FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 3 Biodiversity Short Questions Answers

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Class/Subject: 9th Class Biology

Chapter Name: Biodiversity

Board: FederalĀ  Board

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  • Federal Boards 9th Class Biology Annual Examination
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FBISE 9th Class Biology Chapter 3 Biodiversity Short Questions Answers

Define Biodiversity?

The measure of the variety of organisms present in the different ecosystems is called biodiversity.

Define Class Animalia?

It includes eukaryotic, multicellular, consumers. The lack calls well and can do locomotion e.g. human, lion, etc.

Define class?

A class is a group of related orders is called a class.

Define Conservation?

The protection, preservation, management, and restoration of the natural environment and the ecological communities that inhabitant them.

Name the national animal and bird of Pakistan?

Markhor is the national animal and Chakor Patridge is the national bird of Pakistan.

Write a sort on Houbara Bustard?

This bird flies to Pakistan in the winter season from former Soviet territory and settles in Cholistan and Thar desert. The decline in its population due to hunting by foreigners and destruction of its habitat.

Define Fauna?

The study of the total found animals in a particular region is known as Fauna.

Define Fungi?

A group of heterotrophic organisms with the absorptive mode of nutrition is called fungi.

Define Monera?

It includes prokaryotic organisms. They lack a definite membrane-bounded nucleus and membrane-bounded organelles.

Name the two organizations working for the conservation of biodiversity in Pakistan?

1. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
2. The World Wildlife Fund – Pakistan (WWF-P).

What is an extinct species?

A species is called extinct when there is no doubt that the last individual of that species has died.

What are the types of Protista?

1. Protozoans, (Animal-like protists)
2. Algae (Plant-like protists)
3. Fungi like protists

What is Engaged species?

The species is at risk of becoming extinct because few members are left.

What is bionomial nomenclature?

The system of naming organisms, in which the name consists of two words i.e. generic name and species name.

What is the term Acellular?

Non-cellular, a living entity without cells ia called cellular. e.g, viroid, prion.

What is the basis of the five kingdom classification sys?

The level of cellular organization i.e.
(i) prokaryotic
(ii) Eukaryotic
(iii) Multicellular
(iv) Unicellular

What are Prions?

Prions are infectious particles that are composed of protein only and cause infectious diseases in certain plants Prions.

What are Viroids?

Viroids are also infectious particles but they are compared to circular RNA only. They also cause infectious diseases in certain plants is called Viroids.

What is the basic unit of classification? Define it.

Group of organisms which can interbreed freely among. They and produce fertile offsprings, but are reproductively isolated from all other such groups in nature.

Define Taxa?

The groups into which organisms are classified are known as Taxa.

Define Taxonomic Hierarchy?

The Taxa form a ladder is known as Taxonomic Hierarchy.

How biodiversity has evolved?

The biodiversity found on earth today is the result of 4 Billion years of evolution.

Describe the importance of biodiversity?

Food diversity:
Biodiversity provides food for human
A significant proportion of drugs are derived directly
Industrial materials:
A wide range of industrial materials, e.g. building material, fibers, dyes, resins, gums, adhesives, rubber, and oil are derived are directly from plants.
Maintenance of Ecosystem:
Biodiversity plays an important role in making and maintaining ecosystems.
Environmental Benefits:
It helps in regulating the chemistry of our atmosphere and water supply.
Biodiversity is directly involved in the recycling of nutrients and providing fertile soils.

Define Taxonomy?

The branch of science which deals with the classification of organisms is called Taxonomy.

What is Systematic?

The branch of biology deals with classification and traces the evolutionary history of organisms. is called systematic.

In which species the criteria for interbreeding cannot be used?

The criteria for interbreeding cannot be used for species recognition in organisms who reproduce asexually and do not interbreed with one another (for example many unicellular) organisms.

Define Family?

A family is a group of related genera is called family.

Define Genus?

A genus is a group-related species is called a genus.

Define Protista?

It consists of the group of most diverse organisms. It consists of unicellular and simple multicellular eukaryotes. It includes animals like protozoPlant-like algae and fungi like protist.

What is soil erosion?

The removal of the top layer of soil by wind, rain or floods is called soil erosion.

Give a list of extinct animals in Pakistan.

Lion, Asiatic Cheetah, Tiger, Indian one-horned Rhinoceros, Swamp deer, Indian wilds ass, Hangul, and Black Buck.

Give examples of Protozoans?

(i) Paramecium
(ii) Amoeba
(iii) Volvox

What are simple multicellular organisms?

They don’t have multicellular sex organs and don’t form embryos during their life cycles.

Write the names of five kingdoms of organisms?

(i) Monera
(ii) Protista
(iii) Plantae
(iv) Fungi
(v) Animalia

Name the largest and smallest taxa?

The kingdom is the largest taxon while species is the smallest taxon.

What are the aims of classifications?

(i) To determine similarities and differences among organisms so that they can be recognized and studied easily.
(ii) To find the evolutionary relationship among organisms.

What factors do affect the biodiversity of a region?

(i) Climate
(ii) Altitude
(iii) Soil
(iv) Presence of other species

What is deforestation?

The cutting down of trees for the conversion of a forest to non-forest land is called deforestation. It is done for using the land for various purposes. Humans use this land for pasture or urban use etc.

What is Mule?

In the definition of species, we must emphasize “in nature” because two organisms related to two different but closely related species can cross-breed under artificial conditions. But in such unnatural crosses, they produce infertile offspring.

What is the role of E-Chatton?

In 1937, E-Chatton suggested the terms of ‘Procaryotique’ to describe bacteria and ‘Eucariotique’ to describe animal and plant cells.

What is Archabacteria?

The monerans evolved first and live in extreme habitats.

Define Monophyletic?

In the evolutionary tree, the group of descendants having the same ancestor.

What is Threatened Species?

The species that are at risk of becoming extinct in near future are called threatened species.

Define Order?

An order is a group of related families is called order.

Define Phylum?

A phylum is a group of related classes is called a phylum.

Define the term Viroid?

Viroids Are composed of circular RNA only and act as infectious particles and cause diseases in certain plants.

What is the origin of biodiversity?

10 million kinds of organisms inhabit the earth. But biologists studied and cataloged less than one-third of these. Diversity among the organisms is more obvious than the fundamental unity of life. The diversity emerged as modifications in organisms.

Give Significance of forest?

(i) Forest support biodiversity
(ii) Forests provide habitat for wildlife
(iii) Forests are the source of medicines, timber, fuel, wood, etc.

What is the Conversation of migratory birds in Chitral, NWFP?

Chitral lies on the migratory route of several important bird species. These birds face enormous hunting pressure. WWF-Pakistan initiated efforts to reduce the hunting pressure in 1992. These efforts proved successful.

What are the benefits of using binomial nomenclature?

(i) This system has great value. It has widespread use.
(ii) There is the stability of its names. Every species can be unambiguously indefinitely by binomial nomenclature.
(iii) It requires just two words.
(iv) THe same name can be used all over the world, in all languages. It avoids difficulties of translation.

Define Species?

A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed freely among them and produce fertile offspring but are reproductively isolated from all other such groups in nature.

Define Plantae?

It includes eukaryotic multicellular autotrophs. They have multicellular sex organs Cell wall is made up of cellulose.

Write the classification of a human being?


Write down characteristics of kingdom fungi?

(i) It includes eukaryotic unicellular and simple multicellular organisms.
(ii) The organisms that may be photosynthetic are heterotropic.

Which organization has prepared the first red list of Pakistan?

The IUCN has prepared the first national Red List (list of endangered or threatened species).

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