PMC Faisalabad Entry Test 2025 MDCAT Schedule Results Merit List

The Punjab Medical Commission office was established in the year 1973. It is located in Faisalabad, Pakistan on Sargodha road. Teaching hospitals affiliated with the college are Allied Hospital and District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) Hospital. The principal of PMC is Dr. Zahid Yaseen Hashmi who is Head of Medical Unit 1. The first group of graduates with M.B.B.S degrees finished in 1978. Here you will learn the details of admission, admission dates, last date, and all the important dates of the PMS Faisalabad Entry Test 2025. We should provide you with a guideline on how to apply online and helps you to achieve your goal. The following dates are expected dates. The sure dates will be announced soon. After the announcement, candidates can access the PMC  Entry Test 2025 merit list on Gotest. pk. Candidates have to appear in the PMC Faisalabad Entry test 2025 this season and apply for the MBBS, BDS merit list, and PMC private MDCAT Colleges merit list 2025. You can find it here. The PMC mdcat test in Faisalabad is going to start on 14-09-2025 and will end on 03-10-2022.

Pattern PMC Faisalabad Entry Test

PMC is recognized by the General Medical Council (GMC) and is listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED). College offers a five years undergraduate program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). Medical College is the public sector Medical College in which UHS conducts the Entry Test. All the admission rules are the same as the University of Health Sciences. Check The PMC MDCAT Merit List 2025.

PMC Faisalabad Entry Test Result 2025

The Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad had offered admission in its various degree programs earlier this year. To become eligible for admission in their desired program, the interested individuals were required to pass a written test called Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The test was held under the supervision of the University of Health Sciences (UHS) which has announced the exam result within the next few days of its conduction as always. So all the candidates who had appeared in the PMC Faisalabad entry test 2025, can check its answer key and result through this page. Along with this, we have also provided the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd merit lists of PMC Faisalabad admission 2025 online below.

PMC Faisalabad Entry Test Schedule 2025

For some reason, the MDCATtest has been postponed from 7th September 2025 to 30th September 2025. Now the mdcat test is rescheduled. So according to rescheduling, the mdcat test will start from 14th September 2025 to 03 October 2025. The new schedule is uploaded on the official website.

PMC Faisalabad Entry Test 2025 Test Syllabus PMC Faisalabad


  • Physics – (44 MCQs)
  • Chemistry – (58 MCQs)
  • English (General) – (30 MCQs)
  • Biology – (88 MCQs)

Address: Punjab Medical College

  • Address: Sargodha road, Faisalabad Punjab Medical College
  • Phone: (041)9210080

[Click Here for Punjab Medical College MDCAT Test Preparations]

Answer Key PMC Faisalabad Entry Test

The Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad was established in 1973 and after showing outstanding performance for so many years, the college now has become one of the most well-reputed medical education institutes in the country at the moment. The college was built with an aim of providing modern-day medical education facilities to the students of Pakistan’s third largest city and by continuous efforts, PMC Faisalabad has achieved this goal with efficiency and effectiveness. Just like all major medical institutions, PMC is also affiliated with the University of Health Sciences and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council as well as recognized by the General Medical Council (GMC).

PMC Faisalabad Entry Test Merit List

As it is one of the leading medical colleges in Pakistan, there is no surprise in the fact that thousands of applications are received each time PMC Faisalabad offers admission to any degree program. Due to the availability of limited seats, the college has imposed the condition of passing a written test on all applicants in order to become eligible for admission. The responsibility of conducting the test is given to the University of Health Sciences (UHS) in order to ensure fairness and transparency in the selection procedure.

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) for PMC Faisalabad admissions 2025 has been successfully conducted but its result is yet to be announced. So keep visiting us on regular basis as just like always, first the answer key and then the complete result of the written entrance test will be released both of which will be provided here.

Along with this, once the selection procedure will be completed, the Punjab Medical College will display the final merit lists containing the names of candidates selected for admission which will also be available on this page immediately after their announcement by the official authority.

Punjab Medical College PMC Faisalabad Entry Test 2025 MDCAT Schedule Results Merit List

PMC Faisalabad Entry Test 2025 Registration FormsPMC Faisalabad Entrance Test 2025

  1. UHS shall conduct the entrance test, on behalf of the government of Punjab, for admissions to MBBS/BDS programs in August-September 2025. The test shall start at 9.00 sharp. It will be simultaneously arranged in the following cities; Bahawalpur, Multan, Rahimyar Khan, D.G, Khan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Rawalpindi, and Hassan Abdal.
  2. As per the regulations of the Pakistan medical and dental council (PMDC). It is mandatory for a candidate desirous of admission to any public or private medical/dental college of the province, to appear in the said test.
  3. The candidates having domicile of any district of Punjab, Federal Capital Area (Islamabad), Gilgit-Baltistan and Dual national Pakistanis/Foreign National can appear in the test.
  4. Required qualification for the appearance in the test is Intermediate Science (HSSC/FSc) Pre-Medical Group or equivalent examination with at least 60% (660/1100) unadjusted marks. However, those awaiting results can appear in the test on the provision of a ‘Hope Certificate’ issued by the Head of their institution.
  5. The test shall consist of a single question paper containing 220 multiple choice questions of total 1100 marks, divided into four sections:

The duration of the test shall be 150 minutes (2.5 hours). There shall be negative markings in the test. For each correct answer five (05) marks will be awarded whereas one (01) mark shall be deducted from the total score on each wrong answer. The answers are to be marked on special Response Forms with a blue ballpoint pen only.

  1. The entrance test kit containing the Information Booklet, Application Form, and Admittance cards will be available as per the given schedule at UHS Lahore and all public sector medical colleges of Punjab, on the payment of Rs.500/-in cash.
  2. The candidates will have to submit the duly filled application forms by hand along with all required documents as given in the information booklet, at the same center from where he/she received the kit as per the given schedule.
  3. The candidates will collect their admittance cards from the same center on the specified date.

Admission process for the conduct of entrance test MCAT 2025

  1. After the declaration of the official result of the Entrance Test, the admission process for public sector medical and dental colleges will start.
  2. All those candidates having domicile of Punjab or the federal capital Area (Islamabad) who will score 80 percent or above aggregate marks (excluding Hifz-e-Quran marks) as per PMDC Formula, shall be eligible to apply for admission on Open Merit basis in the Public Sector Medical /Dental Colleges of Punjab.
  3. As per PMDC Regulation, the aggregate marks will be calculated by adding the marks of a candidate as follows:
  • Matriculation or Equivalent — 10%
  • HSSC /FSc or Equivalent — 40%
  • UHS Entrance Test 2025 – 50%
  1. The Admission Kit, containing Prospectus and Admission Form will be available, free of cost, at UHS Lahore, Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, and Nishtar Medical College Multan, as per the given Schedule. The candidates will have to provide attested copies of their SSC, FSc, and Entrance Test result cards and domicile certificate to get the Admission Kit.
  2. A duly filled Admission Form, complete in all respect, can be submitted, only by hand, at the same center from where the Admission Kit was received as per the given schedule.
  3. The candidate will give their preference for medical and Dental Colleges in one single Admission Form which once given shall be final and cannot be changed subsequently. An applicant shall not be considered for a college he/she has not named in his/her order of preference. One candidate can only submit one form. There is no need to submit separate forms for MBBS and BDS.

Registration procedure guide for MBBS/BDS admissions 2025

  • After the declaration of the official result of the entrance test, the admission process for public sector medical and dental colleges will start in 2025.
  • All those candidates having domicile of Punjab or Islamabad who will score 80% or above aggregate marks as per the PMDC formula shall be eligible to apply for admission on open merit basis in public sector medical and dental colleges of Punjab.
  • The aggregate marks will be calculated as follows: matric – 10%, FSc – 40%, and UHS Entry test – 50%.
  • The Admission Kit, containing Prospectus and Admission Form will be available, free of cost, at UHS Lahore, Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, and Nishtar Medical College Multan, as per the given Schedule. The candidates will have to provide attested copies of their SSC, FSc, and Entrance Test result cards and domicile certificate to get the Admission Kit.
  • Candidates must attach the necessary attested documents and photographs with the admission form.
  • Candidates must fill out the duly filled application form within the given time.

MDCAT Step by Step User Guide for Schedule

  1. You will see a schedule button on your dashboard after successfully logging in. Click the schedule button to continue.
  2. After clicking it, you will see your schedule in information based on 1st come 1st serve according to your payment.
  3. To schedule your exam, choose a city and then choose the exam center. You will see the days on the calendar on which the exam is conducted.
  4. Click any date to see availability. Once you click any date, you will see the session on the right side of the screen with the available seats. If there is no availability of seats for the session you cannot select it.
  5. Seats are available on seats at the session, just click the session and confirm your schedule. You can change your schedule as many times as you want. If you will not see your pre-scheduling information you can still schedule yourself based on availability. Click to confirm your desired schedule.
  6. Click Yess to confirm and continue.


Who will conduct MDCAT 2025?

The NMDCAT is conducted by PMC approximately three to four-month after the FSc is complete. Online MDCAT 2025 will be available from 30 August to 30 September.

When will the PMC MDCAT Faisalabad start?

The PMC MDCAT Faisalabad will start from 14-09-2025 to 03-10-2022.

How many times can we repeat MDCAT?

The MDCAT can take to three times per year.

Is there any age limit for MDCAT?

Minimum academic requirements for MDCAT applicants are 70% marks in the intermediate (FSC premedical) exam (770/1000). The minimum age requirement for MDCAT applicants is 16 years.

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Malik Tahir

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