11th Class Computer Science Chapter 9 Spread Sheet Short Questions Answers

11th Class Computer Science Chapter 9 Spread Sheet Short Questions Answers

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Here we are providing complete chapter wise Computer Science questions and Answers for the 11th class students. All the visitors can prepare for their 11th class examination by attempting below given question answers.

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Define Spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is an application program. It provides worksheets to enter and process data. In a worksheet, data arranged into rows and columns just like a table. MS-Excel is an example of spreadsheet program.

List the features of spreadsheet program?

The basic features of spreadsheet program are as follows:

  1. Grid of Rows and Coulum’s
  2. Formulas
  3. Functions
  4. Commands
  5. Text Manipulation
  6. Creating Chart in Excel
  7. Printing
List some uses or applications of spreadsheet?

Some uses/applications of spreadsheet are as follows:

  1. It is used for analyzing all types of data such as financial, inventory, laboratory etc.
  2. It is used for creating charts.
  3. It is used for preparing home budgets.
List three benefits of spreadsheet?

Three benefits of spreadsheet are as follows:

  1. In spreadsheet information can represented in rows and columns.
  2. Spreadsheet has the ability to perform calculations on the numerical data.
  3. It provides facility to present data in graphical form. It means that different types of charts (or graphs) can be made from the numerical data.
  4. Spreadsheet provides method for analyzing all types of data (such as financial, inventory, laboratory etc.) and producing high quality graphics.
What is worksheet?

A spreadsheet program provides worksheets to enter data. A worksheet consists of rows and columns. In Excel, a worksheet consists of 256 columns and 65536 rows. The columns are labeled with letters A, B, C, ……etc. The rows are labeled with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,…..etc.

What is workbook?

In MS-Excel, the document or file in which data is permanently stored on the disk is called workbook. It is a collection of worksheets. Like a book that contains many pages, a workbook may contain many worksheets. Data is stores into the worksheets.

Differentiate between worksheet and workbook.

A worksheet consists of rows and columns. Data is entered in worksheet. A workbook is a file of document. It is a collection of worksheets.

What is Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is most popular spreadsheet program. It allows to perform various calculations on numeric data, and creating charts etc.

What is a cell and cell address?

The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. The data is entered into the cells of worksheet. A cell address identifies the location of cell in the worksheet. For example, the cell located at column number three and row number 6, is represented as C6.

What is active cell?

The currently selected cell where data can be entered or edited is called the active cell. When another cell is selected or cell pointer is moved to another cell, then that cell becomes the Active cell.

What is a column header?

A horizontal bar that has headings of columns with labels A, B and so on (it is from A to IV) is called Column Header.

What is row header?

A vertical bar that has headings of rows with labels 1, 2, 3, and so on (it is from 1 to 65536) is called Row Header.

What is the use of formula bar in Excel interface?

When a formula is used into a cell, then the calculated result is displayed into the cell. The actual formula is displayed into formula Bar. If a formula is not applied into the cell, then the contents of cell are displayed into the Formula bar. Formula bar is also used to edit the contents of cell.

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