10th Class Computer Science Chapter 1 Programming Techniques Short Questions Answer

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Here we are providing complete chapter wise Computer Science questions and Answers for the 10th class students. All the visitors can prepare for their 10th class examination by attempting below given question answers.

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10th Class Computer Science Chapter 1 Programming Techniques Short Questions Answer

What is top down design?

The design in which a problem is divided into smaller sub problems to approach the solution is called top down design.
When logical error occurs?

Logical error occurs when a program follow a wrong logic the translator does not display any error message for logical errors
Define debugging?

Debugging is the process of finding and removing error in the program.
When syntax error occurs?

A syntax error occurs when the problem violates one or more grammatical rules of the programming language
Write the steps of problem solving method?

1. Problem identification
2. Specify requirement
3. Analyze the problem
4. Design algorithm and draw flowchart
5. Implement the program
6. Document the program
7. Maintain and update the program
What is meant by syntax of programming language?

The grammatical rules of a programming language to write programs are referred to as syntax of that programming language.
What is meant by problem analysis?

The process of understanding the problem for developing its solution is called the analysis problem.
When runtime error occurs?

A runtime error occurs when the program directs the computer to perform an illegal operation such as dividing a number by zero.
Define Problem solving?

Problem solving is a skiing which can by developed by following a well organized approach.
What is coding?

The process of converting an algorithm to a program using a programming language is known as coding.
Name of strategy for problem solving method?

1. Investigation
2. Preliminary algorithm
3. Refining the algorithm
Write limitations of flowchart?

1. It is difficult to draw flowchart for complex problems
2. If alterations are required the flowchart is to be redrawn
What is the difference between syntax and logical error?

A syntax error occurs when the program violates one or more grammatical rules of the programming language. These are detected during the execution of a program. Computer displays an errors message
Define documentation?

Documentation is a detailed description of a programs algorithm design coding method testing and proper usage.
Write steps that are involved in development of algorithm?

Algorithm development involves the following steps to carry out
1. Step Investigation
2. Preliminary algorithm
3. Refining the algorithm
Is it important to know syntax of programming language to solve a problem on computer?

To solve a problem on a computer it is necessary to know the syntax otherwise an error is occur is known as syntax error. A syntax error occurs when the program violates one or more grammatical rules of the programming language.
What is meant by program maintenance?

Program maintenance is the process of upgrading the program to accommodate the new requirements of the users and to correct errors in the program.
Write the use of flow lines?

Flow lines represent the direction of flow of information in the flowchart between various blocks.
Define bugs?

When a program does not produce desired result then contain the error. These errors are called bugs.
What is the importance of program design in problem solving?

Designing he program is very important is problem solving. The problem can only be saved successfully if an efficient program is designed.
Symbol stand for?

is stands for connector

Define the process of analyzing a problem?

Analyzing is the decomposition of a bigger problem in sub-problems At this stage the big problem decomposed into sub-problems Rather on concentration the bigger problem as a whole we try to solve each problem separately It leads to a simple solution.
Define algorithm?

An algorithm is a finite set of steps which if followed accomplish a particular tasks.
Which type of Errors are difficult to find and why?

Logical Eros are the most difficult errors to locate or find because the translator compiler or interpreter does not report any error message for a logical error.
Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 50 natural number?

Sum= Sum+N
Write two advantages of flow chart.

two advantages flow chart is
1. The flow chart helps in debugging process.
2. With the help of flow chart the logic of an algorithm can be described more effectively.
Write an algorithm to calculate the distance covered by a car moving at an at an average speed of in time?

1. Procedure started
2. Take input of average speed as V and times as T
3. Calculate the value of S as
4. Print
5. Stop the procedure
Write an algorithm to calculate in the area of circle when the radius is given?

Write name of any two symbols used in the chart?

1. Processing
2. Connector
3. Flow lines
Define desk checking?

Desk checking is an important part of algorithm design Once the algorithm has been designed it should be verified through desk checking To desk check an algorithm we must carefully perform each algorithm and verify that the algorithm works as desired.

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