10th Class Computer Science Chapter 4 Conditional Control Structure Short Questions Answer

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10th Class Computer Science Chapter 4 Conditional Control Structure Short Questions Answer

What is general syntax of one dimensional array?

LINE NO DIM array name/variable.
Define array?

An array is a collection of variable that can store data of same type.
Define string array?

String array deals in alphabets. In string arrays all the elements of the array are alphabets. Dollar sing $ is used in string array.
Define element of an array?

Each memory location hold a single value which is called an element of an array.
Define one dimensional array.

One dimensional array is also called linear array or vector array. It consists of only one row and column. It is called 1-D array.
How many types of an array?

Array can be divided into two major categories
One dimensional array
Two dimensional array
Define Double-subscripted Array.

An array that requires two subscripts to identify a particular element is also known as the double subscripted array.
Write a program in BASIC to enter type data into array and then to print the values in reverse order?

10 CLS
20 DIM A 10
30 FOR B=1 TO 10
40 INPUT value of array
60 FOR C=10 TO 1 STEP
90 END
Differences between 1-D array and 2-D array?

1-D It consists of only one row or one column The value of particular element is accessed by using only one index value.
How many types of an array.

Array can be divided into two major categories.
i. One dimensional array
ii. Two dimensional array
How does an array differ from simple variable?

An array is the set of variables which can store same type of data every memory location contain value that is called element But variable contain only single value.
What is D array?

One dimensional array is also called linear array or vector array It consist of rows and columns It is called D Array.
Differentiate between array filling and manipulation?

To assign data number or string to an array is called filling of array. For filing an array LET READ INPUT statements are used.
Find out the errors in the following program segments if?

10 DIM N 10
20 FOR K 4 TO 15
40 NEXT 1
The above program has three errors
1. Line no.20 is incorrect It should be FOR k 4 TO 13 instead of FOR
2. Line no.30 should be INPUT instead of INPUT
3. Line no. 40 should be NEXT K instead of NEXT
How elements of two dimensional array are accessed?

Each element of two dimensional array is referenced by two index value one index value represent the row and the second represents the column An array that requires two subscript to identify a particular element is also called double subscript array.
Define element of an array?

Each memory location holds a single value which is called an element of an array.
How are individual array elements identified?

Individual array elements can be identified by using the index of the array.
What is two dimensional array?

The two dimensional array consists of rows and columns It is also known as table or matrix Two dimensional array is also known arrays of one dimensional.
Define two dimensional Array?

The two dimensional array consists of rows and columns. It is also known as table or matrix. Two dimensional array is defined known as array of one dimensional array. The element of two dimensional Array.
Define array?

An array is a collection of variable that can store data of same type.
Differentiate between 1-D and 2-D array?

1-D array
1. It consists of only one row or column
2. 1-D array is also known as linear or vector array
3. IT is used to process the data of same type
What is Array Manipulation?

There are different operations can be performed by using array, like searching a particular element in an array, matching elements from two different arrays, sorting array, finding a largest and smallest number from an array and rearranging the array.
Write a program to print a list of odd numbers from the given number?

10 CLS
20 DIM N
30 FOR M 1 TO 12
70 DATA 6,42,4,77,39
80 END
What is the general syntax of two dimensional array?

LINE NO DIM array variable row col.
Use to DIM statement?

DIM statement to specify a maximum subscript different. If subscript greater than the maximum specified is used, a subscript out of rang error occurs.The maximum number of dimensions for an array is 255.
Write a program that read an array having 12 numbers given by user then print the sum and average of all array element?

10 CLS
20 DIM Z
30 FOR A 1 TO 12
50 SUM
100 END
How can we filling and print an array?

DATA string or number is entered in an array by using LET READ or INPUT statement DATA may be assigned to the subscript variable in an array.
Define array declaration?

Array Declaration: Array declaration means to identify the name of an array its type and total number of its elements When an array is declared a memory block with required number of consecutive memory locations is reserved in the computer memory for storing data In BASIC there is no need to declare an array properly if you are using small array having maximum 10 elements The BASIC automatically adjusts memory space for 10 elements with index value from 0 to 9.
How is the array declared?

The large arrays having more than 10 elements are declared by using the DIM statement DIM stands for dimension. This statement is used to declare one dimensional as well as two dimensional variables.
Describe the use of Array?

Array is used
1. To process a large amount of data of same type
2. The array is represented in the computer memory by a set of consecutive memory locations
3. With the help of an array we can find largest and smallest number

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