10th Class Computer Science Chapter 5 Loop Control Structure Short Questions Answer
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10th Class Computer Science Chapter 5 Loop Control Structure Short Questions Answer
The purpose of SIN function is to find the ratio called sine of an angle x expressed in radians.
A user defined function is written and specified by the programmer to accomplish a particular task.
Return the square root of a positive number x, x most be greater than or equal to 0.
To sound the speaker an 800 HZ for one quarter of a second.
A user defined function is written and specified by the programmer to accomplish a particular task. The function that we write called as user defined functions. Define functions return a single value.
These functions are applicable on numeric values only and produce the numeric result.
To return the requested part from of a given string n is on integer expression in the range 1 to 255 m is an integer expression I the range 0 to 255
A separate large programs divided into smaller manageable parts called subprogram It is designed to perform a specific task and return a value.
Return the lowest integer less than or equal to x. In case of whole number it returns the same number.
To return the number of character in string x $. The x$ is any string expression. Non printing characters and blanks are counted in the number of character.
The purpose of this function is to obtain integer value of simply dropping the decimal part. It does not round the value.
To return a natural logarithm to the base e=2.718282
This function is used to return the number of characters in string Non-printing characters and space are counted in the number of characters.
The purpose of ABS function is to return the absolute value of the expression x i.e. the value without any sign.
the data contained in a sequential access file is accessed in order in which it is physically stored on the disk.
A subroutine is a self – contained set of statement that can be used from anywhere in a program.
We can calculate number of characters of string means any string expression.
In sequential file the imaginary file position pointer is sequentially moved to each record within the file until the target record searched whereas random file has the capability of accessing a record within a file without the need to access all preceding records.
Character consists of alphabets,digits and special character.
The data contained in a random file is accessed directly with in a particular file when it is physically stored on the disk.
These functions perform operations on their operands and return values These are programs that have been written by developers of language nd have been incorporated in it Name is a variable name The Name that comes After FN is become Functions Name and Argument Consists of these variable name in the function is definition that is to be replace when the function is called.
INT function returns the lowest integer less than or equal to x In case of whole number it returns the same number.
User defined function: The functions that are part of programming language and can be used to perform specific task are called user defined function.
Line NO DEF FN argument expression.
The purpose of SIN Function is to find the trigonometric ratio called sine of an angle expressed in radians.
It takes argument and return the single value.
It is given a unique name and it is called for execution with refers to this name
Return statement is not used in a function.
To return the specified right most character of string.
The purpose of this function is to obtain an integer value by simple dropping of the decimal part FIX function does not round off the number.
Data field are group of related characters to have a unit of information.
Example: The combination of name, father name, his roll no, age is the record of the student.
The small programs that have been written by the developer of the programming language such as BASIC and are a part of the translator program are called built in functions
A function that is written by a user or a programmer to perform a specific task is called user defined function.