10th Class Biology Chapter 7 Man & His Environment Short Questions Answer
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10th Class Biology Chapter 7 Man & His Environment Short Questions Answer
A group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a specific geographical time is called is population.
A naturalself-sufficient unit of an environment that is formed as a result of interaction between its biotic community and the abiotic components is known as an ecosystem. Example: A pond a lake and a forest are example of natural ecosystem Ecosystem may also be artificial for example an aquarium.
The biotic components comprise the living part of the ecosystem biotic components are further classified as producers, consumers and decomposers.
The study of interrelationship between organisms and their environment is called ecology.
Herbivores are called as primary consumers. They feed directly from plants and product of plants e.g. castle, deer etc.
The abiotic components include non-living factors are light, air, water, soil and basic elements and compounds.
A species is a group of organisms which can interbreed freely in nature to produce fertile off spring.
Herbivores e.g. cattle, deer, rabbit, grass hopper etc feed on plants. They are primary consumers. They feed directly from plant and product of plants.
Primary carnivores feed on herbivores. Fox, Frog, birds, many fishes and snakes ete are primary carnivores.
All the populations that live in a habitat and interact in various ways with one another are collectively called a community
An organism which decomposes the dead bodies and dead matters.
A food chain is a series of an organism within an ecosystem, in which each organism feed on the one before it and is fed by the one after it.
Secondary carnivores feed on primary carnivores. Wolf and owls etc. are secondary carnivores.
A network of food chains which are inter connected at various trophic level
i. Nitrogen fixation
ii. Ammonification
iii. Assimilation
iv. DE nitrification.
Omnivores are the consumers that eat animal flesh as well as plants products and plants. Example Man, Crow, Bear etc.
It is the type of symbiosis in which smaller partner derived food and shelter from the body of larger partner and in return harm it.
Ectoparasite are live outside i.e. on the surface of host’s body e.g. mosquitoes, ticks, lice etc.
All carnivores’ animals are predator. For example frog prey upon redactor like mosquito and fox prey upon on rabbit.
Q20: What are endoparasites? ” state=”close”]
Endoparasites are parasite which live inside the body of host e.g. plasmodium, ascaris and endameba etc.
All the populations that live in a habitat and interact in various way with one another are collectively called a community
A group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a specific geographical time is called a population
The term greenhouse effect refers to the phenomenon in which certain gases called greenhouse gases trap heat in atmosphere like the glass in greenhouse prevents rising warm air from escaping.
All ecosystem of the world together form a biosphere. It includes all the ecosystem of the plant earth. In other words the biosphere consists of all organisms present on earth and all region of earths where they live. Biosphere range from the floor of oceans to the top of highest mountains. It is about 20 km thick.
i. Ectoparasites
ii. Endoparasites.
Pitcher plants, sundew, Venus fly trap etc.
Primary carnivores (Secondary consumer) feed on herbivores. Fox, frog, birds, many fishes and snakes etc are primary carnivores
Secondary carnivores (tertiary consumers) feed on primary carnivores. Wolf and owls etc are secondary carnivores
The addition of greenhouse gases in atmosphere these gases increase the temperature of earth is called global warming.
An organism environment is the sum of physical (abiotic) and biological (biotic) conditions which influence that organism.