9th Class Computer Chapter 1 Problem Solving Short Questions Answer
9th Class Computer Chapter 1 Problem Solving Short Questions Answer
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Here we are providing complete chapter wise Computer questions and Answers for the 9th class students. All the visitors can prepare for their 9th class examination by attempting below given question answers.
In this List we have included all Punjab boards and both Arts and Science students. These Boards students can prepare their exam easily with these short question answer section
Lahore Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Rawalpindi Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Gujranwala Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Multan Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Sargodha Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Faisalabad Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Sahiwal Board 9th classes short questions Answer
DG Khan Board 9th classes short questions Answer
Bahwalpur Board 9th classes short questions Answer
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A well-defined problem is the one that does not contain ambiguities. All the conditions are clearly specified and it has a clear goal. It is easy to understand and solve.
A problem statement is a brief description of the problem to be solved. It describes the problem and identifies its causes and solutions. The problem statement must be prepared before finding the solution of the problem.
Problem solving is a process of identifying a problem and finding its best solution. Problem solving is a thinking process. It is a skill that can be developed by following a well-organized approach.
The steps involved in problem solving are defining the problem, analyzing the problem, planning the solution, candid solutions and selecting the best solution.
A problem cannot be solved if it is not defined correctly. The clearly defined problem helps the user to find the solution.
Problem statements often have three elements: the problem itself, stated clearly and with enough contextual detail to establish why it is important, the method of solving the problem, often stated as a claim or a working thesis; the purpose, statement of objective and scope of the document the writer is preparing.
It is important to understand the situation and circumstances in which the problem is occurring. It allows the user to understand the given state. It also helps to know that the solution will look like and how to measure the solution.
Problem analysis is a process of understanding the given problem. It is very important to understand a problem before trying to solve it. A clear understanding of a problem helps the user to solve it correctly and easily. It also saves money, time and resources.
The five Ws to understand a problem ate What, Who, Why, When and Where.
The solution of a problem is planned after defining and analyzing the problem. The problem is assessed to find the right strategy to solve the problem. This phase specifies the actions required to solve the problem. It also specifies the resources required for the solution.
Different strategies to plan the solution of a problem include divide and conquer, guess, check and improve; and act it out.
The divide and conquer strategy divides a complex problem into smaller problems. The smaller problems can be solved separately. The process of t-e problem becomes easier. It also reduces the complexity of the solution.
The word candid means something unplanned. The candid solution is typically found using guess without detailed planning. It saves a lot of time but may not be the actual solution of the problem.
Flowchart is a graphical representation of the solution of a problem. Standard symbols are used to represent different steps of solution. Different zee used in flowcharts to represent different operations.
The four flowchart symbols include terminal, input/output, process cod flow line.
The flowchart is an important tool in problem solving. It can be used to plan the solution in problem solving. The solution can be understood easily with the help of a flowchart. It also helps the user to verify if the solution is correct or not.
Flowchart is easy to draw. It helps to understand the easily. It clearly shows the flow from one step to other.
A flowchart is constructed by determining different requirements for the given problem. These requirements include input, processing, decision and output.
The sequence of the execution of the steps in flowchart are shown using the flow lines. The sequence is generally shown from top to bottom.
The rectangle is used to represent a processing or computational operation in flowchart.
The smallest or the largest data values from the range of valid test data is called boundary test data. An algorithm is tested with the boundary test data to ensure that it handles these values correctly.
The absent data means that the number of values given to a solution is less than expected.
Verification is the process to test if the solution is solving the same problem for which it was designed. Suppose an algorithm is, prepared to find the percentage of a student and assign the grade. The user can observe if the algorithm inputs marks and displays grade.
Validation is the process to test if the solution is correct or not. Suppose an algorithm is prepared to find the percentage of a student and assign the grade. The user can check the output of the algorithm to confirm that the grade is assigned correctly.
A trace table is a technique of testing the algorithm to ensure that it does not have any logical errors. The trace table usually consists of multiple rows and columns. Each column shows the name of the date element. Each row shows the value of data element in each step.
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