NTS Ayub Teaching Hospital Nursing Assistant Training 2025 Test Results Merit List

The Applications are invited from eligible and competent candidates on the prescribed form in Ayub Medical Teaching Institution, Abbottabad for the following positions Charge Nurse. All Most 100 positions are vacant for the Charge Nurse in Ayub Medical Teaching Institution, Abbottabad if you are interested and fulfilling the criteria then you must apply for these jobs because it’s a great opportunity to make a career bright For these vacancies required qualifications are following. Ayub Teaching Hospital Nursing Assistant Training 2025 Apply Online.

Registered “A” Grade Nurse and one-year Diploma in Midwifery. or Registered Male Nurses desirous of appointment will need 03 years training in General Nursing and a one-year Diploma in any specialty or BSCN Generic (04 years). These Jobs are both male/female candidates.

This page contains answers to the Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Results in 7th November 2025 answer keys. Medical Teaching Institute Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad has published job openings for the post of a nurse in charge. The concerned authorities have contracted to the National Testing Service (NTS) to conduct the test for entry. Prepare the Ayub Teaching Hospital NTS Test Preparation Online MCQs Wise.

The test was conducted on November 7, 2025, on a Saturday. On this page, we will inform you when the results will be announced and how to access them online via this site. Officials haven’t announced a final deadline for the publication of test results however once the test results are announced, they will be posted on this page.

Ayub Teaching Hospital NTS Nursing Result 2025

NTS Results for 2025 can be found on the site Parho Pakistani When you take any test, the main thing that the candidate should be waiting for is the results date. This is because it is the first and most important step for any candidate to complete the advanced procedure to gain the job.

Nursing Assistant Training ATH NTS Merit List

NTS results are of equal importance and significance for applicants as any other outcome. NTS refers to National Testing Service. National Testing Service is a national institution that was established in 2006 to administer the NTS test for various objectives. Check the Ayub Medical Colege Abbottabad AMCA Merit List 2025.

NTS Pakistan is an official body that conducts a variety of tests that assess the capabilities and abilities of the students. National aptitude tests are administered under the direction of the nation’s testing systems. The National Testing Organization has been in operation since 2002. Within this brief period duration, National Testing Service has earned its name as being a trustworthy effective, precise, and reliable institution in the field of education.

Ayub Medical College 1st Merit List

After a long wait, the time has come to announce the first merit list for Ayub Medical College so few days remain before the person selected will become an entry into this institution. Therefore, the next few weeks are extremely important for the candidates who submitted applications for admission.

Ayub Medical College 2nd Merit List

Ayub Medical College will declare the 2nd merit list at the mid-month of the month. When they announce the second merit list, we’ll post it on this page. Candidates who did not be listed in the first merit list can now check their name in the 2nd merit list.

This section includes Sample Papers, distributed by the National Testing Service (NTS) for exams that are standardized, such as university entrance tests, and recruitment tests for job openings as well as tests that are conducted for scholarship applications. The test papers for admissions generally contain English (Verbal) as well as Mathematics (Quantitative) Analytical, as well as Subject-related questions, which are based upon the exam syllabus as well as the content weightages sent to applicants by NTS for the test. The majority of the sample papers comprise multiple-choice types of questions (MCQs). The actual format is based on the content weightages and syllabus that are released from NTS before the examination via their website.

Check NTS Result and Merit List Online

ATH ATD NTS Test Answer Keys

All applicants are informed about the release of the ATH NTS test answers for ATD. If the test was held on Saturday, 7 November, the answer key will be announced on the following day. The following day is Sunday, which means it could be released in the evening on the same day, or it will be released on the 9th of November, Monday. The moment it’s announced, it’ll be made available on this website. Keep checking back to find out more.

NTS tests are conducted in an honest and transparent manner that ensures all tests are conducted in a way that is based on merit. These NTS tests are valid for one calendar year. Candidates who want to enroll in applying to the HEC accredited universities and colleges are required to take the test. The test is also conducted to determine the eligibility of applicants and to be eligible for merit-based scholarships. The test is held every month. However, students must be registered by the end of the month in order to receive the forms on the date of submission. Forms received after the deadline date are not considered by NTS or else the student has to wait for a month to take the annual exam.

NTS Ayub Teaching Hospital Nursing Assistant Training 2025 Test Result Merit List Download

Ayub Teaching Hospital Nursing Assistant Training 2025 NTS Apply Online Roll No Slips

The jobs department of Ayub Medical Teaching Institution, Abbottabad has assigned the nts to conduct the test written/screen from the candidates who applied for these jobs. So we advise Candidates that it is necessary to apply for nts test, So you must download nts test application form and deposit slips from this page because we updated them. First of all download both the deposit slip and application form and then read the criteria and requirements then fill the form and deposit slip carefully because the information that corrects written, If your information will be written wrong then the department has the right to take legal action against the candidate.

Then you must pay the fee of deposit slip in the bank in the favor of its test department. Send the Application and Deposit slip both along with attested copies of academic certificates/degrees, transcript, photograph, and copy of CNIC to the NTS Head Quarter Islamabad. Govt. servant / autonomous body’s employees may apply through proper channel. The last date for submission of deposit receipt and application.

Download Ayub Teaching Hospital Roll No Slip

Roll Number Slips will be sent to the candidate’s residential address that was provided in the application form. NTS Test dates will be updated very soon on this page on the same night of test commencement answer key will be displayed. and results will be declared within a week after the test commencement date. Download NTS Roll No Slip.

How to apply for Nursing Traning

  1. Application forms and online deposit slips are available on the NUTS website www.nts.org.pk.
  2. The candidate must deposit a test fee of Rs. 460/= through prescribed fee slip available on the NTS website.
  3. Candidates are required to send their applications on the prescribed form along with deposit slip, attested copies of academic certificates/degrees, transcript, photograph, and copy of CNIC to the NTS Head Quarter Islamabad. Govt. servant / autonomous body’s employees may apply through proper channel.
  4. The age limit will be strictly observed, (relaxation as per Govt. policy is already granted).
  5. Application submitted in person / by hand will not be entertained.

How to Check ATH Abbottabad Nursing Test Result?

  • The first method of checking the result of the written test is through roll number. Another method is to check the test result online. This is by using the ID card number.
  • Note down your ID card number and then enter your mobile number the last 7 digits of which are your password. Next, you must select your email address. Then click the search button.
  • It is necessary to input your mobile number’s the last 7 digits of your number as your password.
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Malik Tahir

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