12th Class English Ch 4 End Of Term Short Question Answer
Welcome to the intriguing world of 12th Class English Ch 4 End of Term, where we delve into the dynamics of friendships, personal growth, and the bittersweet moments that mark the end of a term. In this chapter, we witness the characters navigate the challenges of academic pressure, emotional turmoil, and the complexities of adolescence. Through thought-provoking short question answers, we explore the themes and character development, shedding light on the transformative experiences that shape their lives. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the poignant reflections that come with the 12th Class English Ch 4 end of a term.
12th Class English Ch 4 End of Term
In the chapter “End of Term” from 12th Class English, readers are immersed in a captivating narrative that explores the multifaceted experiences of the characters as they navigate the concluding phase of their academic term. The chapter delves into the intricacies of friendships, highlighting the challenges and growth that occur within these relationships. It delves into the realities of academic pressure, offering insights into the characters’ struggles and triumphs as they strive to excel in their studies.
Furthermore, the chapter delves into the emotional turmoil and self-reflection that often accompany the end of a term, as the characters confront their own personal growth and contemplate the lessons learned throughout their journey. Through engaging short question answers, readers gain a deeper understanding of the characters’ motivations, conflicts, and resolutions, making it an enriching reading experience. The chapter serves as a valuable resource for students, enabling them to enhance their comprehension skills, analyze character development, and explore the broader themes of self-discovery and resilience.
12th Class English Ch 4 End Of Term Short Question Answer
You can start your Preparation below:
1.What was Daiches’ attitude towards the week-end as a school boy? Why did he long for it?
Daiches felt very happy at the week-end. He felt to be free from the boring work at school. Therefore he wished for the weekend.
2.What was Daiches general view of school life?
Daiches was not an idle student. He enjoyed his class room work. But he did not like the boring routine of school life.
3. Daiches liked holidays for their freedom - freedom from what?
Daiches did not like the dull school life. On holidays he felt to be free from the dry work at school. So holidays brought him freedom from the boring routine of school life.
4. How did Daiches spend his summer holidays?
Daiches felt very happy at the arrival of summer holidays. The vacation looked to be a period of joy for him. He spent the summer holidays in his village.
5.Wishes don’t come true in this life writes Daiches. What are the things he linged for but could not have?
Daiches longed for a tricycle and later for a bicycle. He wished for sweets and ice-cream but he could not have these things.
6.What did Daiches do with his pocket money?
Daiches his sister and brother were not allowed to spend the pocket money. They had to put it into a money-box.
7.What was the title of the book that reminded the writer of his school time?
The title of the book “Friday Thank God” reminded the write of his school time.
8.Why did the writer feel depressed when he was a school boy? OR what was troublesome / hard for the writer during his school life? OR What pressed upon the writer during his school life?
The daily stress of school its plentiful homework its hard competition and the sense of not being relaxed pressed heavily upon him.
9.What was a dismal/dull/dreary/gloomy experience for the writer early in the morning?
Getting up out of bed early in the morning with no chance for more sleep and seeing the hours of school stretching ahead was a dismal experience for the writer.
10.How did the steps/walk/tread of the maid servant seem to the writer?
Her steps indicated the grim dismal and gloomy hours of school.
11.How was the university life different from school life?
Unlike school in university smaller classes were to be attended. The students enjoyed freedom to come and go. It was completely a new world of learning.
12.What did the writer feel on Thursday morning?
He woke up on Thursday morning with the happy feeling of week end.
13.How did the writer feel in the last period on Friday?
On Friday the last period had a special happy flavor of the end of the week. On that day he walked home from school like an escaped prisoner.
14.How did the writer feel on Sunday night?
It was full of the threat of Monday morning. He felt very gloomy on that night because he had to go to school the next morning.
15.What were the unexpected respites?
Sometimes they had a half holiday to see a football match. Sometimes the school was closed for an hour or two before its usual time because of some sudden crisis or celebration. There were unexpected respites.
16.How many holidays did they get at Christmas and at Easter? OR How did the writer react to Christmas and Easter holidays?
In the earlier school days of the writer they lasted three weeks each. However later they were reduced to fortnight and then to ten days. It was a period of real joy and fun.
17.How many holidays did they get in the summer time? OR How did the writer react to summer holidays?
They got two months vacation in summer time. It was the period of real charm for which they waited throughout the year. These were the real holidays. It looked to be a long period of joy and happiness.
18.What could writer hardly believe at the start of summer vacation? OR How did the summer holidays look at the start?
How could hardly believe that three tiring school terms had indeed ended and the longed for dreamed of almost mythical summer vacations were at hand. They summer vacation seemed to be unspoiled intact and promising.
19.What wish of the writer could his parents not afford?
The writer longed for a tricycle in his early life. Later the wish was changed to a bicycle but his parents could afford neither.
20.Why did the writer stand outside of a shop or at the edge of crowd around ice-cream man?
He stood outside of sweet shops longing for a penny or two. Sometime he stood at the edge of a crowd around an ice-cream man wishing that he would take pity on him and give him a free cornet or a slider free.
21.What was a glorious vehicle for the writer and why?
The taxi that was to convey the family and its luggage to the railway station at the start of summer vacation was a glorious vehicle for him. It indicated the start of summer vacations.
22.Why was the Friday rose-colored for the writer?
Friday had a special happy flavor of the end of the week. On that day he walked home from school like an escaped prisoner. It was followed by two holidays. Therefore the Friday morning was rose-colored for the writer.
23.What made the week-end luxuriously long?
Once a term they had the annual mid –term holiday a Monday off. By getting one more holiday they felt very happy. This made the week-end luxuriously long.
In the chapter “End of Term” from 12th Class English offers a compelling exploration of friendships, personal growth, and the reflective moments that accompany the conclusion of a term. Through its vivid storytelling and relatable characters, the chapter provides readers with a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs experienced by the characters. It invites readers to reflect on their own academic journeys and the transformative power of friendships and self-discovery. By engaging with the short question answers, students gain valuable insights into character development, thematic analysis, and the complexities of adolescence. This chapter serves as a valuable tool for students seeking to enhance their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
What are the main themes explored in “End of Term”?
The chapter explores themes of friendship, academic pressure, personal growth, and self-reflection. It delves into the complexities and dynamics of friendships, the challenges of academic expectations, and the transformative experiences that shape the characters’ lives.
How does “End of Term” resonate with students?
The chapter resonates with students as it addresses relatable experiences and emotions they may encounter in their own academic journeys. It offers insights into the pressures of examinations, the ups and downs of friendships, and the process of self-discovery, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.
What lessons can be learned from the characters in “End of Term”?
The characters in the chapter teach valuable lessons about resilience, the importance of communication in friendships, the pursuit of personal growth, and the significance of reflecting on one’s experiences. Their stories inspire students to navigate challenges with determination and seek meaningful connections with others.
How can students benefit from the short question answers in this chapter?
The short question answers provide an opportunity for students to analyze the characters, their motivations, and the development of the plot. By engaging with these questions, students can enhance their critical thinking skills, improve their comprehension of the text, and develop their ability to articulate their thoughts effectively.
How does “End of Term” contribute to overall academic development?
The chapter offers a rich literary experience that fosters students’ reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills. It encourages students to explore complex themes, analyze character dynamics, and develop a deeper understanding of human experiences, contributing to their overall academic growth and appreciation of literature.
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