10th Class Computer Science Chapter 6 Computer Logic and Gates Short Questions Answer
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10th Class Computer Science Chapter 6 Computer Logic and Gates Short Questions Answer
This mode is used to draw graphics with matrix of 200 x 640 pixels. It means that display screen is divided into a matrix of 640 columns and 200 rows of pixels.
Graphics is an art to design and produce pictorial representation of information.
A pixel is a specific dot on the screen.
Text mode, Medium resolution graphics mode, High resolution graphics mode
The purpose of Line statement is to draw lines and boxes on the screen we can use the Line statement to generate a line between any two statement
Screen mode 1 activates medium resolution mode graphics up to resolution 200 x320 pixels can be obtained in it.
Palette statement is used to select from one of two color sets.
Graphics s an art to design and produce pictorial representation of information is displayed on the screen with the help of graphics is that area of computer programming which is highly in use these days.
The purpose of CIRCLE statement is to draw a circle ellipse on the screen during use of the graphics mode.
Graphics is an art to design and produce pictorial representation of information.
Screen mode 2 activates high resolution graphic mode. Graphics of resolution 200 x 640 pixels can be obtained in it. It also needs good quality monitor like CGA, EGA, and VGA etc.
SCREEN statement is commonly used to select a screen mode appropriate for a particular display hardware configuration For example the supported hardware configuration like IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter MDPA with mode is used to connect only to a monochrome display Programs written for this configuration must be in text mode only.
Palette statement is used to select from one of two color sets.
In text mode there are 80 columns and 25 rows and in high resolution mode the co-ordinates are 640*200.
Screen statement is used to change from one display mode to another. It is commonly used to select a screen mode.
Pixel: The computer screen is made up of hundreds and thousands of pixels A pixel is a picture element One dot on computer screen ids referred to as a pixel The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the resolution of monitor.
COLOR {foreground} {background} border
Types of Screen Modes; BASIC Provides seven different screen modes from 0,1,2,7,8,9 and 10 All screen modes cannot be run on each type of computer or monitor because it depends on the display card and monitors type.
The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the resolution of our monitor.
The purpose of line statement is to draw lines and boxes o the screen. We can use the line statement to generate a line between any two statements.
Program: 10 CLS
20 REM Program to draw a circle
CIRCLE 100,100
This mode is used to draw graphics with matrix of 200 x 320 pixels. It means that display screen is divided into a matrix of 320 columns and 200 rows of pixel.
The purpose of PSET statement is to display a point at a specified place on the screen during use of the graphics mode the coordinate values must be in the range of.
To display a point at a specified place on the screen during use of the graphics mode.
Draw statement is used in graphics mode to draw line for drawing different shapes on the screen.These shapes include rectangles, triangles, boxes etc.
The purpose of CIRCLE statement is to draw a circle, clips on the screen during use of the graphics mode.
The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the resolution of the monitor.
PALETTE statement is used to select from one of two color sets these color sets will be used by color parameters of a LINE, CIRCLE PSET, DRAW or other graphics statements.
Text Mode is used for only textual data in text based graphic text and line can be drawn on the screen only it does not support the graphics drawing.
Medium resolution graphic mode is used in drawing graphic. The display screen is divided into a matrix consisting of 320 columns and 200 rows of pixels This graphic mode works with 4 colors.