What Do You Know About Our Company Interview Question with best Answer

Important Question Answer for Interviews Preparation

What Do You Know About Us?

Now this question may not seem to be a much important as compared to the other ones but the reality is that the answer to this question means a lot. When an employer asks you about themselves and you don’t know much about them, this give an impression to the interviewer that you aren’t actually interested in the available job. So make sure that you have an appropriate amount of knowledge about the organization in order to provide a satisfactory answer.

Key Points to keep in mind while answering this question:

  • Appropriate research about the organization is required
  • Talk about company profile (Size, Locations, Competitors etc.)
  • Also include people reviews of company’s products and services.

Important Interview Question Answer

Your Best Answer to Interview Question What do You know about Us ?

[box type=”note” align=”alignleft” class=”” width=”100%”]Interview Answer 1: Provide the reference of a person who is or has worked in the company and gave you a suggestion to join it.

Interview Answer 2: Simply tell them that you heard about the job opportunity from someone and applied for it without any research.

Interview Answer 3: Describe the company’s whole “About Us” information in front of the interviewer.

Best Answer: Search about the company and make notes of key points like clients, competitors and products.[/box]

what do you know about our company Interview Question with best Answer

Suggestions for answering this question by various experts:

Ishfaq Shahid:

Preparing for this question is quite important and easy at the same time. With the use of internet, any person can access the basic information about any organization with ease. If not much, at least do review the ‘About Us’ section of the company’s website to get a general idea.

Shoaib Hafeez:

Answering this question in an appropriate manner will require you to complete three steps. The first is to learn about the company by searching for information about different things related to it such as the competitors, clients, products or services, vision and mission etc. The second stage is to make notes about the important information and the last step is to practice answering the question.

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Maan Ali

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