9th Class Physics: Chapter 5 Gravitation Short Questions Answers
Gravitation is one of the most fascinating topics in physics, and it’s essential to understand the key concepts to excel in the subject. In this blog post, we’ll provide short question answers for Chapter 5 – Gravitation in 9th class physics. These questions and answers will help you grasp the fundamentals of gravitation, including the law of universal gravitation, gravitational potential energy, and the effects of gravity on objects. Whether you’re a student looking to ace your exams or a curious learner eager to enhance your knowledge, these short question answers will serve as a valuable resource for you. So, let’s dive right in and explore the world of gravitation together!
9th Class Physics: Chapter 5 Gravitation Short Questions Answers
Gravitation is a force that pulls objects towards each other. It’s what keeps planets orbiting around stars and what makes things fall towards the ground. In this chapter, we’ll learn about the law of universal gravitation, which explains how gravity works. We’ll also look at how gravity affects objects in different situations, like when they’re dropped from a height or when they’re moving really fast. By the end of this chapter short question answer, you’ll have a better understanding of why things move the way they do and how gravity plays a role in everything around us.
9th Class Physics: Chapter 5 Gravitation Short Question Answers
Now you can start your preparation here below:
The force due to which every body of the universe attracts the other body is called force of gravitation.
Yes we attracts the Earth attracts us. Our body is very small, as compared to Earth so, we attract the Earth with a very small and insignificant force. Therefore it is not felt by us.
Earth because of its larger mass attracts us with a larger and significant force.
The weight of a body is due to the gravitational force with which the Earth attracts a body. Gravitational force is a non-contact force. For example, the velocity of a body, thrown up, goes on decreasing while on return its velocity goes on increasing. This is due to the gravitational pull of the Earth acting on the body whether the body is in contact with the Earth or not. Such a force is called the field force.
The first man who came up with the idea of gravity was Isaac Newton. It was an evening of 1665, when he was trying to solve the mystery why planets revolve around the Sun. Before this, people were not familier even with the word gravity then how scientists could guess about the gravitational force.
Gravitational force is a non-contact force. For example, the velocity of a body, thrown up, goes on decreasing while on return its velocity goes on increasing. This is due to the gravitational pull of the Earth acting on the body whether the body is in contact with the Earth or not. Such a force is called the field force. It is assumed that a gravitational field exists all around the Earth and its direction is towards the centre of the Earth. The Gravitational field becomes weaker as we go further and further away from the Earth.
The gravitational field becomes weaker and weaker as we go further and further away from the Earth. In the gravitational field of the Earth, the gravitational force per unit mass is called the gravitational field strength of the Earth. At any place its value is equal to the value of g at that point. Near the surface of the Earth, the gravitational field strength is 10Nkg-1.
Newton’s law of gravitation is very important to us. Because life cannot imagine without this. This is the force of gravitation which is responsible for the survival of every object in the universe. We can determine the mass of Earth, density of Earth and orbital speed of satellite only because of this law. Artificial satellites are used for communication purposes, and carry instruments or passengers to perform experiments in space. These satellites require centripetal force that keeps them to move around the Earth. The gravitation force of attraction between the satellite and the Earth provides the necessary centripetal force.
According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, every body in the universe attract every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. F= By increasing the masses of objects, force of gravitation is also increased and by decreasing the masses of objects, force of gravitation is also decreased. By increasing the distance between objects force of gravitation decreased.
F= G —————– (1) But the force with which Earth attracts a body towards its centre is equal to its weight w. Therefore, F= w= mg————— (2) Or mg =G ———- (3) g = G —————– (4) Me = —————— (5) Mass Me of the Earth can be determined on putting the values in equation (5). Me = (6.4 x 106m) 2 x 10ms-2/6.673 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 Me = 6.0 x 1024kg Thus, mass of the Earth is 6.0 x 1024kg.Consider a body of mass m on the surface of the Earth as shown in figure. Let the mass of the Earth be Me and radius of the Earth be R. The distance of the body from the centre of the Earth will also be equal to the radius R of the Earth. According to the law of gravitation, the gravitational force F of the Earth acting on a body is given by;
Yes, we can find out the mass of moon by using the law of gravitation. As we know. M = R2g/G To find out the value of mass of moon, we need to know, following factors. Radius of the moon (R) Gravitational acceleration of the moon (g) Gravitational constant (G).
As we know that the value of gravitational acceleration depends on the radius of the Earth. G = GMe/R2 Value of (g) is inversely proportional to the radius of Earth. This varies with height. By increasing height the value of g will decrease and by decreasing height the value of g will increase. This is the reason that the value of g is greater at sea level than at the hills.
As we know g = GMe/R2 This equation shows that the value of acceleration due to gravity g depends on the radius of the Earth at its surface. The value of g is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the Earth. But it does not remain constant. It decreases with altitude. Altitude is the height of the body or place from the sea level. The value of g is greater at sea level than at the hills. Consider a body of mass (m) at an altitude (h). The distance of the body from the centre of the Earth becomes R+h. gh = GMe/(R + h)2 According to this equation, we come to know that at a height equal to one Earth radius above the surface of the Earth, g becomes one fourth of its value on the Earth. Similarly at a distance of two Earth’s radius above the Earth’s surface, the value of g becomes one ninth of its value on the Earth.
Scientists have sent many objects into space. Some of these objects revolve around the Earth. These are called artificial satellites.
A satellite requires centripetal force that keeps it to move around the Earth the gravitational force of attraction between the satellite and the Earth provides the necessary centripetal force. This centripetal force is introduced by the Newton. So in this way Newton’s law of gravitation helps in understanding the motion of satellites.
Orbital speed of the satellite depends only on gravitational acceleration of Earth and radius of the Earth. It is clear from the given formula. Vo = square root of g into R
Geostationary satellites take 24 hours to complete their one revolution around the Earth. As Earth also completes its one rotation about its axis in 24 hours, hence, these geostationary satellites appear to be stationary with respect to Earth. Law of Gravitation: According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly preoperational to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. F = Gm1m2/d2
Near the surface of the Earth, the gravitational field strength is 10 Nkg-1.
Due to small value of G, the gravitational force of attraction between objects around us is very small and we do not feel it. Since the mass if Earth is very large, it attracts nearby objects with a significant force. The weight of an object on the Earth is the result of gravitational force of attraction between the Earth and the object.
Newton’s law of gravitation is very important to us. Because life can not imagine without this. This is the force of gravitation which is responsible for the survival of every object in the universe. We can determine the mass of Earth, density of Earth and orbital speed of satellite only because of this law. Artificial satellites are used for communication purposes, and carry instruments or passengers to perform experiments in space.
G = 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2
The region around the Earth in which Earth attracts the other bodies is called gravitational field.
Gravitational force: The force due to which every body of the universe attracts every other body is called force of gravitation.
The direction of gravitational field is toward the centre of the earth. Write the value of Mass of Earth with Unit. Mass of Earth = 6.0 x 1024 Kg
We know that Me = R2g/G G = 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2, g= 10ms-2, R = 6.4 x 106m Put the above values Me = (6.4 x 106)2 x (101)/ 6.673 x 10-11 Me = 6.4 x 6.4 x 1012 x 101/6.673 x 10-11 Me = 6 x 1013+11 Me = 6 x1024 kg
The equation of gravitational acceleration at height h is gh = G
The value of”g”decreases with altitude. Altitude is the height of an object or place above sea level. The value of g is greater at sea level than at the hills.
g = GMe/R2 R = 2R g = GMe/(2R)2 = GMe/4R2 g = ¼( GMe/R2) if we put R = 2R in equation g= GMe/R2, then the value of”g”becomes one-fourth.
As we know that the value of gravitational acceleration depends on the radius of the Earth. G = GMe/R2 Value of (g) is inversely proportional to the radius of Earth. This varies with height. By increasing height the value of g will decrease and by decreasing height the value of g will increase. This is the reason that the value of g is greater at sea level than at the hills.
The value of gravitational acceleration g depends on the radius of the Earth at its surface. The value of g is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the Earth. But it does not remain constant. It decreases with altitude. gh = G
As we know g = GMe/R2 This equation shows that the value of acceleration due to gravity g depends on the radius of the Earth at its surface. The value of g is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the Earth. But it does not remain constant. It decreases with altitude. Altitude is the height of the body or place from the sea level. The value of g is greater at sea level than at the hills. Consider a body of mass (m) at an altitude (h). The distance of the body from the centre of the Earth becomes R+h. gh = GMe/(R + h)2 According to this equation, we come to know that at a height equal to one Earth radius above the surface of the Earth, g becomes one fourth of its value on the Earth. Similarly at a distance of two Earth’s radius above the Earth’s surface, the value of g becomes one ninth of its value on the Earth.
Global positioning system (GPS) is a satellites navigation system. It helps us to find the exact position of an object anywhere on the land, on the sea or in the air GPS consist of 24 Earth satellites. These satellites revolve around the Earth twice a day with a speed of 3.87kms-1.
The height of a geostationary satellite is about 42300 km from the surface of the Earth. Its speed with respect to Earth is zero.
Global positioning system (GPS) is a satellites navigation system. It helps us to find the exact position of an object anywhere on the land, on the sea or in the air GPS consist of 24 Earth satellites. These satellites revolve around the Earth twice a day with a speed of 3.87kms-1.
Communication satellites take 24 hours to complete their one revolution around the Earth. As Earth also completes its one rotation about its axis in 24 hours, hence these communication satellites appear to be stationary with respect to Earth. It is due to this reason that the orbit of such a satellite is called geostationary orbit.
Scientists have sent many objects into space. Some of these objects revolve around the Earth. Some of these are used for communication purposes. These satellites are at a height of about 42,300 km from the surface of Earth.
Orbital speed of the satellite depends only on gravitational acceleration of Earth and radius of the Earth. It is clear from the given formula. Vo = Write the formula of artificial satellite’s orbital speed. The speed of artificial satellite find out by the formula: Vo =
An object that revolves around the planet is called a satellite. Geostationary satellites are those satellites whose velocity relative to Earth is zero. These satellites remain stationary with respect to the Earth at a height of 42,300 km from the surface of the Earth. Example: Communication Satellites.
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