FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 4 Cells and Tissues Short Questions Answers
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Class/Subject: 9th Class Biology
Chapter Name: Cells and Tissues
Board: FederalĀ Board
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FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 4 Cells and Tissues Short Questions Answers
Define Magination?
Magination is the increase in the apparent size of an object is called imagination.
Define Cell?
The structural and functional unit of organisms is known as cells or cells are the smallest living things.
What is Cell Wall?
The cell wall is a non-living strong component of the cell and it is located outside the plasma membrane.
Define Microtubule?
The microtubule is another most important filament that makes up the cytoskeleton. It is made of tubulin subunits and is often used by cells to hold their shape.
Define Microfilament?
Microfilament is one of the most important filaments that make up the cytoskeleton. It is made of actin subunits. These are often used by cells to change their shapes and to hold structures.
Define Vacuole?
Vacuoles are fluid-filled single membrane-bounded organelle. They are of different types. They help to digest the material with help of lysosomes and the elimination of wastes from their bodies.
What is Tissue?
A group of cells specialized for the performance of a common function is called a tissue.
Define Microscopy?
The use of microscopy is called microscopy.
What do you understand by ''LM 109X'' written on the edge of the Micrograph?
It tells us that the photomicrograph was taken through a light microscope and the image has been magnified 109 times.
What is the role of phloem tissues in plants?
Phloem tissue is responsible for the conduction of dissolved organic matter (food) between different parts of the plant body. Phloem tissue contains sieve tube cells and companion cells.
Define Permanent Tissues?
The cells of the tissues which cannot divide are called permanent tissues.
What is a ribosome?
Tiny granular structure in the cell; either floating freely in the cytoplasm or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum, is involved in protein synthesis.
Define Cytoplasm?
The semi-viscous and semi-transparent substance present between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope.
What is active transport?
The movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to the area of a higher concentration, with the expenditure of energy is called active transport.
Define Epithelial tissues?
Epithelial tissues cover the outside of the body and line organs and cavities. The cells in this tissue are very closely packed together.
Define Filtration?
“A process by which small molecules are forced to move across the semi-permeable membrane with the aid of hydrostatic (water) pressure, or blood pressure is called filtration”.
Define Plasmolysis?
In a hypertonic environment, a plant cell loses water and the cytoplasm shrinks. The shrinking of cytoplasm is called Plasmolysis.
What is turgor?
In rigid conditions, the outward pressure on the cell wall of plants exerted by internal water is known as turgor pressure and the phenomenon is turgor.
Define Osmosis?
The movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane of a solution of lesser solute concentration to a solution of higher solute concentration is called osmosis.
What is the difference between food vacuole and contractile vacuole?
Many cells take in materials from outside in the form of food vacuole and then digest the material with the help of lysosomes whereas some unicellular organisms use contractile vacuole for the elimination of wastes from their bodies.
What can happen when a lysosome burst inside the cell and all its enzymes are released in the cytoplasm?
If enzymes of lysosomes are released in the cytoplasm then all the protein content of the cell may be destroyed resulting in the killing of the cell.
Define Centrosome?
Animal cells have two centrioles located near the exterior surface of the nucleus. The two centrioles are collectively called a centrosome.
What is the function of lysosomes?
They contain strong digestive enzymes and work for the breakdown (digestion) of food and waste materials within the cell.
Where chromoplast are located?
The second type of plastids in plant cells is chromoplasts. They contain pigments associated with bright colors and are present in the cells of flower petals and fruits.
Write the functions of mitochondria?
Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration and are the major energy production centers. Therefore, these are also a powerhouse of the cell.
Define Nucleolus?
The nucleolus is a dark spot and it is the site where ribosomal RNA is formed and assembled are ribosomes.
Define Organelles?
Organelles are small structures within cells that perform dedicated functions. There are about a dozen types of organelles commonly found in eukaryotic cells.
Define Fluid Mosaic Model?
According to this model, there is a lipid bilayer in which the protein molecules are embedded. The lipid bilayer gives fluidity and elasticity to the membrane. Small amounts of carbohydrates are also found in cell membranes.
Define Pinocytosis?
It is a form of endocytosis in which the cell takes in liquid in the form of droplets.
What is Passive transport?
It is a type of transport in which a cell does not spend energy when molecules move across its membrane from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
What is muscle tissue?
Muscle tissue consists of bundles of long cells called muscle fibers. It is the most abundant tissue in a typical animal cell. The cells of this tissue can contract.
Define Leucoplasts?
Leucoplasts are the third type of plastids. They are colorless and store starch, proteins, and lipids. They are present in the cell of those parts where food is stored.
What are Golgi Apparatus?
These are set of flattened sacs (cisternae) that are stacked over each other in plant and animal cells. It modifies molecules coming from rough ER and packs them into small membrane-bound sacs. These sacs can be transported to various locations in the cell or its exterior in the form of secretions.
Define Facilitated Diffusion?
It is a type of passive transport in which molecules are taken into or out of the cells with the help of transport proteins in the cell membranes. There is no expenditure of energy in this process.
What are connective tissues?
Connective tissues typically have cells scattered throughout an extra cellular matrix. Connective tissue serves a “Connective” function. It supports and binds other tissues.
What is chloroplast?
The chloroplast is a type of plastid bound by a double membrane. It is found in plant cells. The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis in eukaryotes. They contain chlorophyll, the green pigment necessary for photosynthesis.
Write salient features of Cell Theory?
(i) All organisms are composed of one or more cells
(ii) Cell arise only by divisions in previously existing cells/
(iii) Cells are the smallest living things, the basic unit of organization of all organisms.
What is the role of the cell membrane around the cells?
(i) The cell membrane functions as a semi-permeable barrier, allowing very few molecules across it while fencing a majority of chemicals inside the cell. In this way, it maintains the internal composition of the cell.
(ii) Cell membrane also senses chemical messages and can identify other cells.
Define Plasmodesmata?
There are pores in the cell walls of adjacent plant cells, through which their cytoplasm is connected. These pores are called plasmodesmata.
Name the structures in the cell that are not organelles?
(i) Cell wall
(ii) Cell membrane
(iii) Cytoplasm
(iv) Cytoskeleton
What problem is faced by scientists using an Electron microscope?
An electron microscope cannot be used to study life processes, because the specimen must be held in a vacuum chamber i.e. all air must be removed.
Definr semi-permiable membrane?
It is a membrane that allows very few molecules across it while fencing the majority of chemicals inside the cell.
Define Phagocytosis?
It is a form of endocytosis in which the cell takes in solid material.
Define Isotonic Solutions?
Isotonic solutions that have equal concentrations of solutes is called isotonic solutions.
What is the Endoplasmic Reticulum?
It is a network of interconnected channels that extends from the cell membrane to the nuclear envelope. RER serves a function in protein synthesis while SER is involved in lipid metabolism and in the transport of materials from one part of the cell to the other.
Define Resolving power?
Resolving power or resolution is the measure of the clarity of an image.
What is the contribution of Robert Hook in the formulation of cell theory?
Cells were first described by a British scientist, Robert Hook in 1665. He used hi self-made light microscope to examine a thin slice of cork. Hook observed a ‘honeycomb’ of tiny empty compartments. He called those compartments in the cork ‘cellular. His term has come to us as cells.
What is the difference between the primary cell wall and the secondary cell wall?
The outer layer of the plant cell wall is called the primary cell wall and some plants have an additional wall on the inner side of the primary wall called a secondary wall.
What do you know about Camilo Golgi? Discuss the contribution.
An Italian physician, Camilo Golgi discovered the Golgi apparatus and thus they were named after him. In 1906, Golgi was awarded Noble Prize for physiology and medicine.
Differentiate between Endocytosis and Exocytosis?
Endocytosis is the process of cellular ingestion of bulky materials by the infolding of cell membrane and exocytosis is a process through which bulky material is exported out of the cell.