cell and are now called apoptotic bodies, which are then phagocytosed by other cells.
What is Inter-kinesis?
After meiosis, I, both haploid daughter cells enter a period of rest, known as interkinesis or interphase II.
What is the contribution of Thomas Hunt Morgan?
In 1911, the American geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan observed the phenomenon of crossing over in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells?
Diploid means the cells in which chromosomes are in pairs (homologous pairs) while haploid means the cells with half the number of chromosomes i.e. chromosomes are not in the form of pairs.
What is the difference between Malignant and Bening tumors?
As long as tumors remain in their original location, they are called benign tumors. But if they invade other tissues, they are called malignant (cancerous) tumors and their cells are called cancer cells.
Define regeneration?
The process in which an organism can be regenerate its lost parts through mitosis is called regeneration.
Define Phragmoplast?
Cytokinesis in plant cells occurs differently. Vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus move to the middle of the cell and fuse to form a membrane-bounded disc called a cell plate or phragmoplast.
What is Telophase?
1. Telophase is the reversal of prophase.
2. A new nuclear envelope forms around each set of separated chromosomes.
3. Both sets of chromosomes, now surrounded by new nuclear envelopes, unfold back into chromatin, Nuclear division is completed.
What are sister chromatids?
The two chromatids of the same chromosome are called sister chromadits. They are attached at the same centromere.
What is Chiasmata?
Chiasmata is the region where crossing over occurs. It is a cross-like link between two homologous chromosomes. After crossing over, homologous chromosomes separate from one another but remain tightly packed at chiasmata.
What is a Metaphase plate?
During metaphase, a kinetochore fiber attaches to kinetochores of the centromeres of the chromosomes arrange themselves along the equator of the cell forming a metaphase plate.
What is M-phase?
After the G2 phase of interphase, the cells enter the division phase i.e. M-phase. It is characterized by mitosis, in which the cell divides into two daughter cells and the number of chromosomes remains the same as that of the parent cell.
Why cell division of prokaryotes is not called mitosis?
Cell division of prokaryotes is not called mitosis because prokaryotes do not have proper nuclei and do not form spindles during division that is why their division is not called notes is, instead they under a similar process to mitosis called, binary fission.
What is disjunction?
During Anaphase I, chromosomes separate and go to opposite poles, while during anaphase II, sister chromosomes separate. This is called a disjunction.
Define Prophase?
1. Condensation of chromatin
2. Duplication of chromosomes
3. Formation of the mitotic spindle
4. Disappearance of the nucleolus
5. Ans nuclear envelope
What is S-phase?
In this phase, the cell duplicates its chromosomes. The DNA molecules of each chromosome are copied, and new protein molecules are attached.
Define Cytokinesis?
Cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm is known as Cytokinesis.
Describe the advantages of Apoptosis?
1. Apoptosis can occur when a cell is damaged or undergo stress conditions. Apoptosis removes the damaged cell. preventing it from getting further nutrients.
2. Apoptosis prevents the spread of infection.
3. Apoptosis also gives advantages during development.
What is open mitosis?
The mitosis in which the spindle fibers are formed outside the nuclear envelope is called open mitosis.
What is Trisomy?
The condition in which there is one more chromosome than the usual 2N number.
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