11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning Short Question Answer
Take a literary voyage with the 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning Short Question Answer as we delve into the realms of drama and storytelling. This captivating play unravels a narrative interwoven with suspense, emotions, and societal subtleties. Immerse yourself in the characters and their interactions, delving into the thematic layers skillfully crafted by the author. Complementing this theatrical experience are concise questions and answers, offering a comprehensive understanding of the play’s intricacies. Unearth the subtleties of “Heat Lightning” and enrich your comprehension of both literary analysis and the broader human experience within the context of this enthralling play.
11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning Short Question Answer
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Here we are providing complete chapter wise English questions and Answers for the 11th class students. All the visitors can prepare for their 11th class examination by attempting below given question answers.
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Lahore Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Rawalpindi Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Gujranwala Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Multan Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Sargodha Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Faisalabad Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Sahiwal Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
DG Khan Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
Bahawalpur Board 11th Class English Play 1 Heat Lightning short questions Answer
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1.Why couldn’t the girl describe the killer?
She could not describe the killer because she seen him clearly.
2. What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car?
Her car ran out for gas. Therefore, she had to leave her car on the road. She began to walk on the road. She hoped to catch a bus on the road.
3. Why did she ask for help her because from the first name?
She asked the first name to help her because she thought the killer would be behind her. He would come and killer her.
4. What was the condition of the weather?
The weather was stormy. There were flashes of lightning and bursts of thunder.
5. How did the second man accuse the first man of lying?
The second man had seen a through the glass of the door. The first man was unwilling to tell him about her. Therefore, the second man accused him of lying.
6. Did the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses?
No, she was not doubtful about him till end. Then it was her own flashlight that helped her recognize him to be the killer.
7. What is the impression of her about the second man?
She thought that the second man was the killer. But when he had gone, she came to know that he was not the killer.
8. Why didn’t she accompany the second man?
She did not accompany him because she thought him to be the killer.
9. Write down the story of the play in your own words?
A girl sees a killer. She runs away and unknowing takes refuge with him. She tells him the whole incident. Finally the play ends when the recognize him.
10. How you any experience of a similar situation?
One night I was passing by a graveyard. I saw a man digging a grave. I phoned the police from the mobile. The police reached and caught the digger. He was stealing the shroud.
11. Why did the girl consider the first man her helper?
She thought that murder would be behind her. She could not expect him to reach the room before her. Moreover, the man showed sympathy for the girl to win her trust.
12. What were the factors that played their role in saving the girl?
Her luck her own flashlight, the storm, the woods, the second man and finally the dog were the factors that played their role in saving the girl.
13. How did she realize the truth?
She realized the truth by seeing her flashlight in the hands of the murder.
14. What is the scene of the play? OR Where does the incident take place?
A dull interior of a bus station along a deserted highway somewhere in the Midwest is the scene of the play.
15. Describe the bus station in Heat- lightning?
The interior of the bus station is dull. Two long benches are lying there in the right of the stage. The station room has three doors and two windows. A large bus schedule is hanging on the right wall.
16. What is the scene outside the room?
The sound of heavy rain can be heard outside. There is a storm with lightning and thunder.
.17 What happens to the light in the room with each flash of lightning?
With each flash of lightning the light in the room dims, but it fights back slowly to its full power.
18. How does the first man look?
He is a pleasant looking man of about thirty- five.
19. How does the girl enter the stage?
The door up center bursts open. A girl enters the room. She shuts the door with a loud noise and slides the bolt. She throws her body against the door.
20. What is the condition of the girl when she enters? OR How does the girl look?
She is about twenty- there. She is sobbing and is out of breath. Her clothes are wet and muddy. Her hair is untidy. She looks to be afraid.
21. Why did the girl not stay with her friends during the night?
She was sure that there was enough gas in her car. She brought that she could easily reach her house. Therefore, she did not stay with her friends.
22. What did the girl do when her car ran out of gas?
She took her flashlight, looked the car and began walking down the road.
23. What did the girl see in the flash of lightning?
The girl saw that a man was pulling the dead body of a girl from the car. She saw her hand. Her hair was light and long. The man dragged the dead body in the mud.
24. What did the girl do when the man, dragging the corpse saw her?
She dropped her flashlight and began to run to escape from the man.
25. Why did the man follow the girl?
The girl was the eye witness of his crime. The man followed her to catch and kill her. He could not spare an eye witness against him.
26. How did the girl succeed in escaping from the man running after her?
She runs off the road into the jungle. She circled round and round to escape from the man. She kept running until she fell. Then she left that she had lost the man who was chasing her.
27. How did the first name dead with the girl when she asked him to help her?
When the girl asked the first man to help her, he was sure that she could not recognize him to be the murder. However, to his satisfaction, he asked her various questions to confirm that she did not really know anything about him.
28. Why was the girl not ready to go to the police?
She did not get ready to go there as she did not know the detail of the incident. She said that the police might ask her to describe the man. They might ask her to identify him.
29. What were the probable questions that the police might ask the girl?
The police might ask her if the man was wearing a hot, how he was dressed, if he was short and long. They might ask her to describe the man is general.
30. Why was the girl unable to tell the details of the incident?
It was stormy night. The girl had seen a killer dragging a corpse of girl. It was a frightening scene for her. Moreover, she had not seen the killer clearly. So she could not tell the details of the incident.
31. How did the second man make a lot of fuss outside?
He made a great fuss. He said that he wanted to get out of the storm. He asked why they he looked the door. He told them that they were not the owner.
32. How did the second man look? Or What was the appearances of second man?
He was a nondescript sort of person. He was tall, nice- looking and about thirty years of age.
33. What did the girl reply when the second man asked her if she was being bothered? OR what did the girl tell the second man about her being afraid?
She said that no body had been bothering her. She was afraid of the storm only.
34. How did the second man persuade the girl to see the lightning?
He said that the lightning would one of the really beautiful sights. It would look brilliant like the big Fourth of July. It would seem to cut the world into two parts.
35. What does the second man say to the girl to overcome her fears?
He advises her to face the things to overcome her fears. As she is afraid of lightning, he says that the lightning of one of the beautiful sights of the world. He says that the sight look as brilliant as the big Fourth of July.
36. What did the second man think when both the girl and the first man refused to top?
They had been waiting for a bus alone with the door looked. But when the bus came they wanted to stay there. He thought that they had been busy in some immoral activity.
37. What did the girl think about the second man after his leaving the place?
She thought and said that somehow she felt that it was not the second man whom she had seen in the jungle.
38. How did the first man light the room after the room light had gone?
He took out a flash light from his coat and lighted it.
39. What did the first man do when the light of the room went out?
When the light room went out, the man took out a flash light from his coat and lighted it. From this act of him, the girl came to know the reality.
40. How did the girl recognize the first man to be the murder?
When the first man took the girls flash light from his pocket, so understand that it was he whom she had seen in the jungle.
41. How was the first man forced to leave the room? OR How was the girl saved finally?
The dog jumped and caught the first man with the sharp teeth. The first man had to run away from the room. In this way the girl was saved.
42. What kind of play is “Heat Lightning”? OR What is melodrama? OR Is the play a melodrama?
It is a melodrama. A dim lit room, a storm outside, the tense and highly emotional scene and the thrill that runs throughout make the play a good melodrama.
43.What is the theme story of the play?
A girl sees murder; she runs away and unknowingly takes refuges with the murder. She tells him the whole incident. Finally the play ends when she recognizes him.
44. Why did the first man ask the girl so many questions?
He asked her many questions to see if she knew about him; if she could help the police; if she could recognizes him; if she could remembered anything about him.
45. What is the significance of storm in the play?
The storm signifies the troubled feelings of the girl. It intensifies her terror. The suspense of the play reaches its climax due to storm. The storm sends the dog to save the girl.
46. How does the playwright create suspense?
The playwright creates suspense from the very beginning. He maintains it throughout the play. Even the reader like the girl comes to know the truth in the end.
47. What were the external elements that add to suspense of the play?
The deserted road, the drab interior of his room, the dim light, flashes of lightning, the bursts of thunder; a man dragging a dead body, the late arrival of an empty bus, all add to the suspense to the play.
47. Write a note on the Girl in the play “Heat Lightning”?
The girl about twenty three years old. She is a simple and plain girl. She cannot judge the things properly. She remains terrified throughout the play. Her clothes are wet and muddy. Her hair is untidy. Unknowingly she seeks help from the murder against him. She realizes the truth in the end.
48. Write a note on the First Man in the play “Heat Lightning”?
The first man is a pleasant looking man. He is about thirty five years old. He is a very clever man. He males a throughout inquiry from the girl to know whether she knows anything about his being the murder. The way he handles the situation shows that he was a very cunning person.
49. Write a note on the Second Man in the play “Heat Lightning”?
The second man is an ordinary person. He is tall and nice looking man. He is about thirty years of age. He perceives the situation to some extent. But the girl does not co- operate with him. Therefore, he cannot understand her real crisis.
50. How did the first man encourage the girl to go to police?
The first man asked her to help the police. He said that the police would ask her to describe the man in general. They might ask her if the killer was short or long or how he was dressed or if he was wearing a hat.
51. Why could the girl not continue her travel in the car?
Her car ran out of gas. She could not continue her travel in the car. Thus, she left her car on the road and began to walk.
52. Why was the girl so frightened?
It was a dark night. The girl was walking alone. Suddenly she saw a man dragging a dead girl out of his car. This made her very frightened.
53. What is the significance of lightning?
The lightning flashes to dim the room light. It flashes to enhance the horror of the play. It enhances the suspense of the play also.
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