12th Class Computer Chapter 10 Using Datasheets to enter and view Data Questions Answer
12th Class Computer Chapter 10 Using Datasheets to enter and view Data Questions Answer
In which form information is arranged in datasheet view?
In datasheet view, information is arranged in rows and columns.
What is datasheet?
Datasheet is the most common way of viewing a table or a query. In this view, each column represents a single field in our database and each row represents a record.
In which item is affected by changing in datasheet view.
When we make change in datasheet view only the layout of datasheet view is affected.
Which techniques are resembled with the techniques for modifying the design of a datasheet?
Many of the techniques for modifying the design of a datasheet resemble techniques used in Microsoft Excel worksheets.
How can you change the width of a column in a datasheet?
We can change the width of a column in a datasheet by dragging the right border of the column heading.
How can you change the height of a row?
We can you change the height of a row using a similar technique with the row selector, the button to the left of the row.
How can Access determine the most appropriate width for the column?
Access can determine the most appropriate width for the column by double clicking the right border of the column heading.
Can you change the arrangement of the columns?
Yes we can also change the arrangement of the columns in a datasheet.
Does changing the order of columns make effect on the underlying order of the fields?
Changing the order of columns in a datasheet as displayed in design view or other views.
How can you change the field name?
We can change the field name by double-clicking the column heading typing a new name and pressing enter.
What is the procedure to delete a column?
To delete a column select it by clicking the column heading and then choose delete column from the Edit menu. When we delete a column, we are permanently removing a field together with all its data from the table.
How can we hide the columns?
We can temporarily hide one or more columns by selecting them and choosing hide columns from the format menu.
What is the procedure to visible the hidden columns?
We can later make one or more hidden columns visible again by choosing unhide column from the format menu and selecting all the columns that we want to reappear.
Does the Access save any changes that effect the underlying structure of a table?
Access automatically saves any changes that affect the underlying structure of a table renaming, adding or deleting a field, as well as edits to each record.
How do we display a Subdatasheet?
We display a Subdatasheet by clicking the plus symbol (+) in the left Column of one of the records.
What is the function of Subdatasheet?
A Subdatasheet lists one or more records from another table which are related to the records of the table displayed in the datasheet.
How can you delete a group of records?
To select the records click the row selector of one record and drag the highlight up or down over the other records in the group.
Which is the easiest way to sort the records in a datasheet?
The easiest way to sort the records in a datasheet is to designate a single Column of information to use as the sort key.
How many ways to apply filters to the data in a table?
There are three different ways to apply filters to the data in a table.
What does filter by selection allow us?
Filter by selection allows us to establish filter criteria for only a single field at one time. The records which are displayed depend on how we select text in the field.