PPSC Syllabus For Social Work Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
Applications are invited by the Punjab Public Service Commission for the posts of Social Work Lecturer. The Higher Education Department has announced jobs for the both male and female candidates. All the aspirants who have the domicile of Province Punjab are eligible for the posts. The PPSC will conduct recruitment test from the applicants after reviewing the application. Individuals should have the required qualification to become able for such jobs. Here we mentioned all the information with complete details you must read it till end.
Download online Punjab higher education department Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC Roll No Slip Lecturer Social Work Subject from here. Check test date from here. Lecturer jobs are announce in the month of December, 2025. While the last date to apply is Tuesday, 17th December, 2025. The lecture jobs are in Punjab higher education department. Those candidates who apply for Social Work lecturer jobs via ppsc. Now, waiting for their roll no slip. So that they are able to appear in the written test. Here link to download Punjab Public Service Commission jobs slip is available after it is announce officially. Check schedule of test from here. Total female posts are 1359. Out of 1359 jobs 87 jobs are for Social Work lecturer. While male Social Work lecturer jobs total vacancies are 30.
PPSC Social Work Lecturer jobs 2025 Last Date to Apply
- Announcement Date: 2nd December 2025
- Last Date Apply: 17th December 2025
- Test Date: First Week of January 2025
PPSC Social Work Lecturer Test Date 2025
PPSC Lecturer Social Work Test will be held in the January 2025. PPSC Lecturer Social Work Test Syllabus 2025 is mention and paper pattern is also available below. Applicants also download the PPSC Commornce Lecture Jobs test Roll No Slip 2025.
PPSC Social Work Lecturer Roll No Slip 2025
PPSC Social Work Lecturer Jobs 2025 announced that the exam will take place in the first week of January 2025. The test dates aren’t confirmed. The different PPSC Lecturer jobs are revealed, and the test time will be conducted as per the other topics. Candidates need to be able to access a PPSC Lecturer Roll No Slip to participate in the PPSC Screening exam 2025. Therefore, candidates must download their PPSC Roll No Slip for 2025 to take the screening test. Candidates should also go through the test syllabus and the paper design. Candidates must also take the required part of the test, such as the CNIC Card and PPSC Roll No Slip 2025.
PPSC Lecturer Social Work past papers
Currently PPSC invites lecturer Social Work jobs application forms form the competent and eligible candidates from those candidates who have the domicile of Punjab Province. PCS/PMS Exam Social Work Past Papers of are available here. Here Pakistani students can get Punjab Public Service Commission Exams Social Work Past Papers.
PPSC Social Work Lecturer Test Preparation Online
Punjab Public Service Commission calls the applicant for Social Work Lecturer positions 2025. They have announced 31 positions for the post of Social Work Lecturer and is looking for the candidates at least aspirants for Social Work. PPSC solicits applications online. Applications that are not submitted via the online application, it will not be considered.
Candidates must go through the Guideline and follow the instructions. After that, they are able to apply submit their application online. To apply, click on apply online. An application form will be available for applicants to fill in the application in a step-by-step manner. After filling out the form, the applicant is submitted and downloaded the roll number slip.
PPSC Social Work Lecturer Jobs Test Syllabus
The Social Work syllabus is 80% consist of Social Work subject while 20% paper consists of General Knowledge subjects. The total marks of the paper are 100 and the total time is 90 minutes.
- Social Work: 80
- General Knowledge: 20
- Mark of Each Question: 01
- Negative Mark: 0.5
- Total Marks 100
- Introduction To Social Welfare
1. Definition and Scope
2. Historical Perspective of Social Welfare in Pakistan
2. Pakistani Society
- Definition and description of the term “Society”
- Characteristics of Pakistani Society
- Comparison of Rural and Urban Communities
3. Culture
- Definition and description of the term “Culture” and its importance
- Characteristics of Pakistani Culture
- Influence of allied cultures on Pakistani Culture
- Social norms-definition and stages (i.e. folkways, more and laws)
- Socialization-definition and description and factors of socialization (i.e. Family, Neighborhood, Peer group, Religious Institute. Educational Institutions, Mass media and
4. Social Institutions
- Definition and description of “Social Institutions”
- Types of Social Institutions: Primary, Secondary
- Functions of the following:
- Family Institution – Religious Institution
- Political Institution – Economic Institution
- Educational Institution – Recreational Institution
- Importance of social
5. Social Change
- Definition and area of “Social Change”
- Process and effects of social change on Society
- Factors which promote and hinder social change
6. Social Problems of Pakistan
- Major and explanation of social problems
- General causes of social problems
- Major social problems of Pakistan (An orientation)
- Drug addition – Illiteracy
- Over population – Beggary
- Juvenile delinquency – Environment
- Crime – Violence
- Child labor
- Child abuse and neglect
- Bonded labor
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- A. Friedlander, Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, U.S.A.
- S. Livingston, Social Work in Pakistan, Lahore, West Pakistan Social welfare Council.
- Arthur C. Fink, The field of Social work, new Your, Hold, Rinehart, 6th 1974.
- Skidmore Thackeray, Introduction to Social Work, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall,
- Elizabeth A. Ferguson, Social Work, an Introduction. New York, Lippinco H.
- Ogburn Nimkoff, Hand Book of Sociology, London Rout ledge and Kegan
- Sociology and Social Change, Amanda Coffey, open University Press, Celftic Court 22 Ball moor Buckingham MK 18
- B. Horton, The Sociology of Social Problems, New York Prentice Hall.
- Abdul Hameed Taga, 1999, Sociology & Problems, Abdul Hameed & Sons, Publisher, Lahore.
- Khalid, Social Work methods and Practical, Kifayat Academy Karachi, 1995.
Paper – II
1. Nature and Philosophy of Social Work
- Definition and philosophical base of social work
- Objectives of social work practice
- Basic principles of social work
- Professional and voluntary social work
2. Islam and Social Work
- Islamic concept of social welfare and professional social
- Worth and dignity of
- Rights and responsibilities of individuals in Islamic
- Social relationship in Islam i.e. Family, Neighborhood,
3. Methods of Social Work
1. Social Casework
- Definition and description of social case work
- Elements/Components of social case work (person, problem, place, professional person and process)
- Principles of social case work
- Phases/steps in social case work
- Fields of application of social case work practice
- Role of Professional worker in case work practice
ii. Social Group work
- Definition and description of social group
- Types of social groups (primary and secondary, formal and informal groups)
- Stages of group development
- Definition of social group work and its philosophy
- Objectives of social group work
- Components of social group work (group, agency, and group worker)
- Principles of social group work
- Fields of application of group work practice
- Role of professional worker in-group work practice
iii. Community Development
- Definition and description of community
- Definition of community organization and development
- Objectives of Community Development
- Phases/steps in community development (study of monitoring and evaluation)
- Principles of community development
- Role of professional worker in community
1. Social Research
- Definition and description of social research
- Phases/steps in social research
- Tools of data collection (questionnaire, interviewing schedule, Interview guide and observation)
ii) Social Action, Policy and Administration
- Definition and description of social welfare administration
- Importance of social welfare administration in social work
iii) Social Action
- Definition and description of social action
- Importance of social action in social welfare
4. Fields/Area of Social Work
- School social work
- Medical social work
- Community development
- Child welfare
- Youth welfare
- Women welfare
- Welfare of the Physically disabled
- Welfare of the mental retarded
- Welfare of the socially dis-advantaged
- Welfare of the Juvenile Delinquents and Adult Criminals
5. Role of Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies in Socio-Economic Development
- Definition and description of social welfare agency
- Types of social welfare agencies (government, semi-government, voluntary/NGOs)
- Role of the voluntary social welfare agencies, socio-economic development
- Friendlander M. Concepts and Methods of social work, Prentice-Hall, N.W. Jersey.
- Hamilton, Gordon, Principles of Case, Recording, New York Columbian University Press.
- Perelman, Halen, Social Case Work, A Problem solving process, Chicago The University of the Chicago Press.
- Richmond, Mary, Social Diagnosis, New York, Russell Foundation
- Douglas Tom, Group Work Practice, Cambridge, Tailstock publication, 1976
- Arthur Dunham, 1958, Community Welfare Organization Principles & Techniques Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, p-14
- Arthur Dunham, 160. Community Development, p.p. 178-186 in social Work Year Book, Edited by Russell H. Kurtz, New York, national Association of Social
Social Work Test Topics
- Addiction
- Affordable Care Act
- Aging
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Conversion therapy
- Early intervention programs
- Elder abuse
- Family caregiving
- Foster care
- Gender pay gap
- Grief counseling
- Group care
- Human trafficking
- Informal economy
- Interracial adoption
- Intimate partner violence
- Juvenile justice system
- Mental illness
- Mentoring program
- Nutrition assistance programs
- People experiencing homelessness
- People with disabilities
- Resilience
- Restorative community programs
- assault; harassment
- Social justice
- Substance abuse
- Suicide
- Veterans
- Welfare reform
Eligibility of Social Work Lecturer Post:
- Master in Social Work at least 2d division.
- Female age: 21-28 years age 08 years age relaxation.
- Male age: 21-28 years age 05 years age relaxation.
- Punjab Domicile.
PPSC Syllabus For Social Work Lecturer 2025 Sample Test Pattern
PPSC Lecturer Jobs Question’s Answers
What is the Eligibility of the Job?
Master is required for the application.
What is the passing marks?
passing marks is not matter in this test as the merit base candidate will appoint for jobs.
How I find out my age for application:
Below given complete Process.
If the date of birth of a candidate is 15 August 1970 and the closing date for receipt of application in the PPSC office is 07-02-1998; the age will be calculated as under:
Closing Date: 07-02-1998
Date of Birth of Candidate: 15-08-1970
Age on the closing date: 1+23- 08-27
All Pakistani can apply for Job?
No, only Punjab Province or candidate has the domicile of Punjab is eligible for apply.
What is the procedure for the submission of Online Application?
Applicants must Click the above given “ Apply Online” link and fill the application form which shows on the screen.
Does a candidate need to submit hard copies of documents in addition to applying online?
No, the candidate could not need to send a hard copy to the PPSC office. On the other hand, a hard copy is not allowed to send as only an online application is accepted.
What qualification is required in PPSC Lecturer BS-17 Post?
Master’s Degree At least 2nd division in a relevant subject.
How is PPSC merit calculated?
PPSC conducts paper of total 100 marks. The passing score is 40. 50% of marks are calculated in the final merit of PPSC.
What is negative marking in PPSC?
The Paper type is MCQs in PPSC and 1 mark will be given on each correct answer. In case of the wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted.
How age relaxation is given in case of upper age limit?
05 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for Male and 08 years general age relaxation in upper age limit for female.
Guideline Social Work Lecturer PPSC
- Candidates who are interested and want to apply they must read the guideline carefully.
- To apply for the PPSC Lecturer Jobs aspirants must fulfill the required eligibility criteria.
- After meeting the eligibility individuals open the PPSC online portal through this site.
- First, you open the PPSC official website and click the Apply Online button.
- A new page will appear on the screen. You can select the desired job in this form.
- The application form will open on the screen you just fill the application form correctly and click the fill the application form.
- On the next page, you have to upload the photograph and CNIC front and Back image.
- The photographs must be the size of 25KB. Otherwite it will not be accepted.
- Attach you complete documents required in the application and click the Apply Online button.
- Open the PPSC website and scroll down until you find the challan form.
- Download the challan form and take print of it.
- Fill the challan form and submit it to the designated bank.
- Bank Draft or Pay Order or Cheque or any such instrument will not be accepted as fee by the Commission.
- After submitting the challan fee you will get the Original Receipt which will be submitted at the time of interview/viva voce.
- Medical Fitness Certificate issued by the Medical Superintendent District Head Quarters Hospital or Services Hospital is required.
Interview Questions PPSC Social Work Lecturer
Q: Tell me about yourself?
Q: Are you applying for other jobs?
Q: What experience do you have in this field?
Q: How would your friends and family describe you as a person?
Q: Why did you leave your last job?
Q: Tell me about your weaknesses?
Q: Why do you want to work for this organization?
Q: What do you know about this organization?
Q: What have you done to improve yourself in the last year?
Q: What kind of supervision brings out the best in you?
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Very nice ,but sir you should be announce 1 more vacancies for minority mostly for Christians, because in open merit is so higher,,vacancies are short but candidates are amount less ,so it is my Humble request you should be think about this matter, thank you and God bless you all.