12th Class Computer Chapter 11 Using Forms in Access Short Questions Answer
12th Class Computer Chapter 11 Using Forms in Access Short Questions Answer
Define a form?
A form is a tool that makes it easy to enter, modify and view the information stored in one or more tables in a database.
What happens when we can arrange the location of fields on a form?
You can arrange the location of fields on a form so that data entry or editing operations for a single record fallow a left-to-right, top-to-bottom sequence.
Which are called controls or control objects?
A collection of individual design elements through which a form constructed is called controls or control objects.
What do you know about controls?
Controls are the components we see in the windows and dialog boxes of Access and other windows applications.
Write any two advantages of using forms?
We can arrange the controls on a form in a logical manner that makes it easy to read and access the data. The individual form controls provide many features that facilitate entering or modifying specific items of information.
Why does a form allow you to focus on a single record at a time?
A form allows us to focus on a single record at a time because typically a form displays all the fields of a single record unlike the data sheet that displays several records but often requires us to scroll to see all the fields for those records.
What type of database objects we can run in advance form view?
We can display or run advanced database objects such as pictures, animations, sounds and video clips in form view.
Write down the types of forms?
The most commonly used the types of forms are
(i) Columnar Forms
(ii) Tabular Forms
(iii) Datasheet Forms
What is columnar form?
In a columnar form, each field appears in a separate line with a label to its left only one record is shown on each screen. The wizard fills the first column with as many fields as will fit on a single screen then it fills the next column with as many fields as will fit and so forth.
For which purpose are the forms used.
Forms are used for entering information or viewing information stored in a table.
How can you display a form?
When you open a database, you can easily display a form by opening the forms section and double clicking the name of the form.
Which key is used to move back to the previous control?
To move back to the previous control press Shift + Tab key.
What are the functions of page down and page up keys?
Page down key is used to move forward a single record and page up key is used to move back a single record.
What is the function of Ctrl + Home key?
It can be used to jump to the start of the first record.
[toggle title=”What is the function of Ctrl + End key?
It can be used to jump to the last record.
How can we view a specific record?
To view a specific record click the empty box in the center of the toolbar in the bottom left cornier and type the record number and press Enter.
How can we create a new record?
To create a new record, click the New Record button that contains the asterisk on the toolbar at the bottom of the form window or click the New Record button on the main toolbar. The new record will be added to the end of the table and will be displayed in the form window so that you can enter information into it.
How can we delete a record?
To delete a record first display it in the form window and then choose delete record from the edit menu or click the delete record button on the toolbar.
What is the most common use of a form?
The most common use of a form is to create a fill-in-the-blank view of your data that resembles a paper form used by businesses and organizations.
What do you know about the use of form wizard or Auto Form option?
In general it is easiest to use the Form wizard or one of the Auto Form options to create at least a rough draft of our form.